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Search results - "Haven"
16147560a9444949330o.jpgLady Beulah164 viewsHey ZL! It's been long time I've been here. Well I've started my fanfic and fanart since I have numerous amounts of free time on my hands. So this Lady Beulah, haven't decided where to put her in my fanfic, this piece actually was came out of boredom one night. What do you think?4 commentsDivine_Link
7.JPGFanfic214 viewsAnother fanfic character. Haven't come up with a name for her yet.1 commentsMiss Fearsome Pirate
aloneintherain.PNGAlone in the Rain382 viewsThis is a pic of Green, he was running and then tripped into some mud ('cause it's raining) and he's sat up looking ahead of him. What's he seen you ask? Well...even I don't know..

I haven't digitalized this 'cause then it keeps it's black and white sad look. The mud marks are the slightly dark areas on Green. He's got tears at his eyes 'cause he's been crying. Why you ask? Well, I know but I'm not telling X3 Yeah, I copied a pose form the manga, but it's a hard pose for me to draw. I did draw the rain but I added the rain effect in PSP, I think it looks better this way. =3

Green (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
3 commentsKeitii
among_the_dead_1027.jpgAmong the Dead584 viewsHaven't been around here in a long minute, so here's my latest Zelda piece, Among the Dead. I wanted to do a piece with Link in the graveyard with ghosts. This was the image I had in mind from the cemetery section of Zelda 1. This took me quite a while to draw at first, I couldn't quite get the pose for link right, so I kept trying different poses when I had free time. Once I finally had the pencils, it took me about a week / week and a half, on and off to Photoshop. The ghosts where somewhat difficult at first becuase the pencils for them were very unsubstantial, I pretty much had to paint them in with Photoshop. Anyway, hope you guys like it.6 commentsShady Gambino
biglinkpico.jpgbig Link and small Pico334 viewsSorry I haven't submitted art in a while. I liked the art style for Mario Smash Football and used it here!11 commentsRICKY
bloodlinkweb.jpgSometimes a Fairy Just Isn't Enough367 viewsha, well, Ive been off writing doujinshi and managing a yaoi site at (dont visit the site unless you are 18 please!!!!!!)
buuut....I just remembered that I had a gallery here forever ago (I'm sure no one remembers, I haven't had a comment like forever....) ha but anyway, here is a little sketch i did and butchered in photoshop...........enjoy! OH, its a pencil sketch colored in Photoshop, and it is Link of course, kinda sad, well bawling really...awww dont you just want to hug him??? :)
Girlink (aka Ayame)
3 commentsGirlink
blueinforesthaven.PNGBlue in Forest Haven404 views Here's Blue in the Forest Haven, kinda confused why he's there. This pic is kinda random, eh well. I like the little random Koroks I did =3 I hope they look OK to you guys. I also hope it looks enough like the Forest Haven. I like the pretty yellow things =3 Forest-ness =3 Enjoys!

Blue (c) Akira Himekawa
Koroks and Forest Haven (c) dudes who made Wind Waker
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!
2 commentsKeitii
capntetra.pngCaptain Tetra185 viewsI can't believe I haven't uploaded this yet! Anyway, here's another version of adult Tetra. I based her outfit off her mother's outfit.3 commentsavroillusion
Chapter_Seven_no_words.pngMiniblins - sort of178 viewsThis mess is more cover art, that I haven't added the Layer of text to yet. Probably do it tomorrow. If you can't tell they are miniblins - I hate those stupid ne' ne's 3 commentsachitka
cookie.jpgI want cookies745 viewsI haven't uploaded anything in a long time.. XP.. this is a pretty old picture.. it's really popular on DA though.. I'm not sure why.. ^__^;; hehe. I coloured it with crayola coloured pencils and inked it with a black ball point pen. 8 commentsChibi-Rinku
creepy_pasta_card_5th_ben_drowned_by_gatanii69-d6twz1p.jpgBEN Drowned5416 viewsYouv'e met with a terrible fate, haven't you?BEN Drowned
Dark_Link.JPGDark Link335 viewsOk, first off, wow, I haven't seen this place since I was maybe...15? THREE YEARS! *gasp* I've changed a lot, and so has my art. this is the latest vertion of Dark Link from my story LoZ: Child of Darkness. He's sadistic, a masochist, and likes to mess with people's minds. In other fords: Pure Evil. He and his group, the Shadow Kin, are opposing evil force to Ganondorf, and wants to break his ties to Link by gaining enough power to break the bonds that keep their two destinies intertwined. Just a nice pencil work thing. Toko about three days. Enjoy.1 commentsLinkFan
Four_Sword.PNGFour Sword134 viewsOMG, I haven't posted anything in a while. God, my fan-fiction gets in the way and my other art does too. I've had this on hold for a good while now. >< I love how it turned out, the only thing that needs to change is the side things. They need to be a bit more out.

