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Search results - "Bit"
purple.pngFor the Love of Pancakes...172 viewsokay so not the best of titles...I never said I did titles. This is based loosely on the end of my ficcage - I'd explain that but ...I dun wanna anymore

I drew a version of this on the indiezelda oekaki board - didn't like it so I messed with it a bit and I like it much better now

anyway - if you want to see what spawned this - nah nevermind is too scary
mirror.pngmirror mirror244 viewsHey, haven't drawn anything for a I thought I'd stop in. Is a scene from my fic. I'm in the middle of the chapter I am working on and I needed a break anyway.

She picked up one of the larger pieces and stared at her reflection. A crack running through caused her image to skew. Broken images fell like scattered raindrops in her head and Kageri felt ill. Master Hito was so sure that they’d killed the intended Hero when he was still an infant. Perhaps they did; she and Kage had sickened many children that year, though it was still possible that some might of escaped. Mournful cries floated up from her memory as bits and pieces of her broken past vied for her attention. It was always part of the plan, but the tekuragari regretted the taking of innocents.

She really isn't a very nice'd be better off staying away from this one.

So many things are wrong with that picture...ah well - hope you like
dark.pngA little bit of dark183 viewsI am feeling rather colorless - so everything gets to be3 commentsachitka
Zelda-himelian.jpgThe Princess of the Elves2324 viewsHi everyone!! Long time no see!!
As you can see, this picture has been completely re-done!! And I really like it how this new version looks like! I had this picture drawn for a loooong while and every time I could I color a bit of it, I hate doing pics like that, I always want to do all at once but I didn't have the time... and when I finally colored her, I had to think of something to draw as a background so that kept me thinking for a while... and then I though of flowers! Since she loves them in my fanfic, and a looong time passed until I colored it all! All because I was studyng like crazy, but now I have all the free time in the world! I add that grey in the backgroung so the pic would blend with the one at DA.
Ohh!!! I have to explain something about her!! Well, as the title says, she's the princess of the elven country, Laion's best friend, and Link's sister! Yep! They're siblings in my fic ^__^
I used as reference a lovely pic of Akane from Ranma 1/2 for that giggling pose! It's so sweet and cute
16 commentsMagalink
Mayra-marco.jpgMayra2914 viewsIt was time for me to post this pic... I was waiting a bit...
I don't know why, but I feel really proud of this pic, I believe it's one of the best I ever did, if it's not the BEST!!
Now, to let you know a bit of her!! She's one strong character in my fanfic, she has the highest rank in the army of the elves (could anyone tell me wich one it is? I don't know how it is in english...) That's right!! She's the boss!! And since she's that powerful, she's the one that tought Link everything he knows, but of course, he ends up being better than her.
41 commentsMagalink
LoZ1--Gibdo.jpgLoZ1 Gibdo105 viewsGibdo the Mummy from Zelda 1.

I used the manual art (instead of the sprite) as reference, since the sprite made him look a wee bit chubby. He looks like he's disco dancing, huh?
LoZ1--Wall_Master.jpgLoZ1 Wall Master100 viewsThe annoying Wall Master from Zelda 1.

I used the manual artwork as a reference, but left out the warts/bumps/whatever, since I was a wee bit lazy.
Zelda-lttp color.jpg
Zelda-lttp color.jpgA Link to the Past Zelda2111 viewsA pic done by me in Illustrator and coloured with Photoshop by my boyfriend, Hobbit.22 commentsMagalink
LoZ1--Armos.jpgLoZ1 Armos98 viewsArmos from Zelda 1.

I used the manual art as a reference, and used a little bit of artistic license to make him look semi-human (as opposed to his cyclops-ish look in the sprite).
LoZ1--Moblins.jpgLoZ1 Moblins108 viewsThe bulldogs of doom, the Moblins, from Zelda 1.

Used the sprites as reference this time (as opposed to the manual art--he looked a bit robotic in the artwork), and drew two since there were two colors.
LoZ1--Water_of_Life.jpgLoZ1 Water of Life109 viewsThe life refilling Water of Life from Zelda 1.

