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Last comments - Linkcofied
Link___Marin_sunset_2.JPGLink and Marin Sunset (Redone)272 viewsThis is basically the same picture as my last one, only I messed around with it on HP image zone. It looks much cooler now.2 commentsjiminycricketX04/19/06 at 19:57jiminycricketX: I used HP Image Zone and did the oilify special ef...
Link___Marin_sunset_2.JPGLink and Marin Sunset (Redone)272 viewsThis is basically the same picture as my last one, only I messed around with it on HP image zone. It looks much cooler now.2 commentsjiminycricketX04/19/06 at 10:33aquawolf: *shameless first comment dance* Whatever the effec...
z3-link-and-zelda.jpgLink and Zelda4920 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora. The Illustrator was possibly Katsuya Terada. Notes: I had to think about where I wanted to place this image. Since it was from the LttP guide, but was illustrating back story for the original Legend of Zelda, I decided on this section. I love this end-game image2 commentsMelora04/18/06 at 22:31BigD11: Yes that doesnt really make as much sense as it di...
Captain_Link.JPGCaptain Link352 viewsThis is a design for Link's captain armor that he wears in a fanfic I plan on writing eventually maybe possibly... in a little while, after I finish my Link's Awakening one. 3 commentsjiminycricketX04/18/06 at 13:35Koroks Rock: cool. be sure to drop me a line if you ever get ar...
fflink.jpgFF-style Link316 viewsDraw FF-ish characters in 3 easy steps!

1. Take a character of your choice (eg, Link). Design him an outlandish costume, and festoon it with as many outlandish accessories as you can think of. If they serve no practical purpouse, so much the better.

2. Give him (or her) a funky hairdo.

3. Add outsized weapon of your choosing.

Voilá! XD

I really like the some of the FF costumes, like Squall or Vincent's- and Link looks good without a shirt, no? ^_~

Is anyone elso waiting for Advent Children to come out? I know I am.^^
7 commentsaquawolf04/17/06 at 17:00aquawolf: What about root beer? And where have you seen...
Link.JPGLink287 viewsA colored picture of Link in a ever so slightly tricked out costume.2 commentsjiminycricketX04/17/06 at 16:47aquawolf: I love it! He looks sorta... ranger-ish, like Arag...
Link_and_Ezlo.JPGLink and Ezlo311 viewsLink having a discussion with his annoying talking hat.2 commentsjiminycricketX04/17/06 at 16:45aquawolf: I really like the pose and Link's expression o...
Dark_Link_color.JPGDark Link 2227 viewsThis is like my old Dark Link picture, only cooler looking.1 commentsjiminycricketX04/17/06 at 16:43aquawolf: This one's awesome! I love how it's just a...
Captain_Link.JPGCaptain Link352 viewsThis is a design for Link's captain armor that he wears in a fanfic I plan on writing eventually maybe possibly... in a little while, after I finish my Link's Awakening one. 3 commentsjiminycricketX04/17/06 at 16:41aquawolf: Cool design, I like the long coat especially!
fflink.jpgFF-style Link316 viewsDraw FF-ish characters in 3 easy steps!

1. Take a character of your choice (eg, Link). Design him an outlandish costume, and festoon it with as many outlandish accessories as you can think of. If they serve no practical purpouse, so much the better.

2. Give him (or her) a funky hairdo.

3. Add outsized weapon of your choosing.

Voilá! XD

I really like the some of the FF costumes, like Squall or Vincent's- and Link looks good without a shirt, no? ^_~

Is anyone elso waiting for Advent Children to come out? I know I am.^^
7 commentsaquawolf04/17/06 at 15:21the_ocarina_of_time: for one thing, AW's not a guy, and for another...
Link_and_Ezlo.JPGLink and Ezlo311 viewsLink having a discussion with his annoying talking hat.2 commentsjiminycricketX04/17/06 at 14:37the_ocarina_of_time: looks like adult link... i like the attention to d...
Captain_Link.JPGCaptain Link352 viewsThis is a design for Link's captain armor that he wears in a fanfic I plan on writing eventually maybe possibly... in a little while, after I finish my Link's Awakening one. 3 commentsjiminycricketX04/17/06 at 06:32LinksLove: Ooh! Me likey! Nice armoe design!
linkawcrap.jpgDark Link530 viewsThis is HZ's pic, that i decided to edit. So here's to HZ, 4 drawing this randomly awesome pic. When I saw the hair in the original, and then instantly knew that i had to color it. So i got to work, and it took 4 ever, but finally its here 4 you. You'd better like it!!!28 commentsdude_thats_evil04/17/06 at 03:44the_ocarina_of_time: "when life gives you lemons, chuck them right...
Linkfart.pngRelaxation from Pain448 viewsActually i drew this pic a really long time ago, but i didn't really like it, but i pulled it up and edited it a little bit (a.k.a. ALOT) and now i am finally done ENJOY16 commentsdude_thats_evil04/17/06 at 03:36the_ocarina_of_time: interesting filename....
4links.jpgOh crap...666 viewsI got some splainin to do.

