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01 The King of Bad.mp3
01 The King of Bad.mp3The King of Bad!!!610 viewslol i like this song... ok, its ganondorf's song with the the lttp dungeon theme.... I tried to fix as many errors as i could before posting this song, but there is still one section that went all crazy on me during the transfer from studio to computer... and i have a question please tell me what u think about the beat! 60% of the tracks were devoted to making it the coolest freaking beat ever! (hopefully) 23 commentsdude_thats_evil
05-al-calm.jpgCalm Ocarina2396 viewsSources: Scanned and Edited by Melora. I believe I found it in the Booklet (US) Sorry for the blobs on his face, he was covered by another image, this was the best I could do without redrawing the bad areas. If anyone knows of where I can get, or has, a better image of this (and maybe a full image) please let me know! (click my name below for my most current email) If you know the source, but don't have it, a cover picture will help me locate a copy for scanning.Melora
5.PNGZenia137 viewsI was bored, and felt like drawing Zen. It looks like she's begging someone or she's really downhearted... You can see a bit of her tattoo, which I still need to provide a full drawing of someday. Yes...
Zenia, art (c) hauu13
3 commentshauu13
ALttP_rain_Final.JPGIt was a Dark and Stormy Night...654 viewsThe begining of "A Link to the Past". I really like the music that accompanies that part. This pic is based on an old sketch of mine. Full view looks best6 commentsThat Guy
anihik.jpgYoung Souls599 viewsThis boy is Hikagi’s love “nodnod” Yup, they are very in love, even with all the problems each one carries on their back.
Hikagi (the “feline” girl) is half Harinco and half Sheika. Animula is a Deva.
Their personalities are very different. While Hikagi is lives life to the fullest, Animula is too scared most of the time, and he refuses physical contact unless it’s his sister or Hikagi.
The title derives from Animula’s name. It comes from Latin, Animula, which means, Young Soul… or something like that ^-^;;;
dan heron
Awakening_by_Yuese.jpgAwakening187 viewsTududuuuuu Tududuuuuuu tududududuuuuu
What ? I play the ballad of the wind fish with my Ocarina .. don't you hear that ? ... *run*
For one time, I tried to do a more real style, I don't know if it's very successfull XD
But Zelda Link's Awakening is really my favorite Zelda with Majora's Mask
7 commentsangel of light
Baby_Blue_and_Anti-Red.jpgIt's Baby Blue and Anti-Red!140 viewsThese aren't regular Links-These are Opposite Links. Or at least two of them.
Anti-Red is male, thankfully, but Baby Blue is a girl! surprise!
Yeah I drew Baby Blue without her hat. I think she looks adorable without it.
8 commentsVaati_Lover
bird.jpgGanondorfXZenia100 viewsMan, this is terrible quality. the paper wasn't orange, that was the lighting. Taken with a digital camera not a scanner. Hopefully it looks better than the MS Paint stuff, if you can even see it...
Ganondorf (c) nintendo
Zenia and art (c) hauu13
3 commentshauu13
bluevsvio.PNGBlue vs Vio476 viewsW00t! LoZ:4S+ fanart! ^__^

This'll happen sometime in my fan-fic, which you should all read by the way, where Blue has a short duel with Vio, 'cause he's become possessed! I won't say by who or what. If you full view then you'll see Vio has white eyes instead of blue. That's how Blue figures out he's possessed by something or someone.

Blue and Vio (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat you soul!!
5 commentsKeitii
boat_color_small.jpgBoat Ride388 viewsA Wind Waker/Super Smash Bros fanart... I drew this for the Zelda Anthology Project ( in which I'm one of the editors. We just sent our book off to the printer and hopefully the fruit of our labor will be seen very soon. For larger version of this pic, you can find it on my personal site or Deviant Art. No critique is necessary. I'm not going to work on this pic anymore.2 commentscyen
Castle.PNGJourney of the Lost Memories-Doujin Page 3136 viewsI was talking to Princess of Twilight and I asked her if I should actually leave or not, and she told me no and I figured to maybe give this place one last chance...After this page every page will be together so meaning page 4 and 5 will be together. As you can tell, I'm no longer writing on the pages. I'm not too far from just letting the characters talk. Also hopefully Princess of Twilight will get Armon Castle looking almost like the “rough draft” I made mths ago. Hopefully it won’t be too big…

"But, Hyrule isn't the one with a Princess who needs a Prince; the land is just pass the lands of Ordona province, a secret way to another land ruled by a Princess that no one has noticed. Not until the Princess of Hyrule found out when she was a child." I'm going to say this for one last time. I'm accepting request's by either paint or free hand drawings. And if I don't get enough comments I will leave. In a way I do find it a bit unfair that when someone posts something they get like idk a lot of comments and when I post it's like only a few comments...

