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Zora Weapons.jpg
Zora Weapons.jpgZoran Weapons530 viewsI know these arent much to look at, but they were still fun to design and imagine how they would be used. Mostly they are made of polished fish bone and sheet steel, and are very light, but highly durable. They are for underwater and land use alike.

Spear- The most widely used among the Zora, the spear is useful inside and outside the water. The quick jap from a weapon with such little surface area would be a deadly attack in the water.

Knife- Great for close courters combat, a knife would be equally useful inside and outside of the water. With quick, deadly slices, a knife would be worn by any zora warrior.

Sword- Many for land battles, its thin blade cant take to much abuse, but it would be handled like a samurai katana with quick, powerful slices and fast foot and waist work.

Bow and Arrow- For land and water battle this specially designed weapon is made with a tightened string, with so much resistance that it could be used like a average bow in the water, shooting into it or out of it and even through it. Its land battle advantage is that it could fire arrows at such a distance that zoran archers are some of the most feared adversaries in Hyrule.

Dart Gun- Used only for land based attacks, a dart gun is for more stealthy attacks, and its poision tiped fish bone darts can take down a being in less then a second.

Shield- Equally useful in land and water battles, the shield offers some of the only resistance a zora has. Zoras rely more on skilll then defense, so a shield would be used by gaurds, mostly along side spears rather then the two handed sword. Its in the form of a sea shell, just to give it that ocean type feel.
7 commentsBraxis12/20/04 at 20:41Koroks Rock: a bow wouldn't work much at all underwater, the ph...
Goron Armor.jpg
Goron Armor.jpgGoron Battle Outfit562 viewsThis is just playing around with the goron design. I was bored and just started to doodle down things I think would look cool, and aid a goron in battle. The main armor is designed like the plates of a armidillo, so that it wouldnt interfere with a goron rolling up into a ball and rolling. It would most likely be 1 1/2 inch plate steel, trimed with fine leather, or maybe even dodongo hide or something. Dodongo teeth can be seen here and there, Robes to keep the metal from chafing the skin, and other various things. I orginally had him wearing a helmet, but I had the idea that they would shave their heads before battle, to symbolize their equality or something, so I took it off. They would keep their beards because of pride, kind of like the japenese and their topknots. Only the Tribal chief would keep his full head of hair, making him look the most terrifying of the army. I liked the design so I decided to post it, though I think some people wouldnt think gorons would wear armor, but oh well....14 commentsBraxis12/20/04 at 20:32Koroks Rock: 1 1/2 inches of steel? do you have any idea how mu...
Darnaku.jpgDurnaku373 viewsThis is the first of my darknut designs. The first and formost change is the name. These are enemies that you fear to fight in Wind Waker, that are great and ruthless fighters, yet they have one of the worst names. So I changed it to durnaku (Dur Na Ku). At least that is what they would call themselves in their own tounge. I could see hylain common folk calling them darknuts for a shorter, easier to remember name (like gator for Alligator). They still have their bulging design seen in Wind Waker, but they have become more animal like as well. This design is the base of the Durnaku. All other designs will be based on this( The same goes for my Goron and Zora, they are all bases to draw on). I plan to do a armored Durnaku, and also a wild one, untamed by the dark powers and fully animalistic in nature. Keep an eye out for them4 commentsBraxis12/20/04 at 20:27Koroks Rock: nice baskstory. also, the proprotions of this guys...
Zora Weapons.jpg
Zora Weapons.jpgZoran Weapons530 viewsI know these arent much to look at, but they were still fun to design and imagine how they would be used. Mostly they are made of polished fish bone and sheet steel, and are very light, but highly durable. They are for underwater and land use alike.

Spear- The most widely used among the Zora, the spear is useful inside and outside the water. The quick jap from a weapon with such little surface area would be a deadly attack in the water.

Knife- Great for close courters combat, a knife would be equally useful inside and outside of the water. With quick, deadly slices, a knife would be worn by any zora warrior.

Sword- Many for land battles, its thin blade cant take to much abuse, but it would be handled like a samurai katana with quick, powerful slices and fast foot and waist work.

