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Search results - "Creature"
ZoraCollab-Final-Elfwood.jpgFrom His Scaly Maw260 viewsAt dusk, a creature of the murk in the mire comes birthing, from his scaly maw, a fiery missile. A hand-drawn, digital-work of classic fantasy.

This is a picture of a Zora, aka Zola, aka River Zora. I did this one as a collaboration with Cuccolady from VGF. She did the final lines for the Zora, I added in bits and did the background, colors, & additional shading.
2 commentsPsytronic
zantsquestion.PNGZant's very important question328 viewsGanondorf: Uh... Yes?
I always wondered if the Zant desires something Ganondorf desires samet hing too was like this, or if it didn't include food, animals, and other creatures. I may never figure it out.... And the chain mail hood thing is gone! I didn't lke the hood thing. :p
Zant, Ganondorf (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
11 commentshauu13
Turn_the_heat_on_by_dan_heron.jpgTurn the heat on623 viewsPseudo anthro. This time, we have Carid and her boy-boy Koshamu. Since they are couple, I wanted similar "monsters" , so they are Dragons from the Legend of Zelda universe.
Carid (the girl) is a Barba dragon. If you don't know them, just think of Volvagia, our lovely subterranean lava dragon. Koshamu is a Gleerok, a lava dragon
As you can see from the pic, Koshamu is TALL, freakishly tall, and very well built. Compared with him, Carid is a tiny and helpless creature… but you guys know that the girl can crush skulls with her bare hands if she wants to XD
3 commentsdan heron
Saria Unicorn.jpg
Saria Unicorn.jpgHoly Beast -- Forest Sage353 viewsSaria's animal form, from a fan fic I'm working on, I tried to make her look young but once again my pooir ability as an artist ruined it ^^U

unicorns don't look like horned horses, acording to original medieval lore, unicorns have a caprine (goatlike) look and are much smaller than horses (tanx to Koroks Rock for this info =) ).
Peter S. Bagle allso descrives unicorns ar creatures that have deer's leggs, goat's feet, lion's tail and horse's body

but I made her look more deerish becouse deer are better adapted to the woods than horses or goats
11 commentsDust_Bunny
redead_dungeon.jpgRedead's Dungeon776 viewsThis wing of the Tut is quite dark, and houses a fe Redeas and other such creatures. Hence the left side of the pic is altogether too dark to be much good, but that's the way things are. I'm looking up here, so we're getting the rising view of the ReDead, and the chains I have hung from the ceiling as eye candy. if you look to the right you can see an alcove in the wall which is revealed only at the end of the level.4 commentsKoroks Rock
oola.jpgOola184 viewsThis is Oola. She is from the fanfic I've been working on- The Hilt of Hyrule. She is a Louwux- a race of creatures that resemble Wolfos. They have amazing fighting skills and retractable claws that can pierce flesh on impact. Oola helps Link and Midyedai navigate their way through the caverns to find Princess Ruzailia. Miss Fearsome Pirate
Moblin.JPGMoblin Lancer256 viewsThis is a pretty basic Moblin design. Ugly, fat, sort of a pig/human/bulldog thingy. His armor is very simple, since moblins aren't the brightest creatures, and aren't ranked among the great smiths. The armor is made of leather strapped together. His helmet has good neck coverage, and doesn't greatly inhibit vision. I gave him a lance, because moblins seem to faver them in most games. (Plus, that's what I describe them using in my Link's Awakening fanfic.) 1 commentsjiminycricketX
majora sketch.jpg
majora sketch.jpgMajora rough sketch1113 viewsAh, Majora, another Ayike (Ayikes have small and round ears). Such innocent look hides the fact she's in control of the corpse of the Goddess of the nightmares.
She can transform her body into a vicious creature, just like the Wrath in MM
4 commentsdan heron
legendofzfinal.jpgLegend of Zelda331 viewsI realize these creatures are not exactly from the game, but in my defense, I saw some flying monsters in the new trailer...:)
freehand color pencil
5 commentsGirlink
GORON stage-5.JPG
GORON stage-5.JPGGoron404 viewsThis is my interpretation of a Goron. I didnt like how cartoony they were designed in OOt and thought it would be cool to look at them at a different angle. The most notable difference is the feel, which have become more troll and durtle like, because a creature carrying a huge load over rocky terrain isnt going to have soft toes under him. I also changed the hands, giving them three large fingers with hingernails that are part of the actual bone of the had. I did this because it would make grabbing rock and moving rock a lot easier and quicker. Also, a species that is reknown for its steelwork most likely wouldnt be walking around naked, so he has some basic tribal robes as well. Over all hes big, buff, kinda scaley, and makes you understand why link wasnt to keen on recieving a Goron hug.4 commentsBraxis
Floormasters_Earth_Temple.jpgFloor Masters at the Earth Temple404 viewsAnnoying. What more can I say. This temple is full with filthy, annoying creatures.2 commentsLudovic
Explorar0014.jpgGive me magiks950 viewsFacing these untold horrors approaching to her, she couldn't help grumbling at their attempts. Nobody messed with the Great Witch Maple, Puppet Master of the Quetzals
Removing her pointy hat, she stretched the inner side of it at a reality defying size and pointed the bottomless darkness against her foes. Taking a deep breath she chanted

Let the ceremony consecrate the marriage
Let me be the protégé of five magiks
Give me Alchemy
Give me Wizardry
Give me Sorcery
Magic if you please
Master all of these
Bring him to his knees

Defying all logic, numberless creatures started to pour out from her hat, from all the sizes and of all the nightmarish shapes the wickedest mind could think of. Soon, they'd outnumber her rivals. Soon, they'd consumer them all. Soon, only one would stay alive.


Our lovely Maple, ready to kick ass >D
9 commentsdan heron
emma6.jpgEmma Sketch263 viewsThis is my first complete sketch of Emma. I have been looking for a permanent kind of look for her like I have for Green. Her it is. Now, I just have to get all those others in my other fics. I have a lot of characters at fictionpress but I don't know where to post them. If anyone has any idea of a good and secure website, I'll appreciate it. ANyway.
Emma is thirteen years old. She has brown hair and eyes. She lives on an uknown island no too far away from Hyrule. It's a mystery why it's there, and Link is trying to figure it out while trying to save Emma and islanders from a mysterious, yet familiar creature terrorizing them for a powerful ancient artifact. This story might have a bit of romance.
I think my writer's block is dieing (did i spell that right?) anyways. If you want to reach my stories, go to My username is kitana5055 in the zelda section. Use search, it's easier. ANyways, please comment. I'm trying to get better at my drawings, and I'd appreciate your input. Thank you! :)
1 commentsjade2824
Dragon_Link.jpgDragon Link145 viewsIn Curse of Charanatos, Link finds a magical mask that turns him into this beast. He gains the ability of all dragons including flight (duh), super strength, and fire breath. He can strengthen his fire breath via the Triforce of Courage and Curse of Charanatos isn't his only appearance...Niko the ninja
dodongo0001.jpgDodongo236 viewsok, ok I know I draw alot of pics of Zelda and Link, but the creatures in the game really fascinate me too. I just ran across this, its way old, I think its felt pen and color pencil, started as a pencil sketch, I went a little nuts with the coloring....9 commentsGirlink
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