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Search results - "Basic"
...Adult Link....JPG
...Adult Link....JPG"You want some of this?!"354 viewstaken from the official manga. basically i just thought that it was so cool i had to draw it.7 commentshappy_macgyver
01 Laughing Song.mp3
01 Laughing Song.mp3Ganondorf's Theme Song!1161 viewsYEA! rock on!... k... so this song was EXTREMELY basic... i really didn't do much to it, but i still think it sounds awesome... you'll notice the very last note SUCKS!!! i didn't realize that until i wrote the song to the CD... you'll also notice that there are countless mistakes... and i apologize for that, but right now i am in low supply of CD's so you'll have to wait before i can fix alot of it...16 commentsdude_thats_evil
alone.PNGShadow's Sorrow118 viewsNo reason for making this pic, just felt like it. Basicaly, it's Shadow's feelings towards Vio betraying him. Yeah. That's it.
Shadow (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
I do requests. And my fic was updated, woopdeedoo.
6 commentshauu13
BasicLink.PNGBasic Link256 viewsAs the title says, this is just a basic picture of ol' Linky pie... I just decided I'd make an album dealy here for kicks.. I'll have more pictures later and stuff, probably more exciting ones than this...8 commentsTeevo
Daydreamer_v2.JPGDaydreamer 2315 viewsThis is basically just my other picture after being messed with on HP image Zone.2 commentsjiminycricketX
Din Oracle copy.jpg
Din Oracle copy.jpgDin the Oracle379 viewsHere's my first Din pic, it's a basic study, but I just wanted to try a different coloring tech. and just play around.6 commentsSusie Q
fourswordscouples.PNGFour Swords Couples249 viewsBasically, all my fan fic couples when it comes to the five Links... Yeah...

Vio, Green, Red, Blue, Shadow, Malon, Zelda (C) Nintendo
Rio, art (C) hauu13
1 commentshauu13
goldgodspark.PNGA Day in the Park- lineart153 viewsThe Golden Goddesses, and Asmodeus, in a more modern type of setting (as well as get up). Basically, Farore is chastising Din and Nayru is having to sit between the two so as to keep anything dramatic from happening. All while Asmodeus looks at them, wishing his sisters would let him be part of the family. (Yes, he's their brother...)

And the random person in the random...

Din, Nayru, Farore (C) Nintendo
Asmodeus, random person (C) hauu13
6 commentshauu13
goron 2.jpg
goron 2.jpgGoron 2441 viewsIts been awhile since Ive uploaded anything, so I decided to show this little doodle. Its a basic goron, which are quickly becoming easier to draw now that I have a set apperance for them. The sword design is a little wacky, and not anything a goron would most likely use, but I was bored, so I just went a bit crazy. We'll just say this is a weapon he obtained as a spoil of war, collected from teh battlefield.8 commentsBraxis
GORON stage-5.JPG
GORON stage-5.JPGGoron412 viewsThis is my interpretation of a Goron. I didnt like how cartoony they were designed in OOt and thought it would be cool to look at them at a different angle. The most notable difference is the feel, which have become more troll and durtle like, because a creature carrying a huge load over rocky terrain isnt going to have soft toes under him. I also changed the hands, giving them three large fingers with hingernails that are part of the actual bone of the had. I did this because it would make grabbing rock and moving rock a lot easier and quicker. Also, a species that is reknown for its steelwork most likely wouldnt be walking around naked, so he has some basic tribal robes as well. Over all hes big, buff, kinda scaley, and makes you understand why link wasnt to keen on recieving a Goron hug.4 commentsBraxis
Gown copy.jpg
Gown copy.jpgNayru538 viewsThis was a pretty basic scatch that didn't take too long, but I wanted to color it anyways. It's simple, but I think it's good.10 commentsSusie Q
gumball2.jpg"Gumball" Cover 2.0567 viewsWell, i managed to fix the gallery (w00t!) and so now i can show you the very nearly finished version of A Goron Stole My Gumball cover. This is directly based off of Feldon's sketch, and follows it closely, with a few small changes. Basically, i just added textures and shading. i used some non-commercial textures by two friends named DG and Sock, and then editted them appropriately. i use their stuff a lot, it saves me a huge amount of work. The moon is a picture of the moon i took a while ago, color adjusted for this pic.

Now, almost all that's left is to get the text colors right. Feldon, I need your input for this :) Input from anyone else would be great too, I'm sure there are lots of tweaks i can do.
3 commentsKoroks Rock
Handle_Test-002.pngRandom Sword105 viewsThis was the basic idea I was going for when I started off but found a combo of my two basic ideas looked better.Paraclete
inevit1.jpgInevitability DeMotivator1246 viewsI don't know how many of you know about DeMotivators ( ), but they're a fun bunch of posters which i happen to be a big fan of. After viewing some of the new Z'05 screens, the idea came to me to mix some of my reactions to the pics with the basic concepts of the DeMotivators. Here we see Link facing the Inevitable.