Bow and Arrow- For land and water battle this specially designed weapon is made with a tightened string, with so much resistance that it could be used like a average bow in the water, shooting into it or out of it and even through it. Its land battle advantage is that it could fire arrows at such a distance that zoran archers are some of the most feared adversaries in Hyrule.

Dart Gun- Used only for land based attacks, a dart gun is for more stealthy attacks, and its poision tiped fish bone darts can take down a being in less then a second.

Shield- Equally useful in land and water battles, the shield offers some of the only resistance a zora has. Zoras rely more on skilll then defense, so a shield would be used by gaurds, mostly along side spears rather then the two handed sword. Its in the form of a sea shell, just to give it that ocean type feel.
7 commentsBraxis12/19/04 at 15:23happy_macgyver: i've always seen the zoras as kind of the elve's o...
Goron Armor.jpg
Goron Armor.jpgGoron Battle Outfit562 viewsThis is just playing around with the goron design. I was bored and just started to doodle down things I think would look cool, and aid a goron in battle. The main armor is designed like the plates of a armidillo, so that it wouldnt interfere with a goron rolling up into a ball and rolling. It would most likely be 1 1/2 inch plate steel, trimed with fine leather, or maybe even dodongo hide or something. Dodongo teeth can be seen here and there, Robes to keep the metal from chafing the skin, and other various things. I orginally had him wearing a helmet, but I had the idea that they would shave their heads before battle, to symbolize their equality or something, so I took it off. They would keep their beards because of pride, kind of like the japenese and their topknots. Only the Tribal chief would keep his full head of hair, making him look the most terrifying of the army. I liked the design so I decided to post it, though I think some people wouldnt think gorons would wear armor, but oh well....14 commentsBraxis12/19/04 at 15:15happy_macgyver: wow, that head of yours is brimming with loads of ...
Stafolsfull.jpgStalfos482 viewsMy interpretation of a stalfos. I always thought the stalfos was a sweet baddie. I like to think of a stalfos as more of a spirit or demon, that posesses the bones and courpses of the dead. Because the stafols would require the bones, limbs and weapons only for battle, It could assemble itesf from a variety of things, in a variety of shapes (someimes even adding extra limbs if need be). The only way to kill it would be to cut off its head and smash the skull, where the spirit resides in the body. Merely taking a limb off, while effective, would not keep the stalfos off for long, for it could regenerate itself with the same bones, or different bones altogether. This pic originally had three arms, to show of its abilities, but I felt it looked to corny in the pose he was in, so I lopped it off for now.9 commentsBraxis12/19/04 at 14:50Braxis: Thanks for that. Fixed*
Goron weapons.jpg
Goron weapons.jpgGoron Weapons598 viewsHear are a few goron weapons as I see them. They are all based around the concept that they would be used to hack, bash, and do a lot of damage( and in the hammer and pic-ax's case, work) with.

The Spiked Club- This is a simple weapon used to bash in helms, armor, and other various things.

The Sword- The goron race is known for there steel work. However, the Goron knife found in the game is more of a hylain weapon, made to be used by a strong hylain warrior. Sword made for themselves however, would be much different. Being so strong, the Goron would make a heavy thick sword, not so much elegant as it is powerful. Because of a gorons physique, I thought it better to make it a one handed sword.

Hammer- Of course the gorons will have a hammer in their inventory. The megaton hammer, being one of the strongest weapons in the game, became a base for this hammer. This one looks like it has some bells and whistles on it, but it certainly looks like it would get the job done.

Bomb- The most well known weapon of the gorons, Bombs are made from the harvested bomb flowers that grow on death mountain. One question thats always bothered me, is how do they work? Here is my theroy. Bombflowers contain two powerful substances in them. When mixed the reaction is explosive. One substance is right under the shell, one is in a membrane in the middle, which is connected to the root. In a young state, unharvest bombflowers that are picked immaturely calapse their membrane and mix instantaniously, becoming a instant bomb and explode shortly after being picked. A harvested bomb have a harder shell, and are picked when ripe. They can be carried for a long time, and when needed, must be bashed against a hard object to colapse the membrance and begain the reaction which will finish a few seconds later with a bang.

Pic-Ax- Now, this would be more of a work tool, but most weapons in medieval battles were work weapons, so I added this baby in there. It could certainly do some damage, and it was fun to draw.

