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Search results - "Edge"
01 Twist.mp3
01 Twist.mp3Dragon Roost Isle Theme638 viewsHECK YA! this is me and random dude's song! we composed this and we are finally finished! Seriously this song is so freaking awesome! you'll love it!!! almost as much as I love exlamation marks!!! Please note that there are still some rough edges, and might be fixed some day, but for the time being, ENJOY! If you'd like me and dudeofrandomness to make more songs, let us know!
NOTE:!!! i really need comments! i need to know what is working, and what isn't working... that kind of stuff! PLEASE LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS SO I CAN MAKE A SONG THAT EVERYBODY LIKES
28 commentsdude_thats_evil
51_Double_Edge_Ring.gif547 views
ClimbingTheLedge1.jpg423 viewsFrom
ClimbingTheLedge2.jpg449 viewsFrom
ClimbingTheLedge3.jpg497 viewsFrom
ClimbingTheLedge4.jpg470 viewsFrom
Dragoness.JPGShine Dragoness205 views"Transcending History and the World, a tale of Souls and Swords eternally retold."

This sacred sword was made with an ancient magical crystal and is worshipped by the Antherians. The blade was forged in deep within the Baslong Forest under the guidance of the Dragon Guardians of Anthera, the crystalline sword is fused with the departed souls of previous Dragon Guardians to honor the sword, its edges sometime shine with bright light to warn the user of coming dangers and it has a radiant power to purify the tainted ones. And it was named the Shine Dragoness by the very first king of Anthera.

Shine Dragoness © by Divine_Link

5 commentsDivine_Link
DSCF0150_edited.JPGI have no clue.184 views'Tis I,DarkZelda! Aka Peachy...I RETURN, PEOPLES!

So anyway, I thought this screenshot was quite pretty. If only I could get all of the little orange-yellow ribbon...thingy...
Oh well.It's still cool.
And guess what?NO BLACK EDGES!

I have discovered the wonders of cropping!!
Itzpapalotl_by_dan_heron.jpgItzpapalotl483 viewsItzpapalotl is the name of an Aztec goddess, the literall translation would be something like "Clawed Butterfly" or "Obsidian Butterfly", making reference to the beauty of knowledge and the strenght of death. She was a fearsome goddess with painting over her face depicting a skull, who ruled over the paradise world of Tomoanchan. In Aztec Mythology, is the highest paradise in the heavens; in the Aztec creation myth, it is here that the gods created the present race of humans after Quetzalcoatl and his Nahual had gathered the bones and ashes from the previous race.
Itzpapalotl, or Papa as Ari keeps calling her, is the goddess of death in my Legend of Zelda fic. As many of you know, instead of making deities and spirits for my fic, I'm using Aztec ideas. Papa is one of them.
Now, you may think that death is horrible and macabre or stuff. Well, for most Mexicans, that's a pretty laughable thought. We learn to live and be happy with death since we are little children. That's why the fearsome is a random girl
1 commentsdan heron
LinkOnTheEdge.jpg486 viewsFrom
LinkRedGetMasterSword....gif1082 views1 commentsIron Knuckle
Link_the_hedgehog.jpgLink the hedgehog220 viewsThis is what I think Link would look like if he was "Sonic-ified." I'm a big fan of the blue blur and that's what inspired me.

You'll notice I didn't use colored pencils. This artwork was colored in via watercolor
3 commentsNiko the ninja
lmbigwlogo.jpgNew partners (better?)603 viewsTook some advice and came out with this. And all I have to say is thank goodness for options like "screen" in fireworks. I barely had to touch the logo to get it in there nicely. Thank you, Macromedia! And are the edges smoothed out enough? I lost the original fireworks file I did this in, so it wasn't as easy as it could've been, but I think it turned out alright.10 commentsdudeofrandomness
Loz Link.JPG
Loz Link.JPGCliff Edge363 views4 commentsThat Guy
nekored.PNGNeko Red553 views 'Cause random-ness is great =D Red's turning Neko for some odd reason and Blue and Shadow are "WTF?!" And Red seems to have not noticed.

Shadow: "Uh, does this usually happen to Red?"
Blue: "Not to my knowledge."

