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Search results - "Ache"
ache.jpg680 viewsAche, the bat.
ache2.gif632 viewsAche.
ache2.jpg740 viewsAche.
AcheLightBlue1.gif569 views
AcheLightBlue2.gif506 views
AcheLightBlue3.gif536 views
Acheman1.gif534 views
Acheman2.gif540 views
AchePurple.gif564 views
AkakoandDeity.jpgKissing319 viewsHA! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S BOSS UPLOADER! BOOYA!! >}
*sees everyone look at her werid* Umm.....*straches the back of her neck* hehehehe nice day is it? ^^;; *sees them pointing toward the picture* oh...
OH, um...well this is the one that I have been working on for quite sometime. Um, sorry that Akako's hair isn't long like it should be...I wanted Deity's had to be shown...Anyway this is Akako's night dress. She would apparently sleep in this dress at night in her Caslte. And as for Deity? IDK why he's kissing her while she's in her night dress...YOU ladies can figure that out ;)

Akako © by: Me
Fierce Deity Link © by: Shigeru Miyamoto
Zelda © by: Nintendo
8 commentsAmy122
AnEvilSkullApproaches.jpg317 viewsFrom
Cheesy_Moustache.gif443 views1 comments
Great Fairyop~0.JPG
Great Fairyop~0.JPGWhen battle has made you weary457 viewsWell uh, yea this is a Great Fairy, just the normal pink one (duh Rachel). I like it even though the colouring looks so much better in real life but hey, that compressing for ya!10 commentsRachel
kafeiandanju.jpgKafei and Anju - Always Together487 viewsKafei and Anju from "Majora's Mask". I meant to do them in a drawing style similar to the one used in "Twilight Princess". I think I've acheived that goal rather well.
The only thing I'm not satisfied with in this picture is the background. Other than that I believe it is ok.
14 commentssythiar
kasui.jpgWild Happiness632 viewsYeh, I know some people is gonna hate me, but Kasui and Ruto break up in the fic.
Fortunately, they find love again, so don’t be sad for them.
Kasui (the guy) is a Zora and Laetita, is a Ghoma. After he and Ruto broke up, Kasui became very bitter and even more violent than he already was. His hate for the Pristine Army reached the extreme and Link and Koshamu had to stop it more than once from doing something stupid.
He started to develop feelings for Laetita, unfortunately, the girl was part of the White Cross ranks. The Tecolotls aren’t exactly Crosses, they are more like hired arms to fight the Quetzals.
Laetita had a really hard time trying to cope with her feelings and her duties, and she and Kasui fought many times for the control of the Holy Spirits of the Nahuals, Balams and Alebrijes. Kasui always beat her. Still, he never could bring himself to finish her off.
After some time, they decided that their love was worth defying some rules
Title comes from Laetita name, latin for Happiness
dan heron
Link.jpgLink539 viewsWell, here it is, my design of Link. Im not sure which game this link could fit into, so lets just say he is my own link, from my own game, that I designed, and ill never release. So there. With that said, here are some things id like to share about the design:

Well, first of all, There is the overall look. Hes adult, mature, and definitely made to kick some moblin butt. Some major things added would be the steel armor on the shins, gauntlets, and chest plate and shoulder gaurds. The chainmail makes up for the lack of true armor, and keeps him flexible. Also you can see little pouches here and there at his belt, and even some slash and stratches on his tunic, one of which has been quickly repaired.

Here are some things I would like to point out in detail. First of all, his sword, which is a original design. I don’t have much reason as to why I drew it the way I did, it just kind of came out of my pencil. The same goes with the sheath. As you can see, I made sure they would fit into each other nicely.

Next would be his pack and bomb bag. I always thought since link is a great traveler, and has so much stuff, he would need a pack. So I gave him one. In it he would keep the things that he doesn’t need at the ready all the time, such as potions, jars, cloths, and various other items. The bomb bag is much different then the one seen in the games, and has its inspiration from a mail pouch. Easily accessible, but always at the ready. See my goron weapons design for more on the bombs.

The bow and arrow. Nothing so special here, just put a lot of detail into this stuff to make it unique.

And finally the hookshot. I spent a long time designing this. First of all, its strapped to links gaunlent, which was just a idea that I liked. Now here is how it works. Link points the hookshot at the intended target then presses the inner button on the handle. It releases the spring, which shoots the hook. As the hook hits the target and goes into it, the sensitive tip triggers the hooks that come out from the side of the main blade. They keep the hookshot in place. Then link pulls on the other lever on the handle, which triggers a spring on the opposite side, pulling him closer to the extended blade. When he reaches his destination, he simply slides the button on the side of the blade stem that disables the extra hooks, retrieves the blade, and there ya go.

Well that’s it. I love comments, so tell me what you think and what changes or additions can be made. Thanks…
10 commentsBraxis
LoZ1--Gleeok.jpgLoZ1 Gleeok143 viewsThe dragon, Gleeok. In this case, it is (or WAS) three headed. And two of the heads (including the severed one flying about) is missing their mustaches--maybe Link gave them a shave when going for the heads.

Anyway, I used the official art as my reference.
2 commentsDBoyWheeler
LoZ2--Ache.jpgZelda 2 AoL Ache234 viewsAche, the bat from Zelda 2: Adventure of Link.

I used a sprite as a reference.

And you definitely will "ache" if this bat attacks you a lot!
1 commentsDBoyWheeler
LoZ2--Acheman.jpgZelda 2 AoL Acheman395 viewsNa na na na na na na na ACHEMAN!!!

(Oh, come on! Like you didn't see that Batman inside joke coming in a mile away!)

Anyway, here's the red bat monster from Zelda 2: Adventure of Link. I used a sprite as a reference.
3 commentsDBoyWheeler
mstchLink0001.jpgMoustache Link434 viewsWell, since most of us already think Navi is a pest, I figured we couldn't put it past her to do something like this to our poor sleeping hero...That little ---@! haha (quick pencil sketch, photoshop)9 commentsGirlink
poachersaw.jpg705 viewsPoacher's Saw.
scene-no_1.jpgLink VS. Dark Link179 viewsAnother old image of my fan fic.

It was attached to my first zelda fan fic in other website, named [Puppet Roll in Water Temple]. It's not written in English, though.
I'm working on translating it in English, so it may be uploaded here sooner or later, as long as I have enough time.

*Click the image for the bigger size.

Ocarina of Time Link VS. Dark Link (C) Nintendo
Art (C) sjsaria
7 commentssjsaria
sheik.gifSheik140 viewsThis is one of the pictures that I attached in my zelda fictions, which I'm running a serial in other zelda fan site. Since I haven't had much spare time, I used to rough-sketch with a pencil and than make some effects later...;;;
For this one, I used ball point pen to make a shading effects.
It was first time for me to use that, so....there may be several mistakes while 'coloring' the sketch. I tried not to, though.....=_=

Ocarina of Time Sheik (C) Nintendo
Art (C) sjsaria
SheikApproaches.jpg311 viewsFrom
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