Chain Foil- Need a place cleared of enemies fast and easy, take out this thing. This is made to utterly pulverize anything it hits.

Shield- The gorons are a hardy race, but even they need protection from pole arms, and strong swords, So I gave them a shield that can be worn as a gauntlent on a free arm, that bashes away a attack and opens up room for a counter-strike.

Well thats it. If Anyone has any suggestions for other weapons for the goron race please comment. Ill put up a warrior outfit for the gorons soon, to go with these weapons. Expect Zoran weapons soon too.
8 commentsBraxis12/18/04 at 05:38CharacterintheBack: Awesome! These are sooo cool!!
zora.jpgZora435 viewsHere is my redesign of the male Zora. As you can see, not much has changed. The major changes would be to the hands, which have become more fish or bird like, but have two opposible thumbs on each side. His fins remain relatively the same except the two arm fins. The arms fins, when in the water, are strecthd out, allowing the zora to glide through the water at great speeds with little movement. When out of the water, the fins contract and slide up the arm, sticking upwards from the elbow. I placed the gills at the rib-cage, so the zora can still breath even with partially surfaced. His outfit is only a few garments, a shrawl around the waist, and some arm and shin bands. Also instead of having normal eyes I gave him shark like eyes, for better sight underwater. One will assume they have dolphin like sonar, but you cant draw that, so its implied.4 commentsBraxis12/18/04 at 05:36CharacterintheBack: LOOKS AWESOME!! Very cool!
Stafolsfull.jpgStalfos482 viewsMy interpretation of a stalfos. I always thought the stalfos was a sweet baddie. I like to think of a stalfos as more of a spirit or demon, that posesses the bones and courpses of the dead. Because the stafols would require the bones, limbs and weapons only for battle, It could assemble itesf from a variety of things, in a variety of shapes (someimes even adding extra limbs if need be). The only way to kill it would be to cut off its head and smash the skull, where the spirit resides in the body. Merely taking a limb off, while effective, would not keep the stalfos off for long, for it could regenerate itself with the same bones, or different bones altogether. This pic originally had three arms, to show of its abilities, but I felt it looked to corny in the pose he was in, so I lopped it off for now.9 commentsBraxis12/17/04 at 19:20happy_macgyver: cool. i like the idea of connecting new limbs when...
zora.jpgZora435 viewsHere is my redesign of the male Zora. As you can see, not much has changed. The major changes would be to the hands, which have become more fish or bird like, but have two opposible thumbs on each side. His fins remain relatively the same except the two arm fins. The arms fins, when in the water, are strecthd out, allowing the zora to glide through the water at great speeds with little movement. When out of the water, the fins contract and slide up the arm, sticking upwards from the elbow. I placed the gills at the rib-cage, so the zora can still breath even with partially surfaced. His outfit is only a few garments, a shrawl around the waist, and some arm and shin bands. Also instead of having normal eyes I gave him shark like eyes, for better sight underwater. One will assume they have dolphin like sonar, but you cant draw that, so its implied.4 commentsBraxis12/17/04 at 05:44Koroks Rock: nicely rugged, looks like the kind of thing we hop...
Goron weapons.jpg
Goron weapons.jpgGoron Weapons598 viewsHear are a few goron weapons as I see them. They are all based around the concept that they would be used to hack, bash, and do a lot of damage( and in the hammer and pic-ax's case, work) with.

The Spiked Club- This is a simple weapon used to bash in helms, armor, and other various things.

The Sword- The goron race is known for there steel work. However, the Goron knife found in the game is more of a hylain weapon, made to be used by a strong hylain warrior. Sword made for themselves however, would be much different. Being so strong, the Goron would make a heavy thick sword, not so much elegant as it is powerful. Because of a gorons physique, I thought it better to make it a one handed sword.

Hammer- Of course the gorons will have a hammer in their inventory. The megaton hammer, being one of the strongest weapons in the game, became a base for this hammer. This one looks like it has some bells and whistles on it, but it certainly looks like it would get the job done.