Red, Shadow and Blue (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!
3 commentsKeitii
process.jpghuggles-progress434 viewsJust showing how I work from start to finish.
And since someone at DA asked me if I use anything special in Photoshop to get "this?" look, I'll post my reply:
I just use the flat round brush (I don't really ever use feathered edges) between 50 and 70 opacity and the size of the brush is usually between 5 and 19 (unless I'm filling in a very large area.) Sometimes I use the smudge tool to brush out/blend color areas, but I try not to unless I need too. I'll also, sometimes, put highlights or colors in another layer and adjust the transparency (I did that here for the shine on his hair-- because I just wanted to paste it on real quick.) Or use the overlay layer effect for shadows. Just 'cause that's all even easier to adjust and redo. But what I just described, the way of painting, it takes me a really long time. It's just the only way (flukes not included) I seem to be able to work :/
1 commentsMelora
QuillGAIA.jpgFirst Class - Fledgeling Quill X3445 viewsShe's baaaack~ :O8 commentsTara Cobi Jenkins
scan0002.jpgBane of Shadow457 viewsok, this is a random sword that is supposed to be the exact opposite of the master sword... (aka) ganon's sword... its my own design, (which ended up randomly looking like the soul edge from soul caliber II, but i really didn't plan it... lol... and ya... (hand drawn...)(pencil obviously)... lol
12 commentsdude_thats_evil
screenshots_037.jpgCurse of the Pheonix213 viewsI took this screenshot 'cause it reminded me of a roleplaying plot I came up with. ^-^
See,the pokemon thingy is supposed to represent a pheonix...
I've got a roleplaying plot where an amry of pheonixes attack Hyrule. Kind of an Apocalypic thingy going on in that plot... it's a classic among my friends.
I don't know if you can see Zelda or not....

Gah, that horrible BLACK EDGE!! My hand is so SHAKY!! >_< Blech.
I've got another shot of this from a different angel, in case you wish to see. =3
screenshots_047.jpgZelda's revenge254 views"Oh come on Ganondorf, that flower looks pretty! ^-^"

Teehee... HyruleZelda's SSBM shots reminded me I had some screenies of my own. Mine won't get as orginizaed as,ever...
See the black edge on the right side of the screen? Yeah,that's where my TV ends.
It's still pretty funny,right? xD

(And I understand this account has a pickled past. Not the same person,peoples... my friend gave it to me. She stole ideas. That 'Desteny' charicter of 'hers'? MINE. Blech.)
1 commentsDarkZelda
screenshots_048.jpg...Whoopsie. >_<266 views"...What just happened?"
"I hate you so much right now."
"I can't feel my toes..."

Okay,so this screenshot... it looks like Zelda tried to imprison Ganondork in a block of ice, but accedentally got stuck in it as well. x3

That's Zelda- 1 Ganondorf- one half of a point.

Yay,a 'shot without a big black abyss on the edge! WHOOT!
shininglink.PNGShining Link417 viewsThis is my entry for Lo-Wah's contest on DevArt. =w=

He's so creepy! He's like murderous and evil and stuffs. Like Dark and Krad in D N Angel. Dark has black wings and looks evil-ish but is the good guy, and Krad looks like an angel but he's the evil one. This time, Shadow's like the good guy, 'cause he just wanted to be acknowledged and be part of the light, and Shining here's looks all good and white and stuff but he's all murderous and has blood-lust =O

The red marks in the background symbolise blood splats 'cause of his blood lust stuffs. I think I've done a good job and hopefully done the eyes right.

Shining Link (c) Laura Jun
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
1 commentsKeitii
SS_10_Edge-thumb-200x264-16371.jpg245 viewsflimsykitty
ThecreationofHyrule.jpgHyrule history part1-The creation of Hyrule206 viewsAccording to the Hylian scrolls, the mythical gods descended from a distant nebula to the world that was and created order and life. The God of Power dyed the mountains red with fire and created land. The God of Wisdom created science and wizardry and brought order to nature. The God of Courage, through justice and vigor, created life-the animals that crawl the land and the birds that soar in the sky. After the gods had finished their work, they left the world, but not before creating a symbol of their strength, a golden triangle known as the Triforce. A small but powerfull portion of the essence of the gods was held in this mighty artifact, which was to guide the intelligent life on the world of Hyrule. Although it was an inanimate object, the Triforce had the power to bestow three titles which gave the person who recieved them great powers: "The Forger of Strength", "The Keeper of Knowledge", and "The Juror of Courage". 8 commentsFyrborn
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