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Last comments - dudeofrandomness
glasscolorized2.gifcolorized stained glass animation849 viewsI like this one better than the other stained glass one, I got it to work better. Thumbnail dumbness (again). That seems to happen with all my animated masterpieces (lol...masterpieces...)13 commentsdudeofrandomness02/18/06 at 08:08LinksLove: Wow! How did you do that?
sketchlink.jpgTP Link in color500 viewsSo the highlight isn't perfect, but its a step above what I usually do. This is a colored version of Michelle K's masterpiece found here.
I also borrowed the crest from a pic put up by Susie Q, though the only thing left of it that I used was probably from the official art anyways. I worked hard on the stupid eye, to make it look good. I even went and looked in a mirror to see what my own eye looked like just to do it better. And I couldn't think of anything cool for the BG so I just used a watery-lookin effect. Wow, I haven't uploaded for a long time.
8 commentsdudeofrandomness01/31/06 at 06:07LinksLove: O...M...G...! You're good...
4links+shadowfixed.jpgFour Swordsish Variation929 viewsSo I was going to make a picture with the other various ideas that I had for the Link pic (from Magalink) and I put them all together and it just kinda turned into this. Of course, I made it so the links on top were green, red, blue, and purple (corresponding to 4 swords game), and the one at the bottom is supposed to be shadow link. The text was made by me following a GIMP tutorial. I thought it turned out randomly good. Considering it was sort of an accident. I fear that Shadow Link turned out too dark though...on the laptop it looked much brighter than this.55 commentsdudeofrandomness01/31/06 at 01:26Linkgirl: AWESOME!! I love tho shadow link, the eyes....oooo...
4links+shadowfixed.jpgFour Swordsish Variation929 viewsSo I was going to make a picture with the other various ideas that I had for the Link pic (from Magalink) and I put them all together and it just kinda turned into this. Of course, I made it so the links on top were green, red, blue, and purple (corresponding to 4 swords game), and the one at the bottom is supposed to be shadow link. The text was made by me following a GIMP tutorial. I thought it turned out randomly good. Considering it was sort of an accident. I fear that Shadow Link turned out too dark though...on the laptop it looked much brighter than this.55 commentsdudeofrandomness01/05/06 at 05:25Zeldas Shadow: shadowlink ROCKS!! not that i like like him or...
cloud-link.jpgcloud-link528 viewshz/bth made this sketch and his photoshop crashed or something so I took the liberty of coloring it (That's ok, right?) I took quite awhile to color it, then at the last second applied a crazy effect to it, and it turned into this, which I thought was cool. It looks like an etching in stone that was stained the proper colors or something. He's supposed to be in the zora-tunic but the last-second edit makes it VERY dark. And the eye turned out kinda strange...not the perfectest job but I thought we needed something different than my usual stuff.13 commentsdudeofrandomness01/05/06 at 05:18Zeldas Shadow: its AWSOME!! But also to dark.
collageoflinks.jpgLink Collage945 viewsMade it myself from a bunch of official art (I think all of it's OoT, credit to Nintendo). I intentionally left a *small* halo around each Link so the greens wouldn't bleed into each other.13 commentsdudeofrandomness01/05/06 at 05:11Zeldas Shadow: COOLNESS!!
glasscolorized2.gifcolorized stained glass animation849 viewsI like this one better than the other stained glass one, I got it to work better. Thumbnail dumbness (again). That seems to happen with all my animated masterpieces (lol...masterpieces...)13 commentsdudeofrandomness01/05/06 at 05:09Zeldas Shadow: OMG!!
lilzeldawolder.jpgZeldas701 viewsUmmmm...well...I couldn't think of the setting for this pic, still looks cool. Credit to Nintendo for the official art. The eyes were kinda hard, on older Zelda and Shiek (did I do ok?) but other than The work of Fireworks (good program, but not as good as photoshop).17 commentsdudeofrandomness01/05/06 at 05:06Zeldas Shadow: you did great!
linksFinished.jpgChallenge collage673 viewsThere you have it, my collage. If you can't see what it says, I gave the Z'05 game the subtitle 'Hyrulian Revolution' but after all was said and done I realized that it should technically be 'Hylian,' but whatever. I think it turned out quite well. Work done in Fireworks, pics from trailer snaps, and the Zelda logo from an OoT wallpaper.21 commentsdudeofrandomness01/05/06 at 05:04Zeldas Shadow: ccccooooooooolllll!!!