Four Swords © by: Nintendo
Zelda © by: Shigeru Miyamoto

P.S. If I find anyone stealing this which I doubt you can cause I have my username on the blade. BUT, if I find someone stealing this, I will seriously make you PAY!
3 commentsAmy122
ganon3.jpgGanondorf's Sword351 viewsold old drawing. I think everyone here has seen it already, and i havent drawn swords in ages, so yea.1 commentsWel
ganonsunlight.jpgGanondorf369 viewsI kind of always imagined that at the end of OOT, when you run up those final stairs in the castle, that the battle will take place with sunlight streaming in through all those windows..Well, actually, Im just trying to distract you all from the fact that this is my VERY FIRST attempt at Photoshop (I havent even watched the tutorial yet)... so be kind, Im still learning....:) Man it is tough...6 commentsGirlink
gerudo thief.jpg
gerudo thief.jpgGerudo Thief416 viewsHavent uploaded in awhile, so I did this quick drawing just for kicks. Its a simple gerudo thief, nothing really specail, nothing really different from the game, just a little different design in the clothing. 2 commentsBraxis
gerudot1.jpgKaly257 viewsThis is a teenage gerudo character I drew. I'm working on this pic on photoshoop. Yet, I haven't made a fanfic for her.

BTW, I was Farore44 before, but now I have the same username at if anyone ever wants to read my fanfics.
3 commentsjade2824
haven.midForest Haven1198 views1 commentsIron Knuckle
horse_race_3.midHorse/Goron race235 viewsI'm alive!!! this song has actually been in the making since early January. I've just been really busy and I haven't had much time to do it. And in case you were wondering, yes, I got the idea of making music from dte. but the difference is that he plays his on a keyboard and i sit at my computer like a nerd and click the music into the computer to play. easier, but more tedious.
so anyway, there's a story which goes along with the song to explain the insanity. You're at the top of a mountain with some Ingo-type guy for some reason (I'll leave that up to you). Then you somehow make the Gorons angry at you (remember, they're enemies in TP) and the whole city/tribe/pack or them starts rolling at you. Ingo (or whoever) blames it on you and tries to attack you while you both run to your horses. then you start running down the mountain, with an avalanche of gorons and boulders behind you. you have to avoid them as they pass you, dodge the boulders and bomb flowers ahead of you, and fight Ingo all at the same time.
5 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
hylain.jpgHylain Guard503 viewsOk, I havent posted in a long time, but just to show that I am still working on zelda design, Here is a hylain guard. Nothing out of the ordinary went in to drawing this, but it did take quite awhile to get the armor to look right, and to look in a way that he wouldnt be too restricted to movement. I tried to keep the roman-esque feel of the hylians from oot, but also added thier own little style of armor. I decided silver armor and black cloth would look really cool, and the triforce symbol on the chest plate could be bronze, or gold. Hope you like it, comment any changes that should be made.7 commentsBraxis
Ilia.jpgIlia1102 viewsI havent seen a fanart of Ilia yet! so i made one. hope u like it!27 commentseponagirl
Impafarge.jpgImpa- colored451 viewsI'm so tiered!!! I've been bussy all week! gah!!
yay! I haven't been doing any zelda-art for some time now. But i'm uploading som old stuff.:)
7 commentsMelilot
kari.PNGKari128 viewsTADA! Since chapter four of my fic is up, I shall show you the stranger beneath the cloak! It's Kari, whom you will learn mos of the backstory of in chapter four. She's a zombie, RAWR!
Kari, art (c) hauu13
Anyone want a request? I haven't any ideas for any other pics...
9 commentshauu13
koroks2.pngOur Little Haven203 viewsA bunch of little Koroks that spawned from a doodle on one of my notes. The maple sugar brown one with the red leaf and antlers is the one I call the Canadian Korok. :)3 commentsavroillusion
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