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05-al-calm.jpgCalm Ocarina2396 viewsSources: Scanned and Edited by Melora. I believe I found it in the Booklet (US) Sorry for the blobs on his face, he was covered by another image, this was the best I could do without redrawing the bad areas. If anyone knows of where I can get, or has, a better image of this (and maybe a full image) please let me know! (click my name below for my most current email) If you know the source, but don't have it, a cover picture will help me locate a copy for scanning.Melora
3goddesses.JPGgolden goddesses160 viewsThe way that the 3 golden gods are going to look like in my fan-fic. A bit of info on the 3 sisters. The battle ax Din is holding is to show her great power, and it's also for cutting down hordes of other worldly beasts. Din is usually has a good control of her feelings, but when she's angry she could kill anything. Farore is a mute so she communicates through thought speech, and is a master at bending peoples minds to her will. Nayru, although it might not look like it, is a master swordsman, and can beat anyone at a swearing contest. By age Din is the oldest, Farore is the middle child, and Nayru is the youngest.
Nayru, Din, and Farore (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
The smudge in the upper right please ignore it. It's where I messed up and didn't have an eraser.
3 commentshauu13
Allos_head_template.jpgAllos' head197 viewsThis is the head of Allos from "Dimension Hopping". Allos comes from a dimension where animals are the equivalent of people. That helmet of his can shoot optic force blasts from the visor covering his eyes.

Allos' body template is on that of a dinosaur known as Allosaurus: who was T-rex before T-rex was T-rex.

If anyone wants to draw the rest of his body, read my fic and tell me. Capiche?
1 commentsNiko the ninja
angel of darkness.jpg
angel of darkness.jpgVaati... With WINGS!!! XD302 viewsThis is the best pic of anyone I have ever drawn with wings. I'm freaking serious.8 commentsvaati_girl
Anime_Midna_Complete.pngAnime Midna165 views This was sitting on my computer for awhile, but all that was done was the hair and bottom of the fused I finished it! Yay! This is what I think Midna would look like if there was a Zelda Anime with her in it. Done 100% in MS Paint (ALL; EXCEPT FOR PARTS OF THE FUSED SHADOW's OUTLINE; WAS DONE FREEHAND WITH MOUSE) enjoy! ^-^
Midna (c) Nintendo
Art (c) Princess of Twilight
(P.S. If anyone wants a request, I'll be more than glad to do one for you)
7 commentsPrincess of Twilight
aryll.PNGAryll351 viewsI drew her in my style, close to the 4 Swords + manga style I think. I'm pleased with this one. I think she came out very cute! ^___^ But, is anyone else scared of that big hand she has? o.0

Aryll (c) dudes who made Wind Waker
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!!
1 commentsKeitii
Blue,Tetra,_and_Ruto.pngTetra, Blue, and Ruto538 views In my fic Blue loves Tetra(Zelda's older sister), but Ruto loves Blue. He doesn't like her back, and tries to make that point clear...but she won't take no for an answer. So when Ruto finds out that Blue likes Tetra, she HATES Tetra. So that is what is being portrayed in this pic. Enjoy!
Ruto and Tetra (c) Nintendo
Blue (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Princess of Twilight
P.S. If anyone wants a request I will try to do them ASAP.
11 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Bongo_Bongo_Color.gifPhantom Shadow Beast: Bongo Bongo342 views Link Rules all originally drew Bongo Bongo, and said that anyone could improve it. So I accepted this challenge! This was my first ever drawing of Bongo Bongo, so I had to glance at the official art :-( , then recreate it into this pic. ( I added Link Just for kicks, and yes he's being bounced on the drum!)
Original Art (c) Link Rules All
Official Art (c) Nintendo
P.S. This pic looks better when u enlarge it!
6 commentsPrincess of Twilight
cheese.PNGLRA's Request- Get out of the castle right now!126 viewsWoo, Harkinian looks like he's about to blow a vessel! L.J. and Oni Link/Fierce Diety/Draygin (shut up, that's the name I have given him) are in some deep trouble.They're about to get thrown out of the castle into the courtyard. Well then, Hope it's to your liking LRA.

On a random side-note: anyone seen the Star Trek movie? (Gawd I must be a supreme geek/nerd for asking that.)