OC's, Storyline, style © by: Me
Zelda, Link, Orge Deity, Epona, Midna, and Ganondorf © by: Nintendo
Zelda © by: Shigeru Miyamoto
11 commentsAmy122
chars4.jpg3495 viewsFull sized version of the official artwork.2 commentsRicky
Copy_of_scan0008.jpgFAIRY THINGS!!!!!!!206 viewsYAY!!!!!!!A FULL colored picture of Navi and the other Faries.The H~Fairy is a Healing fairy.Oh the stuff under them is their fairy dust stuff.6 commentszeldamovie?no!!!
creation_of_hyrule_part_1.swfThe Creation of Hyrule570 viewsTHIS IS NOT THE FULL THING!!!!!
I wouldn't even recommend watching this at all. The full version is almost 4MB, so it
didn't fit on this site. NEW SITE: (there's a link below) to see it
(be patient, it's a big file), then come back and comment (please comment!).
Note that I made that site just for this file, there's nothing else on it. If it doesn't
work, that's because too many people have seen it and I've exceeded the data
transfer limit.
Now go, watch it,
and then finish reading this description (if you want to). Go. Now.

I realize that the lightning didn't work out like it should have. I think I'm going to add
sounds, including thunder, to it. eventually.
Also, I know it's
jerky, especially when the camera jerks before the sun moves. And the rest is just too
But overall, I think this is my masterpiece (which, you could argue, isn't saying much....)
and I'm really happy with how it came out.
I used Terragen (obviously), Irfanview for renaming and JPEGing, MX Flash 8 for converting
it to Flash, and... that's it. BTW, KR, the code didn't work.
6 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
darknesswithin.jpgThe Darkness Within1348 viewsI don't have the full scale drawing for this one either. :( Anyway, this drawing was on this gallery before, and I hope everyone likes it again.15 commentsGanondorf
Dark_Nut_Back_Up.pngBack Up379 viewsI am ASHAMED to call myself a Zelda Fan, I've been MIA. This time, I have a good excuse! Back in Sept. I started a job working at a Trucking company. And I've been working there ever since. computer died......again yes...I've Pre-ordered Skyward Sword and ordered a Players Guide for it. And I was watching a playthrough of the game but the person just seriously stinked at playing it period...Seriously a person asks for help what do you do?
ANYWAY, this here is used by the Dark Nuts or Dark Knights in Twilight Princess when Link gets them armorless they'll throw their sword at him and pull this baby out, now that I Look at it, looks like both the hilt and blade needs to be longer....Of course, I'm working on a few more swords and hopefully the Goddess Sword from Skyward Sword IF, I can find an official art to it....

Dark Nuts/Dark Knights Back Up Sword and Dark Nuts/Dark Knights © by: Nintendo
Zelda © by: Shigeru Miyamoto

2 commentsAmy122
Darnaku.jpgDurnaku374 viewsThis is the first of my darknut designs. The first and formost change is the name. These are enemies that you fear to fight in Wind Waker, that are great and ruthless fighters, yet they have one of the worst names. So I changed it to durnaku (Dur Na Ku). At least that is what they would call themselves in their own tounge. I could see hylain common folk calling them darknuts for a shorter, easier to remember name (like gator for Alligator). They still have their bulging design seen in Wind Waker, but they have become more animal like as well. This design is the base of the Durnaku. All other designs will be based on this( The same goes for my Goron and Zora, they are all bases to draw on). I plan to do a armored Durnaku, and also a wild one, untamed by the dark powers and fully animalistic in nature. Keep an eye out for them4 commentsBraxis
darunia.jpgDarunia's Confusion1462 viewsThis is another oldie, drawn from an abstract impression of what the Gorons say to child link as he first explores their city. The idea is, in a nutshell, that Ganon comes in full of self-righteousness and threats and ominous portents, to the utter confusion of Darunia, who thinks everything is going fine.

I had some fun with the background here, adding in my plethora of Goron expessions and the unique goron ? mark: it was mostly to make up for my poor goron drawing skills.
12 commentsKoroks Rock
Dinfarorejanayru.jpgNayru, Farore and Din383 viewsAll three creating The Sacred Realm, I suppose. Anyway, I had wanted to draw these goddesses for a while now, so when I had the time, I drew them. Not very successfully, tough...3 commentsan-chan
EvilLink aka possesedlink.jpg
EvilLink aka possesedlink.jpgpossesed Link aka evil Link188 viewsthis is possesed link from my fanfic, also could be known as evillink.
this link is from a part in reality where hyrule has fallen to ganon and the princess was lost.
when link got up the courage to take on ganon,who had the whole triforce, and defeated him the anger from ganon was transfered from him through the triforce to link, link who had been confused and distrught at killing ganon went mad with power..destroying his reality.
and nearly myself who was trying to help him calm down.
the marking on links head means courage, and the mark on his hand is the sign for the full power of the one should ever have the full power of the triforce
6 commentsFyrborn
Floormasters_Earth_Temple.jpgFloor Masters at the Earth Temple406 viewsAnnoying. What more can I say. This temple is full with filthy, annoying creatures.2 commentsLudovic
Full_Moon_Cello_moving.gif930 views1 comments
funkifullinkpuppyeyes copy.jpg
funkifullinkpuppyeyes copy.jpgpuppy eyes link179 viewsI did this on flash, then "perfected" it on adobe photoshop. Yeah... I know it sucks... One leg is WAY too small, and he looks demented! But gimme a break! This is the first time I've drawn Link on a Comp.6 commentsdestined_hylian
g-cello.jpgFull Moon Cello729 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link's Awakening Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora.Melora
93 files on 4 page(s) 1