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Search results - "Fear"
4links+shadowfixed.jpgFour Swordsish Variation929 viewsSo I was going to make a picture with the other various ideas that I had for the Link pic (from Magalink) and I put them all together and it just kinda turned into this. Of course, I made it so the links on top were green, red, blue, and purple (corresponding to 4 swords game), and the one at the bottom is supposed to be shadow link. The text was made by me following a GIMP tutorial. I thought it turned out randomly good. Considering it was sort of an accident. I fear that Shadow Link turned out too dark though...on the laptop it looked much brighter than this.55 commentsdudeofrandomness
Darnaku.jpgDurnaku372 viewsThis is the first of my darknut designs. The first and formost change is the name. These are enemies that you fear to fight in Wind Waker, that are great and ruthless fighters, yet they have one of the worst names. So I changed it to durnaku (Dur Na Ku). At least that is what they would call themselves in their own tounge. I could see hylain common folk calling them darknuts for a shorter, easier to remember name (like gator for Alligator). They still have their bulging design seen in Wind Waker, but they have become more animal like as well. This design is the base of the Durnaku. All other designs will be based on this( The same goes for my Goron and Zora, they are all bases to draw on). I plan to do a armored Durnaku, and also a wild one, untamed by the dark powers and fully animalistic in nature. Keep an eye out for them4 commentsBraxis
EvilNeedleLady.jpgObbessive Compulsive Fan-Girl Named Vain283 viewsYesh! That is a piccy of me performing voo-doo on Zelda!! XD I have extreme Link obbessions... I AM THE EVIL NEEDLE LADY!!! FEAR MEH!!! I'm holding Linky Poo in my closet at this very moment. *shifty eyes* Heh...4 commentsVain
glomp.PNGAlyssa Aledia's Request- Blue's Been Glomped.141 viewsYes. Alyssa wanted me to draw her hugging Blue, so this is how it turned out. Blue looks a bit like an Azumanga Daioh character... Fear the awesome goth outfit. Hope you like it Alyssa!
Blue (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
8 commentshauu13
Goddesses.jpgGoddesses of Hyrule257 viewsOkay, first of all, I know you all are wondering why there are four Goddesses when there's only three. The middle one is my own made up character (who's the spirit within the girl from another realm) and she's Hera, Goddess of Fear. She was banned and sealed within the human girl before Din, Nayru and Farore made Hyrule, and that's why the Triforce was the Triforce.

Yes, my fanfic is based off of OoC.
1 commentsSage of Ice
Itzpapalotl_by_dan_heron.jpgItzpapalotl483 viewsItzpapalotl is the name of an Aztec goddess, the literall translation would be something like "Clawed Butterfly" or "Obsidian Butterfly", making reference to the beauty of knowledge and the strenght of death. She was a fearsome goddess with painting over her face depicting a skull, who ruled over the paradise world of Tomoanchan. In Aztec Mythology, is the highest paradise in the heavens; in the Aztec creation myth, it is here that the gods created the present race of humans after Quetzalcoatl and his Nahual had gathered the bones and ashes from the previous race.
Itzpapalotl, or Papa as Ari keeps calling her, is the goddess of death in my Legend of Zelda fic. As many of you know, instead of making deities and spirits for my fic, I'm using Aztec ideas. Papa is one of them.
Now, you may think that death is horrible and macabre or stuff. Well, for most Mexicans, that's a pretty laughable thought. We learn to live and be happy with death since we are little children. That's why the fearsome is a random girl
1 commentsdan heron
maple sketch.jpg
maple sketch.jpgMaple rough sketch1009 viewsAh, the Great Witch Maple X3 fear her army of puppets and her deadly flying skills X3 no, literally, you must fear her flying skills, she can't land wihtout crashing against something X3

That little thing you see on top of her head is 001 aka Zombie
7 commentsdan heron
My_worst_nightmare_by_dan_heron.jpgMy worst nightmare610 viewsYes… now you know Aliku’s worst nightmare… “fears”
This is actually a scene from my fic. The Quetzals get tired of Aliku’s attitude and they play a prank on her…… plain evil!!!

She’s supposed to be looking at her reflection right now, but you know how lazy I am so I didn’t draw the mirror ^-^;;

Aliku © teh Dan
2 commentsdan heron
Papa_and_Ari_by_dan_heron.jpgPapa and Ari505 viewsAh, the great debut of Papa! Goddess of death! >D Fear her, for she's random!
And a great friend of Ari.... I hope that let you know how random and weird she is X3

Here, these two are just being, well, their old selves ^-^;;
Papa is the one on the left, and Ari little Hylian girl. Ah, Ari's wearing her usual training outfit instead of her usual tunic.
dan heron
Redead-Tennis.pngZelda Tennis142 viewsJust one of the reasons why Nintendo hasn't expanded that Mario Sports phenomenon into other popular franchises.2 commentsPsytronic
reds_dream.PNGReds' Dream495 viewsFor Blue to be his prince, aaaw..
Yes, I know Red's wearing a dress, I know what I've drawn. Let him wear what he feels like, k?
Fear my bad backgrounds =w= Rawr.
Yeah, I tried for that romaticy feel effect thingy, that I think I just about pulled off.