It happens to be 800x600, so it can be used for a background or small printout. Made in photoshop, during my Independant Study of graphic design, very quickly and easily.
12 commentsKoroks Rock
Let_It__Burn____by_____PrincessofTwilight72.pngLet it Burn...201 viewsWooooo!! Another Four Swords Anime screencap! I did this today! XD

Well, as stated previously...I decided to make another fake anime snapshot of Four Swords +, this time with Shadow. I'll probably do a few more because it's a fun, yet tedious, process. (Given the fact that I had to use a tracking pad for the bg and drawingit....I used curve tools in Paint for the lines though.) I was going for a darker feel in this image, adn I think I managed to accomplish that goal. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it!^^

Shadow Link (C) Akira Himekawa
Art (C) Me

Programs used: MS Paint (lines and basic coloring & highlights) and Paint Shop Pro (background and additional color/effects)
2 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Link vs Ganon.jpg
Link vs Ganon.jpgLinkVSGanon260 viewsThis I took alot of time on to get his skin to look almost like a stone smoke color and,. since his head looked kind of demonic,..and he's basicaly all dark and black I thought I'd give a sweet demon colored head..and the swords,..heh thats a secret..Another tribute to GL's defeat of Ganon,..and Toot HOORAAYY!!
5 commentsFyrborn
link.jpgLink in thunderstorm369 viewsYeah. . . I already know about buffers and pH, so this is what I spent my time in doing in bio110.
Title pretty much explains it. Scan isn't perfect, so some of the detail has been lost or dulled, but. . . meh. Basically, he's meant to look worn out and rained on. . . I don't think Hero of Time is nearly as glamarous when you're not sitting in an air conditioned room.
'Bout time I started adding to my album, so here you guys go. Enjoy.
7 commentsScipio
Link_Rules_All_-_Magma-Fire_Blade-001.PNGLink_Rules_All Magma/Fire Blade167 viewsJust some side by side pics of LRA's blade. if you haven't noticed already I've been using the basic designs from swords in other Zelda games, my version of the Sword of Hope was based off of the Master Sword from LA, this one is from a sword off of LttP.
The concept pics LRA has show they all have the basic Master Sword shape so I've been playing off of that idea, just hope I can keep it up.
3 commentsParaclete
Link___Marin_sunset_2.JPGLink and Marin Sunset (Redone)272 viewsThis is basically the same picture as my last one, only I messed around with it on HP image zone. It looks much cooler now.2 commentsjiminycricketX
LoZ_Spirit_Tracks.png.::Spirit Tracks::.371 viewsA little bit of fan art for the legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks! ^^ I can't wait until December 7th which is when it comes out, this picture is basically just one of Link in his conducter outfit with Ghost Zelda too. All except the logo (which is copyright Nintendo) was hand drawn and colored. Please enjoy!

Link, Zelda, and game/logo (C) Nintendo
Art (C) Me
5 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Moblin.JPGMoblin Lancer262 viewsThis is a pretty basic Moblin design. Ugly, fat, sort of a pig/human/bulldog thingy. His armor is very simple, since moblins aren't the brightest creatures, and aren't ranked among the great smiths. The armor is made of leather strapped together. His helmet has good neck coverage, and doesn't greatly inhibit vision. I gave him a lance, because moblins seem to faver them in most games. (Plus, that's what I describe them using in my Link's Awakening fanfic.) 1 commentsjiminycricketX
mssp-017.jpgSteampunk Master Sword1139 viewsA blank of my wip steampunk Master Sword. Basically I just need to add the blade detail and a counter weight on the end and she should be good, maybe a few pointless pressure gauges and a clock or something too.Paraclete
neep.PNGLRA's request- The Final Blow233 viewsYes thats a good title for it. Yessss. So it's LRA's L.J. and God of Darkness Pit. I stink at drawing angel wings! L.J. is saying "Let fly!" which basically means "Fire!" but sounds more sensible with a bow... Yep! Hope you enjoy LRA!
L.J. (c) Link_Rules_All
Pit and Ganondorf (c) nintendo
16 commentshauu13
PTs_commission_Allen_and_Hakumei.PNGChibi Hakumei and Allen256 viewsThis was commissioned by PT-San. ^^ She wanted me to draw her OC Hakumei and Allen Walker (from D. Gray-Man) as chibis. The Japanese reads: "Genki desu" which basically means happy and healthy.

Allen (C) Hoshino-Sensei
Hakumei (C) PrincessofTwilight
Art (C) hauu13
3 commentshauu13
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