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Search results - "Don't"
bloodlinkweb.jpgSometimes a Fairy Just Isn't Enough367 viewsha, well, Ive been off writing doujinshi and managing a yaoi site at (dont visit the site unless you are 18 please!!!!!!)
buuut....I just remembered that I had a gallery here forever ago (I'm sure no one remembers, I haven't had a comment like forever....) ha but anyway, here is a little sketch i did and butchered in photoshop...........enjoy! OH, its a pencil sketch colored in Photoshop, and it is Link of course, kinda sad, well bawling really...awww dont you just want to hug him??? :)
Girlink (aka Ayame)
3 commentsGirlink
crazyassbird0001.jpgWindwaker Bird507 viewsOk, a plea to the Zelda Experts out there, I dont remember exactly what this bird-thing looked like, so be kind...:) I think it turned out pretty cool anyway. (Pencil sketch, prismacolors)31 commentsGirlink
Dancing girl.png
Dancing girl.pngHyrule Mountians674 viewsThis is my character I made up. Isnt she cute? ^-^ I dont have a name for her yet but she lives in a little villiage in the mountians. I drew the background how imagined sping in the hyrule mountians would be like. TOOK ME FOREVER! this is definately the longest ive spent on a picture. the background im most proud of. Hope you like it!16 commentseponagirl
fgdfgdfgdfg small complete.JPG
fgdfgdfgdfg small complete.JPGFanfiction Keeping The Faith chapter 8 comic1090 viewsthis is from my fanfiction keeping the faith chapter 8. its not posted yet, dont worry it has no spoilers, it only has a short scenery on the story. Ill post it soon. its a preview. sorry that the dialogue is gay and that it not colored of shaded. Follow the numbered panels....if oyu want to see it more cleary just click the know.......14 commentsAllysa
Ganondorf.jpgThe Prince of Thieves588 viewsMy version of Ganondorf. This is what I feel ganondorf looked like in the child portion of OOT. I felt that his orginal design, while being awesome, did not suit someone that lived and trived in the desert. So I changed all that. He now wears more cloth then armor. I gave him a scarf to wrap around his face during wind storms in the desert, and for raids or something. His body has many scars over it from his battles. Im not sure why he is wearing sandles, but they give him a better desert appreance (or at least I think so). I also gave him middle eastern themed weapons, that he could hack and thrust with. I also gave him a waterskin, because no matter how strong you are, the desert will consume you if you dont have water. Overall I think this design came out well. You should expect the a new link really soon!8 commentsBraxis
hits copy.jpg
hits copy.jpg100 000 hits in DA1091 viewsCommemoration pic for my 100k in Deviant Art X3
A pc with lots of blood and gore and cute girls!!!
hee hee, well, if you have seen my stuff for a while, you know that all my female characters kick ass, bash skulls and blow the shit out of anybody who messes with them. I have many crazy girls who are, well crazy, and would paint the city red, but I decided to show you a more balanced team.
Hikagi, Carid and Aliku (yay, more Alikuness! ). Dont ever make them angry, unless you want a slow and painful death X3
Hikagi uses steel tonfas, and as you can see, she enjoys playing with them. Carid uses a kompei (not sure if I spelled it right ^-^; ) and, besides of her brute force, she has psychokinetic powers, that's why she's floating. Aliku, now with her tantos <3 she loves them to death ^^

Hikagi: Otay! Who's next! "giggle" <3
Carid: Hmmm, that's one of my best jobs.
Aliku: And for mah next trick, Ah'm gonna need teh help of you sir!"

Hikagi, Carid, Aliku, Harincos, Ayikes (c) ME!!!!!
8 commentsdan heron
Likehepromised.jpgLike he promised492 viewsYou remember when Saria said to Link as he was leaving the forest 'promise you'll visit' well i dont think anyone else ever did a pic like this and i thought that it was a nice thought of Saria being really happy when he did visit. She is standing near the know it all bros house, recognise the hole where you go to get the Kokiri sword. Picture Link entering through the entrance hole thing (oh and at this point, just to add to the cuteness, Link doesnt see her yet and i picture some Kokiri's shouting 'Links come back!') I know im going into a lot of unneccesasary detail but...(look i actually did a background!) i like this pic, i though it was cute =^^= what do you all think?9 commentsRachel
linkandshadow22.jpglink and shadow368 viewsyeah. if you dont like shounen-ai, then just leave. dont flame, dont bash, and dont be mean.
yes these are both men. yes they are about to kiss.

i like yaoi. there. it's out in the open. everybody knows it. now get over it if it displeases you.

thank you. -_- *bow* that is all.