Yes, that's the 4 links, and they're all dead. Don't ask me why, don't ask me how. All I know is they're dead.
18 commentsvaati_girl04/17/06 at 02:10shieklord: thats is so sick, two thumbs down
Marin_s_Death.JPGMarin's Death366 viewsThis is some psycotic gothic looking doodle I did in the middle of the night when I couldn't get to sleep on account of the two Vaults I had drunk that day. :)3 commentsjiminycricketX04/16/06 at 21:14aquawolf: hey, drawings colored in pencil have merit, too. I...
4links.jpgOh crap...666 viewsI got some splainin to do.

Yes, that's the 4 links, and they're all dead. Don't ask me why, don't ask me how. All I know is they're dead.
18 commentsvaati_girl04/15/06 at 16:23jiminycricketX: Completely random, but sadistically funny. I love ...
Link.jpgLink550 viewsWell, here it is, my design of Link. Im not sure which game this link could fit into, so lets just say he is my own link, from my own game, that I designed, and ill never release. So there. With that said, here are some things id like to share about the design:

Well, first of all, There is the overall look. Hes adult, mature, and definitely made to kick some moblin butt. Some major things added would be the steel armor on the shins, gauntlets, and chest plate and shoulder gaurds. The chainmail makes up for the lack of true armor, and keeps him flexible. Also you can see little pouches here and there at his belt, and even some slash and stratches on his tunic, one of which has been quickly repaired.

Here are some things I would like to point out in detail. First of all, his sword, which is a original design. I don’t have much reason as to why I drew it the way I did, it just kind of came out of my pencil. The same goes with the sheath. As you can see, I made sure they would fit into each other nicely.

Next would be his pack and bomb bag. I always thought since link is a great traveler, and has so much stuff, he would need a pack. So I gave him one. In it he would keep the things that he doesn’t need at the ready all the time, such as potions, jars, cloths, and various other items. The bomb bag is much different then the one seen in the games, and has its inspiration from a mail pouch. Easily accessible, but always at the ready. See my goron weapons design for more on the bombs.

The bow and arrow. Nothing so special here, just put a lot of detail into this stuff to make it unique.

And finally the hookshot. I spent a long time designing this. First of all, its strapped to links gaunlent, which was just a idea that I liked. Now here is how it works. Link points the hookshot at the intended target then presses the inner button on the handle. It releases the spring, which shoots the hook. As the hook hits the target and goes into it, the sensitive tip triggers the hooks that come out from the side of the main blade. They keep the hookshot in place. Then link pulls on the other lever on the handle, which triggers a spring on the opposite side, pulling him closer to the extended blade. When he reaches his destination, he simply slides the button on the side of the blade stem that disables the extra hooks, retrieves the blade, and there ya go.

Well that’s it. I love comments, so tell me what you think and what changes or additions can be made. Thanks…
10 commentsBraxis04/15/06 at 15:40jiminycricketX: Dude, you're a wicked costume designer. I like...
Marin_s_Death.JPGMarin's Death366 viewsThis is some psycotic gothic looking doodle I did in the middle of the night when I couldn't get to sleep on account of the two Vaults I had drunk that day. :)3 commentsjiminycricketX04/15/06 at 15:26jiminycricketX: *Sigh* I've been looking around on this site, ...
Sunsetlinknavi.jpgTwilight in Hyrule Field515 viewsKid Link and Navi, in Hyrule Field. Yes, I know in game he'd be torn apart by Stalchildren, but it looked cool anyway.

I'm thinking of making this a wallpaper.
20 commentsSnowsilver04/15/06 at 15:22jiminycricketX: Cool, I would want that wallpaper
waiting for hero to return-color.jpg
waiting for hero to return-color.jpgWaiting for her hero to return375 viewsI got strict orders to color for Girlink,and this is what has come to be..hahaha.
anyway, Thanks too GL for letting me post them too,because if you had wanted to post them it would be no probulm..hehe I added the almost forgotin tear.
I love my spriting skill with MSpaint.
Hope everyone bows to the SKILL that is GIRLINK!!
8 commentsFyrborn04/14/06 at 23:31fairyfreak812: Thats her hip, Awesome job, both of you
nocturnromance.jpgNocturn Romance562 viewsOne of my personal favorites ^^. It was a scene from a fanfic I never finished...Link and Zelda share a moment. I DO want them to be together.

Yes... I'm a helpless romantic. Sorry -.-u
8 commentsMalu CLBS04/14/06 at 22:07LinksLove: Ooooh... Link is REALLLY hot!
waiting for hero to return-color.jpg
waiting for hero to return-color.jpgWaiting for her hero to return375 viewsI got strict orders to color for Girlink,and this is what has come to be..hahaha.
anyway, Thanks too GL for letting me post them too,because if you had wanted to post them it would be no probulm..hehe I added the almost forgotin tear.
I love my spriting skill with MSpaint.
Hope everyone bows to the SKILL that is GIRLINK!!
8 commentsFyrborn04/14/06 at 21:48Niko the ninja: Is she sitting and holding her legs or pregnant? :...
tplink2006.jpgTPLink 2006 color256 viewsNEWYEARS LINK IN COLOR!!!8 commentsFyrborn04/14/06 at 21:11Fyrborn: Yes as I age my art seems to take on its fading gl...
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