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clrnavicomic.jpgLink and Navi455 viewsWell, I think there has been a lot of negative vibes flowing around here lately, and I think we need to lighten up a little. So, I thought I would try my first little comic. I am not sure if this idea has been used already, if it has, sorry, I didnt remember. I thought of this cause Fyrborn commented once that he would like to put Navi in a bottle and throw her out to sea. It reminds me of what little kids to to bugs when they catch em. haha Hope it makes you laugh! (pencil sketch, prismacolors)14 commentsGirlink
linkridepona.jpgLink and Epona273 viewsfreehand color pencil6 commentsGirlink
linkbigdragon0001.jpgLink and Dragon(color)349 views...too much coloring, fingers hurting.....:)
( freehand pencil sketch, colored with prismacolors)
14 commentsGirlink
clrlinkdragon0001.jpgLink and Dragon296 viewsfreehand color pencil, dead dragon,of course!6 commentsGirlink
linkhldswd0001.jpgLink246 viewsFreehand color pencil4 commentsGirlink
Linkframefinal.jpgLink219 viewsWell, here is the man of the hour. Im still practicing with photoshop, but this one actually took my about as long to do the pencil sketch as it did to color it in photoshop. I know its not absolutely symmetrical, I tried..:) By the end, my hands were hurting pretty bad, so this is it guys! Hope you like it!! I used the hylian symbol from the shield, and tried to copy some of the sheikah symbols from Zeldas shroud in the new TP official art. The sketch of Link was a quick one I did in June, found it today in an old spiral notebook. Go figure!5 commentsGirlink
linkportraitcolor0002.jpgLink267 viewsfreehand color pencil6 commentsGirlink
Linkpencil0002.jpgLink316 viewsPencil sketch..oops, just noticed I forgot his earrings...9 commentsGirlink
legendofzfinal.jpgLegend of Zelda331 viewsI realize these creatures are not exactly from the game, but in my defense, I saw some flying monsters in the new trailer...:)
freehand color pencil
5 commentsGirlink
hyruletreedragon0001.jpgHyrule Tree Dragon396 viewshey I always thought it would be cool if in Hyrule field, when Link rolls into a tree, that sometimes an enemy would fall out, not just bombs and skulltallas and rupees... maybe if you defeated it,you would get a purple rupee or somethin..anyhoo, this is what I imagine might be hanging out up there with all the goodies in those trees... (pencil, prismacolors)12 commentsGirlink
linkzelda0003.jpgHold Me...349 viewsYeah, even the hero needs a little compassion and touch once in awhile..haha..actually I have been really practicing alot on getting my pics more simple and line-like, creating new characters for my own story...when I practice, I still like to do Link and Zelda sometimes..enjoy! Pencil sketch.....6 commentsGirlink
turkeyday0001.jpgHappy Turkey Day!347 viewsWell, Thanksgiving is coming up quick, and I will be way too busy to do stuff like this next week, so here is a little holiday piece for ya! I know the proportions are wacked, and Ganondorf isnt quite right, so please dont harass me about it, just enjoy the little joke!! :) Guess there isnt enough turkey to go around...haha10 commentsGirlink
happynewyear0001.jpgHappy New Year!296 viewsYeah, I cheesed out, and did this in 5 min with a sharpie marker and photoshop fills..well, thats not the point. I hope you all have a good new year and please spread the love, not the hate, and all that...I wanted to write something profound but I am tired and cant think of shi*t, so just love yourselves and each other, make this year better, we can. Have a great 2006!!!!!!!!3 commentsGirlink
happyhalloweenclr.jpgHappy Halloween!505 viewsHee hee, thought Id draw up a holiday sketch, so here ya go! Looks like Zelda picked out Link's costume, (yes that's him in the pink) he doesn't look too sure about it..haha Nothin like a little cross-dressing to get you in the mood for Halloween!! :)15 commentsGirlink
birthdaylinkweb.jpgHappy Birthday Amy-san!410 viewsHere is a little present for Amy122...(I wrapped it myself...*grin*) haha Happy Birthday!!! Hope you are having a good one! (pencil sketch, ink, photoshop)
8 commentsGirlink
bikini zelda-web.jpg
bikini zelda-web.jpgHappy 4th!404 viewsFor all of you who are BBQing this weekend, here is a little 4th of July cheer from the land of Hyrule!12 commentsGirlink
LinkMalonKiss.jpgGit 'er Cowboy!494 viewsHmmm, I wonder if Zelda's psychic connection to Link saw this coming...:) Yeah, that's Link and Malon about to share an intimate kiss...I felt so bad about the last pic where Zelda disses Link, that I had to give him a little retribution...haha Zelda doesnt look too happy....:) Pencil sketch, photoshop....11 commentsGirlink
ganonsunlight.jpgGanondorf365 viewsI kind of always imagined that at the end of OOT, when you run up those final stairs in the castle, that the battle will take place with sunlight streaming in through all those windows..Well, actually, Im just trying to distract you all from the fact that this is my VERY FIRST attempt at Photoshop (I havent even watched the tutorial yet)... so be kind, Im still learning....:) Man it is tough...6 commentsGirlink
GanonvsLink0003.jpgGanon VS Link, the final Smackdown298 viewsWell, I am playing TOOT right now, and I got to Big Ugly last night, (he killed me), but I will kill him tonight....That rainbow tail is cool, I would like to do this in color with a background....tooo tired.....Freehand pencil sketch...9 commentsGirlink
fyrborn0001.jpgFyrborn345 viewsHey here is that dragon I did for Fyrborn, I will add his name to it when I get better at photoshop...sorry!!! Pencil sketch, prismacolor pencils....14 commentsGirlink
ForestSage0001.jpgForest Sage358 viewsfreehand color pencil17 commentsGirlink
clrfairyheal0001.jpgFairy heals Link368 viewsfreehand color pencil11 commentsGirlink
dancelinkclr0001.jpgFairy Dance428 viewsOH man, it took all day, but here it is in color!!!! (prismacolors) Hope ya like it!!!14 commentsGirlink
dodongo0001.jpgDodongo236 viewsok, ok I know I draw alot of pics of Zelda and Link, but the creatures in the game really fascinate me too. I just ran across this, its way old, I think its felt pen and color pencil, started as a pencil sketch, I went a little nuts with the coloring....9 commentsGirlink
81 files on 4 page(s) 3