I used the manual art as reference--and made a little bit of artistic license here too.
2 commentsDBoyWheeler
013011finweb.jpgLink vs. Stallord315 viewsFirst boss fight picture ever.2 commentscyen
Tetra_Start.pngTetra - Oekaki287 viewsJust a picture of Tetra from the Wind Waker a few years older. Sort of a scene from my fic. She keeps ending up in a particular Garden and it's starting to make her a little bit angry.5 commentsachitka
Girls_of_Hyrule.pngGirls of Hyrule303 viewsI actually did this as an ID on devianART, where my sn is Lock-of-Hyrule. Where as I USED to sighn my pics with "Mystic Dragon" or, if some remeber from WAY back when, as "Flaming Dragon", I have changed my sig to a simple "LoH" design. I am LinkFan here, but I do prefer my LoH screen name.

Taht's Red Shock Lock, and Mel (me) the Hylian Knight. Both are (c) to me.

This took about 5 hours in the Gimp, and the proportions are a bit off. I'm still practicing my CG work. Once I get some new hand drawn work uploaded, then things might look a little better ^^;
rutokiss.PNGRuto's Kiss (B&W)262 viewsThis is another pic that I drew on MS Paint in it's black and white form. This is one of my favorites :P As most of you know, Ruto has a kind of obsession with Link, and poor Link is a tad bit innocent...Fanatic!
Welcome-To-Twilight.pngWelcome to Twilight701 viewsThe title doesn't make a whole lot of sense, considering it's day-time in the drawing- but it's late, I'm sleepy, and that means I just thought it sounded good enough. It is, after all, SLIGHTLY Twilight Princess inspired... I'm not on model at all though *lol* I didn't use any reference and it shows- but hey, I just wanted the *feel* of... whatever it feels like. Lets see, what else.... Oh, it was done on an Oekaki -one of those PaintChat-Like programs, I used a tablet, and it took 138 minutes. I was learning to use the program, it's different than Oekaki's I had worked on in the past, so I had to fiddle around a bit more.4 commentsMelora
Twilight_Winter.jpgTwilight Winter559 viewsKarma bit me in the butt; I was supposed to be working on something for my grandfather but instead I did this- and I managed to save over the large 1117 pixel wide one when I shrunk it to the 349 wide size it is now to see how it would look as a site header. *doh* I haven't done that in ages! I don't know how I didn't notice until it was too late. I was going to crop it and use it for a xmas card, but now I'd have to draw over it so I could make it larger again ;>_> *crap* I don't think I have time for that. So, anyway, yeah. This is it (*sobs and laughs at self*)8 commentsMelora
just_no_copy.pngLink argues with a speck124 viewsbit heavy on the green - must have been close to st patty's day 2 commentsachitka
Navi_the_Fairy.jpgNavi180 viewsUm, admins, let me say in my defense that there are no naughty bits showing, so hopefully I have (pardon the pun) barely stayed within the rules. [When you admins mentioned the "no nudity" rule, I kinda assumed it implied the "naughty bits", but nothing naughty here is showing.]

Anyway, here's Navi the fairy. This is in a much older drawing style, so I know it's not much.

My reference was random fanart of Navi found elsewhere.
2 commentsDBoyWheeler
darklinkchibi.PNGDark Chibi Link269 viewsA really quick picture done (kinda messed up) of MS Paint (again, old!) of a Dark Chibi-ish Link. He looks a bit dangerous...:D5 commentsFanatic!
ummm_yeah_smaller.JPGJust a bit of Signature fun172 viewsa sig I made - cause it seemed like a good idea at the tim2 commentsachitka
Link_and_Zelda.jpgLink and Zelda161 viewsLink hugging Zelda from behind (aww). I tried to draw them as they appeared in LttP, and of course some cutesy anime-style art of Zelda and Link were my reference in drawing this.

I know it's a wee bit sloppy--this is an older art style.
3 commentsDBoyWheeler
bitbot.gif558 viewsBit and Bot.
bitbot.jpg740 viewsBit and Bot.
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