13 commentsoni-bu
LinkBomb.jpgLink has da bomb248 viewsI like to keep my art style my own, i dont like to impersinate other peoples artwork which is why mu link looks different to how most people would draw him. 100% done in flash and drawn with the mouse.7 commentsGerkinman
Linkcryopthisoneissmaller.JPGWords made the most painful wounds454 viewsWell this is Link all upset from what Mido is saying and doing to him
I like this picture and i have never seen this kinda pic dont before so here ya go it might be a first but...uh ok ill shut up...
But one more thing, if you wondering about the puffed up chest (no he doesnt have...those) he is just taking in a deep breath like ppl usually do when they are upset like this. Ok ok im done now you like?
9 commentsRachel
LinkZeldaWedding.jpgCutting the Cake314 viewsused my cousin's wedding as a reference..i dont really like it but will upload as i have already gona through the trouble of coloring it ^^7 commentsAtEteMiAGaRe
look alike.jpg
look alike.jpgSimilarities880 viewsIf you guys know the anime/manga called "Hikaru No Go" Then you would know this. But dont they both look alike in some way? I thought to myself that Hikaru (left) looks like the futuristic Link and Young Link in the past. There hair looks similar and their faces too. Man I LOVE HIKARU'S SHOES! And of course I like Link too! What do you think?14 commentsAllysa
Me&Link.jpgMe and Link807 viewsYes I'm obsessed with! But i dont like how I did Link's stance looks weird. heh I look weird myself.16 commentsAllysa
melissa.jpgoil pastel zelda153 viewsmy first try at oil pastels, i dont really like it,i hate her eyes most of all. =(3 commentsjustzelda
puzzles1.jpgpuzzles1046 viewsdont you hate it when you lose a piece to a puzzle and you cant finish it?14 commentsMichelle K.
reach_for_the_sky.JPGreach for the sky297 viewsone thing about this picture:



ohhhhh my hands hurt from making this one. it took me FOREVER to finish. but yeah im trying to go for a new perspective. i think i did an ok job for my first time drawing from an arial view. i had a hard time choosing which way a iwas going to submit my deviataion cuz i technically submit it upside down, and sideways. i thought this way looked the best. uh yeah, malon is happy and reaching for the sky and link is like "wha?" XD yeah i really dont know. XD
3 commentspyrofish
rito_warrior.jpgRito-warrior118 viewswanted to try my hand at drawing someone from the rito tribe from the wind waker but i dont have the game and wasn't able to fing much reference so I made something up based on what I did know I think it turned out all right.darklinkbeta200
Shadow vs dark link..JPG
Shadow vs dark link..JPGshadow vs dark link355 viewsSince im a fan of sonic as well i mixed this up it was fun working on it i hope you enjoy it Btw i dont use photo shop, I never use photo shop with my art9 commentsWhite_werewolf
sleepy.jpggetting....sleepy1090 viewsthe girl is an original character of mine. Her name is Ellekime (pronounced el-a-key-may). she is not related to link. she is a sheikah, im not sure whether or not she should be related to impa, maybe an aunt or something. i wish i could think of a fanfic where i can put her in it but i dont have the patience to write one. so you'll just see her in my drawings i guess, who knows, i just might one day find the courage to write a story! and the whole fairy thing, dont get confused i just decided to adda little fairy for the heck of it23 commentsMichelle K.
tpdodongo0002.jpgTwilight Princess Lizard Warrior312 viewsWell, I noticed that on the trailer for the new game that there are some lizard-type warriors...So, I cant help but think that maybe the Dodongos grew up a little along with the rest of the game. They look pretty mean, so I figured Id quit with the nice cute characters, and draw up some bloodthirsty ones. Oh, and dont even ask me how long it took to do all those freakin scales...heehee (pencil sketch, prismacolors)11 commentsGirlink
turkeyday0001.jpgHappy Turkey Day!348 viewsWell, Thanksgiving is coming up quick, and I will be way too busy to do stuff like this next week, so here is a little holiday piece for ya! I know the proportions are wacked, and Ganondorf isnt quite right, so please dont harass me about it, just enjoy the little joke!! :) Guess there isnt enough turkey to go around...haha10 commentsGirlink
Twilight_Princess!!2.pngTwilight Princess Link564 viewsYay new picture! i dont know if i like the logo. tell me what you think..


i dont know about you guys but im psyched for twilight princess to come out!!
5 commentseponagirl
untitled.JPG3D is back in style if not just a really bad style1145 viewsomfg zelda legends is back. neways. i actually made this before zeldalegends went screwy.
man u should see this in motion its so much better. Also the texture for link's torso got lost somewhere somehow (i dont kno how). ne ways i haven't drawn or made nething zelda since the fanart went away and i defeinately dont wanna upload my 50 pictures from before
( and people would prolly find that annoying neways)
9 commentsbathroomhacker
z12.jpgzelda pic.182 viewsa new pic., i did this yesterday watching t.v.
i think its better than all my other uploaded pics. dont u?
6 commentsjustzelda
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