My interpretation of a stalfos. I always thought the stalfos was a sweet baddie. I like to think of a stalfos as more of a spirit or demon, that posesses the bones and courpses of the dead. Because the stafols would require the bones, limbs and weapons only for battle, It could assemble itesf from a variety of things, in a variety of shapes (someimes even adding extra limbs if need be). The only way to kill it would be to cut off its head and smash the skull, where the spirit resides in the body. Merely taking a limb off, while effective, would not keep the stalfos off for long, for it could regenerate itself with the same bones, or different bones altogether. This pic originally had three arms, to show of its abilities, but I felt it looked to corny in the pose he was in, so I lopped it off for now.
Zora Weapons.jpg
Goron Armor.jpg
Goron weapons.jpg