Red and Blue (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
3 commentsKeitii
shadowandhissword.PNGShadow and his Sword352 viewsThis was a doodle I did which came out good =3 Only took about 55 minutes to colour too. He looks kinda evil in this pic. Fear the coolness >=o

Shadow Link (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!
svg4lra.jpgSupultra VS. Ganondorf for Link_Rules_All170 viewsLRA asked for a pic of Supultra his OC fighting Ganondorf, so here it is. The two girls in the backround are my OC Zenia and me, Neko-San in my fic. Fear my terrible swords and action poses! Me and Zen are betting on who's gonna win. Click on full view so you can see all the stuff I wrote. Zen's wearing a Gloomy Bear tee instead of her normal clothes (I'm jealous, I want Gloomy!)
Supultra (c) Link_Rules_All
Zenia (c) hauu13
Ganondorf (c) nintendo
Gloomy Bear (c) Mori Chack
6 commentshauu13
Tetra_Tunic_Chibi.jpgTetra in Tunic319 viewsHello again! I love drawing chibis now! Anywho in my fic Tetra takes on the infamous green tunic and fights evil in Hyrule. I took most of the designs from TP princess Link well actually I took the pose because I couldn't think of anywthing. TT_TT; I still can't draw feet so I was Legion of Supeheroes The Animated series and I loved how the girls boots were drawen aso I tried it and I like it!

My watermark from DA is here in fear it be stolen. ^^

Art (c)me aka "Dragon-RKG"
TLoZ (c) Nintendo
Dragon Warrior
thelegendofzelda2 copy.jpg
thelegendofzelda2 copy.jpgtwilight princess252 viewsfor the new zelda twilight princess another legend
in english it says:
the end is nigh darkness picks at the charred bones of the world
skeletons walk the earth no place is safe this is our final hour
the hero fights the darkness but their numbers are great
this evil is nameless
a fear so great it has swallowed the hopes of the people
they show no emotion they are the souls of pain hate greed and shadow
the hero beats back the endless waves of night walkers
this evil is nameless
lit by the last moons of the world the hero does battle with the evil
darkness shrouds the future and covers the past
but there is hope some say the hero is winning he persists
o hero thine will is stronger than a thousand swords
there will be no respite for this evil
their cursed blades will be crushed by the strength of the hero
the hero is known only as link
i believe him to be the hero of legend
the descendant of the hero of the winds although he is much older
the power of the gods shines forth from the back of his hand
his courage is endless farore would be proud
the evil has met its match
5 commentsthechroniclesofjim
twighlight princess copy.jpg
twighlight princess copy.jpgtwilight princess224 viewsfor the new zelda twilight princess another legend
in english it says:
the end is nigh darkness picks at the charred bones of the world
skeletons walk the earth no place is safe this is our final hour
the hero fights the darkness but their numbers are great
this evil is nameless
a fear so great it has swallowed the hopes of the people
they show no emotion they are the souls of pain hate greed and shadow
the hero beats back the endless waves of night walkers
this evil is nameless
lit by the last moons of the world the hero does battle with the evil
darkness shrouds the future and covers the past
but there is hope some say the hero is winning he persists
o hero thine will is stronger than a thousand swords
there will be no respite for this evil
their cursed blades will be crushed by the strength of the hero
the hero is known only as link
i believe him to be the hero of legend
the descendant of the hero of the winds although he is much older
the power of the gods shines forth from the back of his hand
his courage is endless farore would be proud
the evil has met its match
3 commentsthechroniclesofjim
Ultimate_Terror_by_dan_heron.jpgUltimate Terror636 viewsIT’S THE TEA CUP OF DOOM!!!!
“runs screaming”
With all and the drawing of the little heart and lil star!!!!!!
“runs some more”

No really, just our old Totally Random Weirdo, aka, Vire, god of terror, of evil, of destruction, of the yummy cupcakes!!!!!!
Fear him!!
No, no really, he’s a cool guy XD

Ah, I think I love this outfit for his “God” form. It was taken from one of mister Manabe’s design for Rufus from Drakuun.

Totally Random Weird, aka, Vire © teh Dan
dan heron
zlegends2b.jpgWallpaper 1 - 1280x768222 viewsAnother wallpaper from my 'on-going' project ZLegends, hope you like them.
PS: Do not FEAR commenting. It wont hurt, trust me ;)
7 commentsHyrule_SwordsMan
Zora Weapons.jpg
Zora Weapons.jpgZoran Weapons530 viewsI know these arent much to look at, but they were still fun to design and imagine how they would be used. Mostly they are made of polished fish bone and sheet steel, and are very light, but highly durable. They are for underwater and land use alike.

Spear- The most widely used among the Zora, the spear is useful inside and outside the water. The quick jap from a weapon with such little surface area would be a deadly attack in the water.

Knife- Great for close courters combat, a knife would be equally useful inside and outside of the water. With quick, deadly slices, a knife would be worn by any zora warrior.

Sword- Many for land battles, its thin blade cant take to much abuse, but it would be handled like a samurai katana with quick, powerful slices and fast foot and waist work.

Bow and Arrow- For land and water battle this specially designed weapon is made with a tightened string, with so much resistance that it could be used like a average bow in the water, shooting into it or out of it and even through it. Its land battle advantage is that it could fire arrows at such a distance that zoran archers are some of the most feared adversaries in Hyrule.

Dart Gun- Used only for land based attacks, a dart gun is for more stealthy attacks, and its poision tiped fish bone darts can take down a being in less then a second.

Shield- Equally useful in land and water battles, the shield offers some of the only resistance a zora has. Zoras rely more on skilll then defense, so a shield would be used by gaurds, mostly along side spears rather then the two handed sword. Its in the form of a sea shell, just to give it that ocean type feel.
7 commentsBraxis
19 files on 1 page(s)