Oni Link (c) nintendo
L.J., Harkinian (c) LRA
8 commentshauu13
Copy_of_Great_Midna_Drawing.jpgMidna Drawing311 viewsThis was the first step in my big drawing that pictures some characters from TP. I think it came out good myself, but if anyone thinks otherwise, plz comment. Thx!3 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Cute_Lil__Oracle_Link.pngCute Lil' Oracle Series Link289 views I always liked the Oracle Series version of Link for some reason....He's just so darn cute! I hope you all like it, cuz' I do.
Link (c) Nintendo
Art (c) Princess of Twilight
P.S. If anyone wants a request i will be more than glad to try and do them ASAP
6 commentsPrincess of Twilight
dance~0.swf920 viewsif someone wants to sing it for me i'd be glad to add in your voice, but i decided my voice (bass) is not fitted for such a song (go listen to some russians hear to see what i sound like).

Also, if anyone has any dance suggestions i'll take them, but for now this sums up the animation pretty well. As always though, it's a work in progress :)
12 commentsKoroks Rock
emma6.jpgEmma Sketch268 viewsThis is my first complete sketch of Emma. I have been looking for a permanent kind of look for her like I have for Green. Her it is. Now, I just have to get all those others in my other fics. I have a lot of characters at fictionpress but I don't know where to post them. If anyone has any idea of a good and secure website, I'll appreciate it. ANyway.
Emma is thirteen years old. She has brown hair and eyes. She lives on an uknown island no too far away from Hyrule. It's a mystery why it's there, and Link is trying to figure it out while trying to save Emma and islanders from a mysterious, yet familiar creature terrorizing them for a powerful ancient artifact. This story might have a bit of romance.
I think my writer's block is dieing (did i spell that right?) anyways. If you want to reach my stories, go to My username is kitana5055 in the zelda section. Use search, it's easier. ANyways, please comment. I'm trying to get better at my drawings, and I'd appreciate your input. Thank you! :)
1 commentsjade2824
emmalink1.jpgLiving in Shadows252 viewsThis is a sketch of Emma and Link looking over at eachother over a counter. It's not the best, but I'm ok with the pic. Link looks shorter because he's leaning in over more. Hope everyone likes this pic, so if anyone wants to read this story. It's Living in Shadows at So please review! :)2 commentsjade2824
Eviltastic.JPGForces of Evil379 viewsAlrighty! Here's the colored version of my previous 'Evil' pic, once again colored stunningly by my beautiful friend. So... all comments and feedback will be given to her (not that anyone really leaves comments on this site anymore).5 commentsElphaba Boy
eye_of_truth.jpgThe Eye of Truth124 viewsIf anyone out there reads my fic, I know the description of what happens when they use the lens of truth is a bit vague, so this is something i drew to show what happens, the red and blue in the center is the person's eye to help clarify things1 commentsblackphoenix365
fflink.jpgFF-style Link316 viewsDraw FF-ish characters in 3 easy steps!

1. Take a character of your choice (eg, Link). Design him an outlandish costume, and festoon it with as many outlandish accessories as you can think of. If they serve no practical purpouse, so much the better.

2. Give him (or her) a funky hairdo.

3. Add outsized weapon of your choosing.

Voilá! XD

I really like the some of the FF costumes, like Squall or Vincent's- and Link looks good without a shirt, no? ^_~

Is anyone elso waiting for Advent Children to come out? I know I am.^^
7 commentsaquawolf
footballteam_small.PNGFootball Team625 viewsHere's the 5 Links playing Football =D Heh, this is in time for the World Cup ^ ^ Go England!! =D Does anyone know when it is anyway?

Anyways, Green's in the middle, since he's the main guy, so he's got the football.
Blue, as over-confident as he is, wants the football so he's peeved and trying to get it.
Vio's concentrating, since he's the calm one, so he's choosing the right moment to take it away from Green.
Shadow's been put in as goalie 'cause he's a 'shadow' and wouldn't want to be out in the open field too much.
Red's decided to be a cheerleader. Seems typical of him. I think of him like Momiji from Fruits Basket. Momiji wore girls uniform to school 'cause he said he likes it so I thought Red would like to wear a girls uniform too ^ ^ That's why Shadow's kinda confuzzled.

Now I look at it, they're not really being a very good team o.o; I guess they need to work a bit more on Team-work..

All characters above (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul
6 commentsKeitii
Four_Sword.PNGFour Sword134 viewsOMG, I haven't posted anything in a while. God, my fan-fiction gets in the way and my other art does too. I've had this on hold for a good while now. >< I love how it turned out, the only thing that needs to change is the side things. They need to be a bit more out.