Bomb- The most well known weapon of the gorons, Bombs are made from the harvested bomb flowers that grow on death mountain. One question thats always bothered me, is how do they work? Here is my theroy. Bombflowers contain two powerful substances in them. When mixed the reaction is explosive. One substance is right under the shell, one is in a membrane in the middle, which is connected to the root. In a young state, unharvest bombflowers that are picked immaturely calapse their membrane and mix instantaniously, becoming a instant bomb and explode shortly after being picked. A harvested bomb have a harder shell, and are picked when ripe. They can be carried for a long time, and when needed, must be bashed against a hard object to colapse the membrance and begain the reaction which will finish a few seconds later with a bang.

Pic-Ax- Now, this would be more of a work tool, but most weapons in medieval battles were work weapons, so I added this baby in there. It could certainly do some damage, and it was fun to draw.

Chain Foil- Need a place cleared of enemies fast and easy, take out this thing. This is made to utterly pulverize anything it hits.

Shield- The gorons are a hardy race, but even they need protection from pole arms, and strong swords, So I gave them a shield that can be worn as a gauntlent on a free arm, that bashes away a attack and opens up room for a counter-strike.

Well thats it. If Anyone has any suggestions for other weapons for the goron race please comment. Ill put up a warrior outfit for the gorons soon, to go with these weapons. Expect Zoran weapons soon too.
8 commentsBraxis12/17/04 at 05:41Koroks Rock: i myself came up with an nearly identical bomb the...
Talon.jpgTalon355 viewsMy take on talon. I wanted to make him look less like mario and more like a zelda character. He kind of has that warrior gone to seed look, which I went for. I plan on using this design for a upcoming fan comic so look out for that. Some may like the changes, some may not. any request are welcome too!2 commentsBraxis12/14/04 at 05:07CharacterintheBack: [FiPo]OOO He looks awesome!! Nice job!!!
Stafolsfull.jpgStalfos482 viewsMy interpretation of a stalfos. I always thought the stalfos was a sweet baddie. I like to think of a stalfos as more of a spirit or demon, that posesses the bones and courpses of the dead. Because the stafols would require the bones, limbs and weapons only for battle, It could assemble itesf from a variety of things, in a variety of shapes (someimes even adding extra limbs if need be). The only way to kill it would be to cut off its head and smash the skull, where the spirit resides in the body. Merely taking a limb off, while effective, would not keep the stalfos off for long, for it could regenerate itself with the same bones, or different bones altogether. This pic originally had three arms, to show of its abilities, but I felt it looked to corny in the pose he was in, so I lopped it off for now.9 commentsBraxis12/12/04 at 05:22Wel: Very freaky, but good. Nice job with detail.
Ganondorf.jpgThe Prince of Thieves588 viewsMy version of Ganondorf. This is what I feel ganondorf looked like in the child portion of OOT. I felt that his orginal design, while being awesome, did not suit someone that lived and trived in the desert. So I changed all that. He now wears more cloth then armor. I gave him a scarf to wrap around his face during wind storms in the desert, and for raids or something. His body has many scars over it from his battles. Im not sure why he is wearing sandles, but they give him a better desert appreance (or at least I think so). I also gave him middle eastern themed weapons, that he could hack and thrust with. I also gave him a waterskin, because no matter how strong you are, the desert will consume you if you dont have water. Overall I think this design came out well. You should expect the a new link really soon!8 commentsBraxis12/12/04 at 04:02Wel: Very nice.
GORON stage-5.JPG
GORON stage-5.JPGGoron411 viewsThis is my interpretation of a Goron. I didnt like how cartoony they were designed in OOt and thought it would be cool to look at them at a different angle. The most notable difference is the feel, which have become more troll and durtle like, because a creature carrying a huge load over rocky terrain isnt going to have soft toes under him. I also changed the hands, giving them three large fingers with hingernails that are part of the actual bone of the had. I did this because it would make grabbing rock and moving rock a lot easier and quicker. Also, a species that is reknown for its steelwork most likely wouldnt be walking around naked, so he has some basic tribal robes as well. Over all hes big, buff, kinda scaley, and makes you understand why link wasnt to keen on recieving a Goron hug.4 commentsBraxis12/12/04 at 02:08Koroks Rock: very fearsome, kind of creature that gives the kok...
