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Link Slice.png
Link Slice.pngLink Slice225 viewsHere's my sketch of Link. I inked him, then I had to do some major editing on paint. I didn't edit his hair and eyes because it would probable mess him up. I also didn't edit the inside of the shield because I like the effect it gave.2 commentsbounty hunter
Link vs Ganon.jpg
Link vs Ganon.jpgLinkVSGanon260 viewsThis I took alot of time on to get his skin to look almost like a stone smoke color and,. since his head looked kind of demonic,..and he's basicaly all dark and black I thought I'd give a sweet demon colored head..and the swords,..heh thats a secret..Another tribute to GL's defeat of Ganon,..and Toot HOORAAYY!!
5 commentsFyrborn
Link with Boss key copy.jpg
Link with Boss key copy.jpglink with boss key167 viewsits link and hes about to kick some ass of some monster in some castle somewhere thats alot of somes but seriously he looks ready to kick some ass.Unttin7
Link with Epona #1.jpg
Link with Epona #1.jpgLink with Epona478 viewsI got this from the manga cuz it looked real nice, ya i have a habit of enlarging a picture twice as large when i draw it13 commentsAtEteMiAGaRe
Link WP by lesley.jpg
Link WP by lesley.jpgLink wallpaper by my friend Lesley320 viewsA wallpaper made, so she says, by my friend, Lesley. 3 commentsKlapaucius
Link Zelda and saria.jpg
Link Zelda and saria.jpgLink Zelda and Saria247 viewsGroup portraitUnttin7
Link&kitty1.JPGLink&Kitty372 viewsFinally, after a lot of time I've could end it ^_^5 commentsLiz-chan
Link&lightning.jpgLink and Random Ligntning that doesn't look like lightning...... *bother*581 viewsOnce again! this was magalink's pic, and i added bg..... well its a cool pic, so i edited it, i felt like being random with the paintbrush, so i made random lines. once i was done making random lines, i thought it looked cool, but then i realized "If only i could change the color without really doing anything". well i knew how to do it, but once again laziness prevails14 commentsdude_thats_evil
Link&Me.JPGLink & Me165 viewsI'll explain why it sucks.

1. I had a short pencil with an eraser that barely erased.

2. This was my first time drawing full bodies of a person (or people, in this case) and the position was quite difficult.

3. I don't have a scanner, so I had to take a picture of it with my digital camera.

Anyways... back off girls. Link's MINE.
5 commentsAddie
Link(Low).jpgGateway to the Sages331 viewsLink arrives at the Temple of Light...

Please check out for a teaser video for this project and let me know what you think ;)
3 commentsColoniser
link-and-kafei-coloured-ver.jpgLink and Kafei looking for the mask of the sun (coloured version)530 views5 commentsLinkgirl
link-guitar.jpgGuitar Link304 viewsI guess this is how a modern Link would look. He seems to me to be a very musical person XD3 commentsKeaton the Yellow Fox
link-leaning.jpgLink163 viewsA rough sketch of Link leaning against a brick wall, contemplating his destiny, or maybe thinking about suicide, lol. Just Kidding. It's okay, there's a few minor mistakes, but overall I'm proud of it.1 commentsTwilight_Zelda
Link-ouch2.JPGLink- battered185 viewsJust a quick sketch I did past midnight... I know his right ear is bigger than his left, but hey! I tried! Could be worse...
Can you feel his pain?
4 commentsdestined_hylian
link-sketchy1.jpglink- soft sketchy157 viewsyea, sketched this a while ago and coloured on photoshop! ^-^ Just a quick doodle really.2 commentswings0fhope
link-skiss.jpgLink-sketch293 views10 commentsedind
link-twilightprincess.gif"Twilight Princess" Link730 viewsMy first attempt at Zelda fanart, this is a pencil drawing based on official artwork for Twilight Princess. 4 commentsjeffsilvers
link.gifZelda Randomness255 viewsLink get K.O. by a boot and ends up in bed and a bomb appear. Because of the unluncky master sword. A comic a made.2 commentslinkwolf48
Link.jpgThe New Face of Courage261 viewsAlright, while there's only been a short trailer for this (that I know of) the upcoming Game Cube Zelda Link just looked so cool that I couldn't help but try my hand at him. I know it could use some more detail, but at least is was fun to draw.4 commentsBlackHawkA100
link.JPGWho were you expecting? Legolas?418 viewsIts Link, in horrible .jpg compression! I shoulda saved it as a .gif, but I didn't. Marvel at my awful CGing skeelz! Pose stolen from SSBM. Thank you Snapshot Mode. Many things wrong, though. His legs are funny and the skirty part of his tunic, and much mooore.5 commentsChibi-Kokiri
link.jpgHero of Time1934 viewsI posted this one too last time, but I erased the Triforce on this one. Yeah, I know I'm a bit messy with pencil, but oh well.

I really need to start drawing again, and get some new stuff up here.
24 commentsGanondorf
link.jpgThe hero of time387 viewsThe heroic adult-Link! Here I imagine him being around 20 years old.9 commentsedind
Link.jpgLink550 viewsWell, here it is, my design of Link. Im not sure which game this link could fit into, so lets just say he is my own link, from my own game, that I designed, and ill never release. So there. With that said, here are some things id like to share about the design:

Well, first of all, There is the overall look. Hes adult, mature, and definitely made to kick some moblin butt. Some major things added would be the steel armor on the shins, gauntlets, and chest plate and shoulder gaurds. The chainmail makes up for the lack of true armor, and keeps him flexible. Also you can see little pouches here and there at his belt, and even some slash and stratches on his tunic, one of which has been quickly repaired.

Here are some things I would like to point out in detail. First of all, his sword, which is a original design. I don’t have much reason as to why I drew it the way I did, it just kind of came out of my pencil. The same goes with the sheath. As you can see, I made sure they would fit into each other nicely.

Next would be his pack and bomb bag. I always thought since link is a great traveler, and has so much stuff, he would need a pack. So I gave him one. In it he would keep the things that he doesn’t need at the ready all the time, such as potions, jars, cloths, and various other items. The bomb bag is much different then the one seen in the games, and has its inspiration from a mail pouch. Easily accessible, but always at the ready. See my goron weapons design for more on the bombs.

The bow and arrow. Nothing so special here, just put a lot of detail into this stuff to make it unique.

And finally the hookshot. I spent a long time designing this. First of all, its strapped to links gaunlent, which was just a idea that I liked. Now here is how it works. Link points the hookshot at the intended target then presses the inner button on the handle. It releases the spring, which shoots the hook. As the hook hits the target and goes into it, the sensitive tip triggers the hooks that come out from the side of the main blade. They keep the hookshot in place. Then link pulls on the other lever on the handle, which triggers a spring on the opposite side, pulling him closer to the extended blade. When he reaches his destination, he simply slides the button on the side of the blade stem that disables the extra hooks, retrieves the blade, and there ya go.

Well that’s it. I love comments, so tell me what you think and what changes or additions can be made. Thanks…
10 commentsBraxis
link.jpglink poses254 viewsi hope thats how you spell poses?!?! lol oh well this started out as a dieing of bordem sketch but turned out nice lol4 commentslilredfox14
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