Four Swords © by: Nintendo
Zelda © by: Shigeru Miyamoto

P.S. If I find anyone stealing this which I doubt you can cause I have my username on the blade. BUT, if I find someone stealing this, I will seriously make you PAY!
3 commentsAmy122
gerudot1.jpgKaly257 viewsThis is a teenage gerudo character I drew. I'm working on this pic on photoshoop. Yet, I haven't made a fanfic for her.

BTW, I was Farore44 before, but now I have the same username at if anyone ever wants to read my fanfics.
3 commentsjade2824
Goron weapons.jpg
Goron weapons.jpgGoron Weapons598 viewsHear are a few goron weapons as I see them. They are all based around the concept that they would be used to hack, bash, and do a lot of damage( and in the hammer and pic-ax's case, work) with.

The Spiked Club- This is a simple weapon used to bash in helms, armor, and other various things.

The Sword- The goron race is known for there steel work. However, the Goron knife found in the game is more of a hylain weapon, made to be used by a strong hylain warrior. Sword made for themselves however, would be much different. Being so strong, the Goron would make a heavy thick sword, not so much elegant as it is powerful. Because of a gorons physique, I thought it better to make it a one handed sword.

Hammer- Of course the gorons will have a hammer in their inventory. The megaton hammer, being one of the strongest weapons in the game, became a base for this hammer. This one looks like it has some bells and whistles on it, but it certainly looks like it would get the job done.

Bomb- The most well known weapon of the gorons, Bombs are made from the harvested bomb flowers that grow on death mountain. One question thats always bothered me, is how do they work? Here is my theroy. Bombflowers contain two powerful substances in them. When mixed the reaction is explosive. One substance is right under the shell, one is in a membrane in the middle, which is connected to the root. In a young state, unharvest bombflowers that are picked immaturely calapse their membrane and mix instantaniously, becoming a instant bomb and explode shortly after being picked. A harvested bomb have a harder shell, and are picked when ripe. They can be carried for a long time, and when needed, must be bashed against a hard object to colapse the membrance and begain the reaction which will finish a few seconds later with a bang.

Pic-Ax- Now, this would be more of a work tool, but most weapons in medieval battles were work weapons, so I added this baby in there. It could certainly do some damage, and it was fun to draw.

Chain Foil- Need a place cleared of enemies fast and easy, take out this thing. This is made to utterly pulverize anything it hits.

Shield- The gorons are a hardy race, but even they need protection from pole arms, and strong swords, So I gave them a shield that can be worn as a gauntlent on a free arm, that bashes away a attack and opens up room for a counter-strike.

Well thats it. If Anyone has any suggestions for other weapons for the goron race please comment. Ill put up a warrior outfit for the gorons soon, to go with these weapons. Expect Zoran weapons soon too.
8 commentsBraxis
gumball2.jpg"Gumball" Cover 2.0567 viewsWell, i managed to fix the gallery (w00t!) and so now i can show you the very nearly finished version of A Goron Stole My Gumball cover. This is directly based off of Feldon's sketch, and follows it closely, with a few small changes. Basically, i just added textures and shading. i used some non-commercial textures by two friends named DG and Sock, and then editted them appropriately. i use their stuff a lot, it saves me a huge amount of work. The moon is a picture of the moon i took a while ago, color adjusted for this pic.

Now, almost all that's left is to get the text colors right. Feldon, I need your input for this :) Input from anyone else would be great too, I'm sure there are lots of tweaks i can do.
3 commentsKoroks Rock
hand.jpgRough (smoothed) Draft for Gauntlet.600 viewsEver notice how ganon and link have rather similar gauntlets? i'm supposed to be making some stuff in my Independant study with 3DMax, so i figured i'd make one of their gauntlets. I'm not sure whose I'm making, but at this point it doesn't matter. Obviously, this model is still in the works, so if anyone wants to give me some advice, i'm open to it at, as well as here in the gallery. Made in 3DMax, image touched up in photoshop.15 commentsKoroks Rock
hauu13_s_OC-Zenia.pnghauu13's Zenia- Goddess of Light341 views Well, I said I'd do it, so here it is! ^^ This is hauu13's original character; Zenia. She was really fun to draw, especially her wings! I hope you like it hauu13!
Zenia (c) hauu13
Art (c) Princess of Twilight
P.s. If anyone wants to make a request, I will gladly try to do them.
13 commentsPrincess of Twilight
61 files on 3 page(s) 1