Ganondorf.jpgThe Prince of Thieves588 viewsMy version of Ganondorf. This is what I feel ganondorf looked like in the child portion of OOT. I felt that his orginal design, while being awesome, did not suit someone that lived and trived in the desert. So I changed all that. He now wears more cloth then armor. I gave him a scarf to wrap around his face during wind storms in the desert, and for raids or something. His body has many scars over it from his battles. Im not sure why he is wearing sandles, but they give him a better desert appreance (or at least I think so). I also gave him middle eastern themed weapons, that he could hack and thrust with. I also gave him a waterskin, because no matter how strong you are, the desert will consume you if you dont have water. Overall I think this design came out well. You should expect the a new link really soon!8 commentsBraxis12/12/04 at 02:04Koroks Rock: reminds me of the new prince of persia, which is a...
Ganondorf.jpgThe Prince of Thieves588 viewsMy version of Ganondorf. This is what I feel ganondorf looked like in the child portion of OOT. I felt that his orginal design, while being awesome, did not suit someone that lived and trived in the desert. So I changed all that. He now wears more cloth then armor. I gave him a scarf to wrap around his face during wind storms in the desert, and for raids or something. His body has many scars over it from his battles. Im not sure why he is wearing sandles, but they give him a better desert appreance (or at least I think so). I also gave him middle eastern themed weapons, that he could hack and thrust with. I also gave him a waterskin, because no matter how strong you are, the desert will consume you if you dont have water. Overall I think this design came out well. You should expect the a new link really soon!8 commentsBraxis12/11/04 at 21:39CharacterintheBack: OOO~ I like it! He looks awesome.... awesome sword...
GORON stage-5.JPG
GORON stage-5.JPGGoron411 viewsThis is my interpretation of a Goron. I didnt like how cartoony they were designed in OOt and thought it would be cool to look at them at a different angle. The most notable difference is the feel, which have become more troll and durtle like, because a creature carrying a huge load over rocky terrain isnt going to have soft toes under him. I also changed the hands, giving them three large fingers with hingernails that are part of the actual bone of the had. I did this because it would make grabbing rock and moving rock a lot easier and quicker. Also, a species that is reknown for its steelwork most likely wouldnt be walking around naked, so he has some basic tribal robes as well. Over all hes big, buff, kinda scaley, and makes you understand why link wasnt to keen on recieving a Goron hug.4 commentsBraxis12/11/04 at 21:35CharacterintheBack: [FiPo] Looks awesome!!! Looking good!!! ^^
Stafolsfull.jpgStalfos482 viewsMy interpretation of a stalfos. I always thought the stalfos was a sweet baddie. I like to think of a stalfos as more of a spirit or demon, that posesses the bones and courpses of the dead. Because the stafols would require the bones, limbs and weapons only for battle, It could assemble itesf from a variety of things, in a variety of shapes (someimes even adding extra limbs if need be). The only way to kill it would be to cut off its head and smash the skull, where the spirit resides in the body. Merely taking a limb off, while effective, would not keep the stalfos off for long, for it could regenerate itself with the same bones, or different bones altogether. This pic originally had three arms, to show of its abilities, but I felt it looked to corny in the pose he was in, so I lopped it off for now.9 commentsBraxis12/11/04 at 21:31CharacterintheBack: [FiPo]whoa! that.. is... awesome... very awesome. ...
Ganondorf.jpgThe Prince of Thieves588 viewsMy version of Ganondorf. This is what I feel ganondorf looked like in the child portion of OOT. I felt that his orginal design, while being awesome, did not suit someone that lived and trived in the desert. So I changed all that. He now wears more cloth then armor. I gave him a scarf to wrap around his face during wind storms in the desert, and for raids or something. His body has many scars over it from his battles. Im not sure why he is wearing sandles, but they give him a better desert appreance (or at least I think so). I also gave him middle eastern themed weapons, that he could hack and thrust with. I also gave him a waterskin, because no matter how strong you are, the desert will consume you if you dont have water. Overall I think this design came out well. You should expect the a new link really soon!8 commentsBraxis12/11/04 at 20:12happy_macgyver: very cool. nice attention to detail. i like the sw...
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