lmbigwlogo.jpgNew partners (better?)603 viewsTook some advice and came out with this. And all I have to say is thank goodness for options like "screen" in fireworks. I barely had to touch the logo to get it in there nicely. Thank you, Macromedia! And are the edges smoothed out enough? I lost the original fireworks file I did this in, so it wasn't as easy as it could've been, but I think it turned out alright.10 commentsdudeofrandomness01/05/06 at 05:03Zeldas Shadow: AWSOME!
masterswordwithchars.jpgSword...with people...710 viewsI haven't uploaded forever... xD well here you go people. I got sick of the desktop backgrounds I had, so I threw this one together. Quite simple, 4 official arts. Don't ask why Midna's there...I don't really just looked cool. I chopped off the top and bottom segments and filled them with black instead...cuz I was lazy and didn't want to touch them up how they should've been done. Well, enjoy. And criticise all you want, but I'm probably not retouching this one.8 commentsdudeofrandomness01/05/06 at 04:59Zeldas Shadow: all i can say is AWSOME!!
mirror-hyrule-shield.jpgHylian Mirror Shield541 viewsI combined the hyrule shield with the mirror shield, quite simply put. Tricky use of layer masks (Photoshop, naturally). The smudge tool is now my best friend. ;-)11 commentsdudeofrandomness01/05/06 at 04:57Zeldas Shadow: COOLNESS
mlhugeproject1.jpgTribute to Magalink1214 viewsML's done so many good pics, I thought I'd throw some together into a collage. (I hope that's OK, ML, just say the word and I'll take it off if you want). All of the pics are totally ML's work and she totally deserves all the credit ;) and I'll just be happy that I could help. The file size is larger than I usually keep my jpegs at, but it was hard to cut down on this one with all the color information to store. The only thing that bugs me a little is that there's all the random sizes of heads and stuff. Oh, and let's all say a big horray! for ML because her crisp drawings and the magic wand tool made this put-together a breeze.18 commentsdudeofrandomness01/05/06 at 04:55Zeldas Shadow: HAY!! WHY IS LINK KISSING TWO GIRLS AT ONC...
moon_vs_sun.jpgMoon vs. Sun916 viewsMe trying to use new trailer pics again. (I really like that wolf by the moon pic, and I'll probably use it like 10 more times) Due to the random appearence of the wolf in the Z'05 trailer, I decided that link had the power of the moon or whatever, so yeah. And he's fighting that lava guy (who turned out horrid, at least his face did) with the sun behind him. Yeah.19 commentsdudeofrandomness01/05/06 at 04:49Zeldas Shadow: OMG!! COOLNESS!!
mlhugeproject1.jpgTribute to Magalink1214 viewsML's done so many good pics, I thought I'd throw some together into a collage. (I hope that's OK, ML, just say the word and I'll take it off if you want). All of the pics are totally ML's work and she totally deserves all the credit ;) and I'll just be happy that I could help. The file size is larger than I usually keep my jpegs at, but it was hard to cut down on this one with all the color information to store. The only thing that bugs me a little is that there's all the random sizes of heads and stuff. Oh, and let's all say a big horray! for ML because her crisp drawings and the magic wand tool made this put-together a breeze.18 commentsdudeofrandomness01/03/06 at 12:23Chibi-Link: I love this...thats all I can say
z05newChars.jpgZ'05 new character!?917 viewsSo I was looking for better quality scans of the new screens for Z'05 and what do I happen across but new official art! The one of Link isn't new, but look at Zelda HOLDING A SWORD! What's up with that? And then there's that other guy, he looked like the bad-guy, but his skin color is too light to be Ganondorf...then again...if you look closely right under link's hat tip on that guy's cloak is a Sheikah symbol. Yeah. Fireworks for work, Zelda Universe for the source of official art. (and of course I had to add in the sun and moon from the screenshots).23 commentsdudeofrandomness01/03/06 at 00:30Person: Nah, the robes on Zelda make her more mysterious, ...
twolinks.jpgOni Link and MM Link604 viewsI put this together from two official art pics (surprise, that's what I always do, credit to Nintendo if you couldn't guess). I originally just wanted to give Fierce Diety Link a better background but I ended up doing this instead. Nothing too complicated but it turned out quite cool I think.10 commentsdudeofrandomness01/03/06 at 00:27Person: Ya know, Oni Link is a shortened version of the mu...
tpnewcollage1024x768.jpgTP collage/wallpaper (again)590 viewsI do way too many of these. But I like this one a lot. Screenies + official art. As always. Fireworks. As always. Washed-out (blue this time) and sized at 1024 x 768. As I've recently done. Suggestions? (as always?)
