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Last additions - A's pics
TPZel3.jpgTriforce of Wisdom255 viewsWow. Long time no see, people.

So I found myself doodling Zelda the other day (something I haven't done in a long time) and thought, hey! I'll upload this! And here we are, one Zelda pencil sketch later. I definitely think my drawing's improved in the time I was away. =D

I used character art as reference, which is how I was able to draw the detailed hairtie and stuff. (Darn intricate headpiece.) I don't usually draw characters from behind, so I'm pleased it came out so well. I added the sepia tone with my comp- I used mechanical pencil for Zelda herself, and an HB pencil for some of the shading. Hm, if I had more time I'd add a proper dark background, but... Anyway.

Comments greatly appreciated!
3 commentsaquawolfOct 07, 2007
gerudolink_gimp_b-g.jpgGerudo Link -colored-333 viewsI'm still asking myself how I managed to produce something like this. Thing is, i had seen an example of how to color skin with the computer somewhere on dA (divine-star's gallery I think it was) and since I had recently downloaded Gimp (thankyou KR), I decided to try it on dear Link's face. And I fell in love with how it looked. So of course I had to color the whole pic that way. ^^"

I got bored about halfway through and just smudge-tooled the tunic into submission. XD

I will not tell you how many hours it took me. I don't have a graphics tablet, so I did it all with my mouse... my hand is dead now.

The only part I'm really not satisfied with is the shadow at Link's feet. Meh.
2 commentsaquawolfJul 06, 2006
gerudolink_inked.jpgGerudo Link... meh.274 viewsBehold. What if Link were a gerugo... big "what if". Anywho, I'm a-thinkin' of writing a fic where Link is a Gerudo, and the antagonist... well, sorta. Probably for all of 2 or 3 chapters. XD

So aanyway, "if he's a Gerudo", I thought "he has to have stuff on his clothing that will show that." So I goggled up a piccy of Ganon and copied his generic Gerudo rattern onto some of Link's garments.

Ah, the cleverness of me!

Nestled in his hand he has 3 throwing knives. And a scar on his cheeck from some random battle. And his cloak is tattered because I luff tattered cloacks.^^
1 commentsaquawolfJul 03, 2006
comic-miniskirts_text.JPGComic- wearing WHAT?!380 viewsHehe, just a weird little comic I thought up. I'm just trying to get my comics to look a little more dynamic; screwin' with the layout a little, stuff like that.

a/n: You won't get the joke unless you know a little about Final Fantasy X and X-2.
4 commentsaquawolfApr 16, 2006
fflink.jpgFF-style Link316 viewsDraw FF-ish characters in 3 easy steps!

1. Take a character of your choice (eg, Link). Design him an outlandish costume, and festoon it with as many outlandish accessories as you can think of. If they serve no practical purpouse, so much the better.

2. Give him (or her) a funky hairdo.

3. Add outsized weapon of your choosing.

Voilá! XD

I really like the some of the FF costumes, like Squall or Vincent's- and Link looks good without a shirt, no? ^_~

Is anyone elso waiting for Advent Children to come out? I know I am.^^
7 commentsaquawolfApr 02, 2006
darkhuntress.jpgDark Huntress279 viewsYea, I finally got it drawn and uploaded! *does happy dance*

Her name is Katrina, and she's a dark huntress. She is Lezaford's (look for him in Lalibo_X's gallery) partner, and his opposite. While he wields light magic, she has mastery over dark magick. (Important note: her magic is NOT like Riuminku's- that's something different entirely.) She uses primarily a bow and arrows, which she can (and occasionally does) imbue with dark magick. She also has a long thin blade that she uses as backup when she runs out of arrows. Her past is something of a mystery, not even Lezaford knows it completely. What is known is that... well, you'll have to read the fanfic! no way am I giving you spoilers!^^

