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Home > Fan Art Gallery > linkwolf48 > Linkcofied

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link_sketch.jpglink sketch171 viewsa quick sketch of Link..... wow I've improved... Yea. Soon I shall ink and CG this one! Mwahahaha! Wheeeee!1 commentswings0fhope
link_spikes_ouch.jpgOuch- Link got impaled329 viewsI drew this pic cause I think it's kinda funny that the main characters in games get beaten up, but it never seems to have any effect. Dant'es there 'cause he gets run through about a million times each DMC game, so he knows what it's like for Link. =P
And I hate it when there's traps and stuff in games, and you fall into them- it's so annoying. >.<
3 commentsaquawolf
Link_Study.gifLink Character Study124 viewsJust testing out possible design styles for Link, considering he's had plenty. I like the idea of an ultra-aggressive Link character. It sure suits how I play the games (attack anything that moves).Psytronic
link_sword4.jpgOekaki - Link1707 viewsAn oekaki I did with paint a while ago.4 commentsFirefly
Link_The_Business_Man_-_Sm.JPGLink The Business Man224 viewsThis was based off a pen sketch i drew like 3 years ago or so when i was 13 or younger prolly. Anyway, that one sucked but i loved the concept of it so i did a redraw.
And BTW the signature says WolvesKin cuz that's my deviantart account, not cuz i stole it from someone and was stupid enough to leave their signature, XD lol.
Anyway, hope ya like it.
Link_the_hedgehog.jpgLink the hedgehog220 viewsThis is what I think Link would look like if he was "Sonic-ified." I'm a big fan of the blue blur and that's what inspired me.

You'll notice I didn't use colored pencils. This artwork was colored in via watercolor
3 commentsNiko the ninja
Link_TMOD_by_Yuese.pngLink 196 viewsHe is cute with is doudou Rabbit, isn't he ? XD
Link from "The Legend Of Zelda : The Mushrooms Of Darkness ", my comics ^^
8 commentsangel of light
link_triforce_da.jpgTriforce Link142 viewsIt's the first in a series of triforce pictures.Rath
link_v_aquamentus.jpgLink Vs. Aquamentus1329 viewsLink fighting the first boss of the series he encounters, the dragon Aquamentas. Pencil and Photoshop.13 commentsShady Gambino
Link_Walking_by_Red_Fan.pngLink Walking110 viewsDrew this when I got bored one day. I was trying out a new style at the time.Red_Fan
Link_with_Fish_by_Red_Fan.jpgLink With Fish170 viewsLink with a fish! OuO

Quite old, so I have improved since drawing this, hopefully better...
4 commentsRed_Fan
Link_with_Fish_Uncolored_by_Red_Fan.jpgLink With Fish Uncolored105 viewsThe uncolored version of Link With FishRed_Fan
link_y.JPGLink Y.281 viewsThis is Link Y. Link isn't his real name, but his real name is so long it's scary. He's not evil like Llednar or Fado (yes, he's evil in my fic), but he's really mean, and he insults people all the time (except for his friends and his girlfriend, Alesha)

Link Y. is an Erklon, a race usually found in Heirinne, a country close to Hyrule. Erklons usually look like Hylians, except when they're born with one eye being blue and the other eye being light brown.
3 commentsvaati_girl
Link_yay!.JPGLink_YAY233 viewsThis is a handwritten picture I drew straight from the Ocarina of Time Manga. Link_Rulez
link_zelda_epona.PNGLink and Zelda's Stand.6418 viewsZelda and Link riding on top of Epona at the end battle against Ganondorf In Twilight Princess.

-Pen and Photoshop CS2.

This was originally uploaded on my DeviantArt.
4 commentssonicholas
Link__s_awakening.jpgLink's awakening700 viewssorta a Marin transforming into Link's reality Princess Zelda....

I always thought Marin was PZ from alttp
7 commentscrazyfreak
Link__s_Awakening_by_Yuese.pngLink's Awakening219 views... ... ... ... ...
I am The Wind Fish ...
Long has been my slumber ...
In my dreams ...
An egg appeard and was surround by an island, with people, animals, an entire world !
... ... ... ... ...
But, verily, it be the nature of dreams to end !
When I dost awaken, Koholint will be gone ...
Only the memory of this dream land will exist in the waking world ...
Someday, thou may recall this island ...
That memory must be the real dream world ...
... ... ... ...
Come, Link ...
Let us awaken ...
Play the eight instruments !
Play the song of awakening !!

(PS it's not my music all credit use to Reila123)

I love Link's Awakening !!!
11 commentsangel of light
Link__s_got_the_magic_stick_by_Genaminna03.jpgLink's got the magic stick621 views Well, this is my renditon of Link if he was the 'normal teenage guy player', lol. ^_^;
Yes, these are thoughts that go through my mind while I play Ocarnia of Time, though... I can't really say what the 'normal teenage guy player' would truley say seeing that I'm no where near normal and am DEFINATELY not a guy! lmao
... I have a weird sense of humor, lol. XD
Yes, in the second to the last panel, that's Link checking out his... *ahem* OTHER 'new equipment', lol XD & on that note, what the 'side quest' is, is totally up to you! ^__~
.......Well... what do you *think* a newly aged 17-year old would think about?? O_o;;;;
XDXD 'Saving the world??' Pssshhh! XD Zelda's too hard to get =P lol (I'm so just kidding, lol) XD anyway, I hope you like it!
10 commentsgenaminna03
Link__s_sidekicks_are_annoying.png[Tegaki] Deku Link146 viewsTegaki E again. Not much to say about this one. :)1 commentsWaann
Link___Epona_3_redone.JPGlink n epona263 viewsya ya..the sword's cut off...biig woopty-doo
that's an enemy on the bottom corner btw.. haha
6 commentsAtEteMiAGaRe
Link___Marin.JPGLink and Marin230 viewsLink and Marin in front of a romantic sunset.jiminycricketX
Link___Marin_sunset_2.JPGLink and Marin Sunset (Redone)272 viewsThis is basically the same picture as my last one, only I messed around with it on HP image zone. It looks much cooler now.2 commentsjiminycricketX
link~0.jpgSketch Link Vs Kitten256 viewsThis is a sketch from a drawing that I haven't finished yet Link playing with kitten...
Isn't he cute?
7 commentsLiz-chan
link~0.jpgLink playing the ocarina230 viewsWell, after a long, long, LONG time (years? XD) I put again my draws here. I wish that you like it ^^

ah! I'm Zilkenian too, this is mi other nickname ^^U
852 files on 36 page(s) 19