<note>this was partially inspired by ganondorfs-girl in the pic where she compares zelda to hooded zelda. And then it turned into this</note>
6 commentsdudeofrandomness01/03/06 at 00:25Person: Grrr... Can'
moon_vs_sun.jpgMoon vs. Sun916 viewsMe trying to use new trailer pics again. (I really like that wolf by the moon pic, and I'll probably use it like 10 more times) Due to the random appearence of the wolf in the Z'05 trailer, I decided that link had the power of the moon or whatever, so yeah. And he's fighting that lava guy (who turned out horrid, at least his face did) with the sun behind him. Yeah.19 commentsdudeofrandomness01/03/06 at 00:22Person: Hey, come April, we'll all get to experience the b...
cloud-link.jpgcloud-link528 viewshz/bth made this sketch and his photoshop crashed or something so I took the liberty of coloring it (That's ok, right?) I took quite awhile to color it, then at the last second applied a crazy effect to it, and it turned into this, which I thought was cool. It looks like an etching in stone that was stained the proper colors or something. He's supposed to be in the zora-tunic but the last-second edit makes it VERY dark. And the eye turned out kinda strange...not the perfectest job but I thought we needed something different than my usual stuff.13 commentsdudeofrandomness12/04/05 at 02:26ganondorf_evil: OH! Geostigma is the disease that Jenova brought t...
sketchlink.jpgTP Link in color500 viewsSo the highlight isn't perfect, but its a step above what I usually do. This is a colored version of Michelle K's masterpiece found here.
I also borrowed the crest from a pic put up by Susie Q, though the only thing left of it that I used was probably from the official art anyways. I worked hard on the stupid eye, to make it look good. I even went and looked in a mirror to see what my own eye looked like just to do it better. And I couldn't think of anything cool for the BG so I just used a watery-lookin effect. Wow, I haven't uploaded for a long time.
8 commentsdudeofrandomness11/11/05 at 05:05dude_thats_evil: WHERE'VE U BEEN? lol dude so much has happened s...
sketchlink.jpgTP Link in color500 viewsSo the highlight isn't perfect, but its a step above what I usually do. This is a colored version of Michelle K's masterpiece found here.
I also borrowed the crest from a pic put up by Susie Q, though the only thing left of it that I used was probably from the official art anyways. I worked hard on the stupid eye, to make it look good. I even went and looked in a mirror to see what my own eye looked like just to do it better. And I couldn't think of anything cool for the BG so I just used a watery-lookin effect. Wow, I haven't uploaded for a long time.
8 commentsdudeofrandomness11/11/05 at 00:27Athelin: oh, thats good!! link looks soooo cute!!!
masterswordwithchars.jpgSword...with people...710 viewsI haven't uploaded forever... xD well here you go people. I got sick of the desktop backgrounds I had, so I threw this one together. Quite simple, 4 official arts. Don't ask why Midna's there...I don't really just looked cool. I chopped off the top and bottom segments and filled them with black instead...cuz I was lazy and didn't want to touch them up how they should've been done. Well, enjoy. And criticise all you want, but I'm probably not retouching this one.8 commentsdudeofrandomness10/29/05 at 23:43dudeofrandomness: dte you know there's a magicall thing called email...
z05newChars.jpgZ'05 new character!?917 viewsSo I was looking for better quality scans of the new screens for Z'05 and what do I happen across but new official art! The one of Link isn't new, but look at Zelda HOLDING A SWORD! What's up with that? And then there's that other guy, he looked like the bad-guy, but his skin color is too light to be Ganondorf...then again...if you look closely right under link's hat tip on that guy's cloak is a Sheikah symbol. Yeah. Fireworks for work, Zelda Universe for the source of official art. (and of course I had to add in the sun and moon from the screenshots).23 commentsdudeofrandomness10/29/05 at 23:28the_ocarina_of_time: they should have kept it a secret, it could've bee...
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