Last comments - Official Art |
LinkRedTriforcePH.pngRed Link with a triforce like object1850 viewsIron Knuckle09/07/09 at 13:35myzeldamyrules: what if he dropped it on his toe??
LinkRedTriforcePH.pngRed Link with a triforce like object1850 viewsIron Knuckle10/03/08 at 21:42Noah: que lindo
LinkRedTriforcePH.pngRed Link with a triforce like object1850 viewsIron Knuckle09/13/08 at 17:53linksocool: Cool.
01-link.jpglink1_small1688 viewsMelora01/29/07 at 22:08Mystery_Girl: Ooh it's sooo cool how you can draw on maps an...
01-link.jpglink1_small1688 viewsMelora07/26/06 at 18:17ganon puncher: not realy she was pritty helpfull but she said the...
01-link.jpglink1_small1688 viewsMelora07/18/06 at 18:49TaliaArt: Yeah, Navi was an annoying fairy in OoT. Did...
01-link.jpglink1_small1688 viewsMelora05/28/06 at 22:33Pointy_Ears: If you hate listening to "Hey!""Loo...
01-link.jpglink1_small1688 viewsMelora05/22/06 at 18:22YamiLink: Do you have something against fairies, Pointy_Ears...
01-link.jpglink1_small1688 viewsMelora05/13/06 at 15:25Pointy_Ears: Nooooo! Another fairy!!