And *gasp* OMG a B/G!! (albeit a simple one). It's the sign of the nethergods of Arrün, and it's there for a reason. You'll see.
1 commentsaquawolfApr 02, 2006
comic_trapslol.jpgComic- Traps354 viewsUm, yeah. I was bored. But I'm satisfied with it. ^_~
I really like the way chibi link came out!
But seriously, some dungeon traps are so obvious...
1 commentsaquawolfMar 01, 2006
Riuminku_color.jpgRiuminku (colored)260 viewsW00t, color! ...ahem.
I thought the Vershka would be dressed primarily in brown, as this would be the easiest color to make (no green plants in their land, hence no berries and stuff to dye their clothes), and also because, being the more timid-ish race that they are (they're not cowardly, but they have reasons to want to be hidden from strangers), these sorts of colors would allow them to blend in with their surroundings, as theirs is a very brown and withered land. The 'scarf' around her shoulders can be pulled up to partly hide her face, too.

And I have to say, my Prismacolor pencils and colorless blender work miracles, I swear.^^
2 commentsaquawolfFeb 04, 2006
riuminku2.jpgRiuminku (totally redone)200 viewsSinse the other pic I did of Riuminku (OC) sucked incredibly, I decided to totally redo her, and I think I'm pretty satisfied with the results. Still the same person, though- mischievous, teasing, outgoing, loyal. As I've said before, she's a Vershka, a race with the ability to control shadows to do a wide range of things, though they don't use the full extent of their power. The full explanation is in my fic, I've already got [that part of] it written, waiting to be uploaded.^^
And I got me some prismacolor pencils over Christmas, so a color version will probably follow... quite shortly.
4 commentsaquawolfJan 29, 2006
hyrule_rain.jpgRain over Hyrule212 viewsYou know in Lin's dream when the sky grows dark? We'll, it's kinda that... i think. I didn't really have a plan when I drew this out. I was just trying to give the effect of rain. I think it worked. =D1 commentsaquawolfNov 17, 2005
link_spikes_ouch.jpgOuch- Link got impaled330 viewsI drew this pic cause I think it's kinda funny that the main characters in games get beaten up, but it never seems to have any effect. Dant'es there 'cause he gets run through about a million times each DMC game, so he knows what it's like for Link. =P
And I hate it when there's traps and stuff in games, and you fall into them- it's so annoying. >.<
3 commentsaquawolfNov 12, 2005
palblu[1].PNGLezaford188 viewsLet me get this clear- this is not my pic. It belongs to Lalibo_X and ha totally deserves all the credit for it. I'm posting it because he appears in our fanfic, and I thought people should know what he looks like. Anyway...
He's a sort of a ranger guy. He's the yang of a duo, his friend (a Dark Huntress) is the ying. The cross he wears is cut from his sword, signifying his closeness to it. The brooch on his cloak is proof of his graduation from the Academy of Azure Magic. At his feet lies a small shield dedicated to the shijing gods. His cloak covers his real sword arm(he's a leftie, like Link!), and another sword he uses. His left arm is also equipped (more like possesed) with a materite gaunlet, which spreads across his face and takes control when he gets angry.
3 commentsaquawolfSep 26, 2005
uiiquechibi.jpgChibi MC fairies244 viewsYAY I just got myself new colors and so this is the result!
The 3 fairies from the Minish Cap in chibi form.
Blue one's my favorite.
5 commentsaquawolfSep 07, 2005
greenfairy_colored.jpgGreen Fairy- colored288 viewsOkay, I finally colored it! I got myself some aquarella pencils to color it in, and I don't think it looks too bad!6 commentsaquawolfApr 17, 2005
greenfairy.jpgGreen Fairy225 viewsThe green fairy from Minish Cap (the one that lives in royal valley, for those of you who've played the game). It's not really finished, I still need to color it, but I thought I'd get an opinion first. Please tell me if you have any ideas on how to improve it.4 commentsaquawolfApr 02, 2005
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