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Dragon_Link.jpgDragon Link145 viewsIn Curse of Charanatos, Link finds a magical mask that turns him into this beast. He gains the ability of all dragons including flight (duh), super strength, and fire breath. He can strengthen his fire breath via the Triforce of Courage and Curse of Charanatos isn't his only appearance...Niko the ninja
DSCF0159_edited.JPGIt's Link.200 viewsOkay, WHO DELETED MY TWILIGHT PRINCESS SCREENSHOTS?! >=0 I had to ge thte timing JUST RIGHT to take those pictures! My camera has a three-second delay, who knows what could happen in those three seconds?!

-Ahem- ...It's Link. SSBM Link. Because all my TP screenshots vanished. He's taunting.

...I'm ticked as heck right now.
1 commentsDarkZelda
D_L__Reflection.pngLink's Reflection403 views I told u the next pic I uploaded would be of Dark Link and Link, so here it is. The idea is credited to my dad. He wanted me to draw a pic of Link looking into Lake Hylia and his reflection was Dark Link. In the top right corner Link looked into the lake and is thinking:
What?! No Way! (Sorry the "h" got screwed up)
Well anyway, I'm working on an OoT pic to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Enjoy!
Dark Link & Link (c) Nintendo
Art (c) Princess of Twilight
6 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Early darklink.jpg
Early darklink.jpgEarly darklink210 viewsI drew this when I was coming up with my darklink poem,.you can kind of see it through the paper on the backside,.
just never felt like posting it till now.still havn't posted that poem yet,.
3 commentsFyrborn
easter.jpgHappy Easter!366 viewsMy Easter drawing for 2004. :) The characters in the basket are Kimya and Msondo, two RPG characters from a MUCK. (For more info, go here. :)3 commentsKimya
Easter1.jpgHappy Easter 2009208 viewsHeh, I drew this for my little sister for Easter. I'd thought I share it with you guys! Aww poor WW Link is scared of the bunny's creepy big eyes! O_O lol You may me see in the piece.

Zelda, Link © Nintendo
Artwork © Divine_Link
3 commentsDivine_Link
EBMMoCh9.png1102 viewsCover for chapter 9 of my fan fiction.

Oh..if your going to say anything about how bad Darunia looks..I suggest you press the back button or just..well..DON'T say anything at all about him.

Darunia,Link,Zelda © Nintendo
Reeses © Maria Mc.
Razz © Micheal G.
9 commentsMariaGemini
emmalink1.jpgLiving in Shadows252 viewsThis is a sketch of Emma and Link looking over at eachother over a counter. It's not the best, but I'm ok with the pic. Link looks shorter because he's leaning in over more. Hope everyone likes this pic, so if anyone wants to read this story. It's Living in Shadows at So please review! :)2 commentsjade2824
Epona_Link.jpg0_o Picture of Link and Epona95 viewsThis was the pic from a LONG time ago, the only one I left after my big album clean up. I have to say, this drawing makes me go all 0_o when I see it 'cuz it's REALLY bad and REALLY old...0_o But it's still kinda cute. The only thing I like about it is Epona...:) *sigh*myzeldamyrules
EvilNeedleLady.jpgObbessive Compulsive Fan-Girl Named Vain283 viewsYesh! That is a piccy of me performing voo-doo on Zelda!! XD I have extreme Link obbessions... I AM THE EVIL NEEDLE LADY!!! FEAR MEH!!! I'm holding Linky Poo in my closet at this very moment. *shifty eyes* Heh...4 commentsVain
explaination.swfWhy Zelda and Link always CoExist1652 viewsSoundless
270 KB
Flash 6

This is a short, small flash I've made using Minish and OoT official art (and a screenshot from the GCN movie) in an effort to humorously explain why there's always a Link around when there's a Zelda.

Note that I'm trying to set a basis for how to introduce flash, so people can know if they need to dampen their volume, or be ready for a long wait, or even have a compatable browser.
21 commentsKoroks Rock
fairyboy.jpgweirdos972 viewscant we learn to just get along15 commentsMichelle K.
fairy_copy2.jpgMaga-Link's Fairy Queen298 viewsWhilst the site was down I was working over at Deviant Art. Maga-Links fairy was begging to be coloured and with her kind permission I was allowed to post it.
2 commentsDragon Warrior
fanartplayer.jpg+The ocarina player+281 viewsDone in watercolour for about 1 hour. Linearts done in exactly 45 minutes (yes, I was facing the wallclock while drawing this. Enjoy2 commentsGarvanguelle
Fangirls.PNGFangirl attack!850 viewsPoor TP's not his fault that Nintendo made him so hot ^-^16 comments[cuccoattackforce]
fantasy_oni_link_by_red_fan-d4w22o5.pngFantasy Styled Oni Link542 viewsWell at least my fantasy style.

Don't know what to say about this except that he was grocery shopping and noticed something...

<//v//< hnngh...

And yes, that is my deviantart file. I was just too lazy to remove the watermark... Plus I like to watermark things I made, which in this case is the clothing.
farmwithback2lz.jpgfarmhand link285 viewsfarmhand link4 commentsmikematei
Female_Link_painting.PNGFemale Link Painting399 viewsRe-done in Gimp. I did this a while back for AMA 06 (an anime convention that comes to town in June) and actually sold a print of it *gasp!* Aside from the older style, it looks MUCH better than the origional (I brightened it and smudged it to look like a painting) I'm thinking about completely re-making this pic for comparison purposes (and I'd rather have a European-style dragon there. I was still a newb, so crossing over Asian style into a medieval based world was a verry newb-ish thing to do) 2 commentsLinkFan
Ferice deity and kid link rpeg.JPG
Ferice deity and kid link rpeg.JPGferice deity and kid link294 viewsErm i didn't spend long on this really. whats happing here is that links just picked up that mask, and the mask is taking over is body automaticly

Please leave reviews so i can get better :)
3 commentsWhite_werewolf
ferice deity dark link!.JPG
ferice deity dark link!.JPGoni dark link334 viewsI just edited off a fierce deity picture but i turned him into dark fierce deity since im such a fan :)4 commentsWhite_werewolf
Fête.pngHoliday187 viewsZelda and Link
I don't know why they are so happy ^^"
6 commentsangel of light
fflink.jpgFF-style Link316 viewsDraw FF-ish characters in 3 easy steps!

1. Take a character of your choice (eg, Link). Design him an outlandish costume, and festoon it with as many outlandish accessories as you can think of. If they serve no practical purpouse, so much the better.

2. Give him (or her) a funky hairdo.

3. Add outsized weapon of your choosing.

Voilá! XD

I really like the some of the FF costumes, like Squall or Vincent's- and Link looks good without a shirt, no? ^_~

Is anyone elso waiting for Advent Children to come out? I know I am.^^
7 commentsaquawolf
Fierce_Diety_Link.pngFierce Diety Link (Oni-Link)307 views Yay! I finished this pic! I had to use the game for the colors, so I'm not sure if the sword is right...But anyway, I think he is so cool, and he looks awesome!5 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Fireworks_viewing_copy.jpgLink and Ilia- Fireworks viewing223 viewsWow...been a little while since I uploaded anything here...
Anyway, just a little something I did for the 4th of July. :)

I really love the LinkxIlia pairing, btw. ^^
1 commentsLinksLove
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