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Angua.jpgAngua346 viewsThis is Angua, a character in my fic. Believe it or not, she is the princess of Ecassa, a country right next to Hyrule, and she's Vaati's girlfriend. She is extremely popular, and wouldn't be caught dead in a pink dress and a tiara. She is nice to a lot of people, has dated a lot of guys, and has a ton of friends, like Shadow Link and Bird Head Link (aka Minish Link). You don't want to make her mad, though. She may look innocent, but if you do something to make her mad, she'll set a bunch of cats on you. That would hurt. Lots. Ow.

BTW, she sees evil spirits.
9 commentsvaati_girl
awesomewlevels.jpgHero of Courage, Wisdom, and Power659 viewsPhew! This took forever to do, but I'm extremely satisfied with the result. The scene is supposed to be Link receiving all three pieces of the triforce (Zelda and Ganondorf are dead or something, notice they only appear as reflections beside Link's). Lots of work, lots of lighting effects, lots of satisfaction. Whad'ya think? Note especially the lighting on Link, with the blue and red, not to mention the water...17 commentsdudeofrandomness
Bubblybluebg.pngBubbly154 viewsNewbie Alert!

So, yeah, I got the idea for this pic after listening to the song "Bubbly" by Colbie Caillat. I love that song, it's so... gushy-cute. So, that song, mixed with my sad nerd-crush on Twilight Princess Link led to this. Link, surrounded by shojo bubbles. Lots, and lots, of shojo bubbles.

Oh, and I know my shading isn't the greatest, it's never been my strong point. Just be greatful it's shaded. I had to sharpen up the lines by hand using a 1pt sized bush and eraser because I don't know any other was of going about it.Aand the bubbles and background swirly-thingies were both brushes. Yeah, I'm a cheater. I found the bubbles on Brusheezy and the swrils on... some place that was linked on the Photoshop Support website...

Colored and re-re-reinked in Photoshop Elements 2.0. Oldskool.

Hope you guys like it!
3 commentsthepbjninja
crazy.PNGCrazy Sepultra for LRA157 viewsWow, this looks strange. But, then again awesome.
Sepultra (c) LRA
art (c) hauu13
15 commentshauu13
demo.jpgZLegends Demo Screenshot277 viewsThis is how the ZLegends game will look like. It will be lots of hundreds years after WW and Link will look diffrent than any other link is ;)
In the screen shot you can see keeses, a forest (DUH) and, well, link, heh. there's also the buttons icons (Z,X,A,S,D) and the life indicator.
Well, i'm very prouf of myself becouse i've reach this by myself, nobody wanted to help me and theese are my OWN results. :'S lol.
6 commentsHyrule_SwordsMan
Ganon_3d_Model-001.PNGGanon TP222 viewsHappened upon the models for TP, thought I'd toss up Ganon here, can't seem to find the Master Sword or Epona yet but I'll find them.
Anyways I didn't make this model so I didn't mark it as mine, I can see lots of awesomeness coming from these models.
2 commentsParaclete
gumball2.jpg"Gumball" Cover 2.0567 viewsWell, i managed to fix the gallery (w00t!) and so now i can show you the very nearly finished version of A Goron Stole My Gumball cover. This is directly based off of Feldon's sketch, and follows it closely, with a few small changes. Basically, i just added textures and shading. i used some non-commercial textures by two friends named DG and Sock, and then editted them appropriately. i use their stuff a lot, it saves me a huge amount of work. The moon is a picture of the moon i took a while ago, color adjusted for this pic.

Now, almost all that's left is to get the text colors right. Feldon, I need your input for this :) Input from anyone else would be great too, I'm sure there are lots of tweaks i can do.
3 commentsKoroks Rock
hits copy.jpg
hits copy.jpg100 000 hits in DA1092 viewsCommemoration pic for my 100k in Deviant Art X3
A pc with lots of blood and gore and cute girls!!!
hee hee, well, if you have seen my stuff for a while, you know that all my female characters kick ass, bash skulls and blow the shit out of anybody who messes with them. I have many crazy girls who are, well crazy, and would paint the city red, but I decided to show you a more balanced team.
Hikagi, Carid and Aliku (yay, more Alikuness! ). Dont ever make them angry, unless you want a slow and painful death X3
Hikagi uses steel tonfas, and as you can see, she enjoys playing with them. Carid uses a kompei (not sure if I spelled it right ^-^; ) and, besides of her brute force, she has psychokinetic powers, that's why she's floating. Aliku, now with her tantos <3 she loves them to death ^^

Hikagi: Otay! Who's next! "giggle" <3
Carid: Hmmm, that's one of my best jobs.
Aliku: And for mah next trick, Ah'm gonna need teh help of you sir!"

Hikagi, Carid, Aliku, Harincos, Ayikes (c) ME!!!!!
8 commentsdan heron
impa.jpgSage of Shadow273 viewsA full CG of Impa. Something about it makes her look a little scary, but I can't quite place it. I've just started learing a more realistic style in photoshop, so it's still very rough with lots of errors. I think I want to draw Impa more often--she's fun to draw!1 commentscerasly
itemsfullon.pngLotsa Freaking Items845 viewsThis has every freaking official art item in the entire game of OOT, and i pretty much had to solve this puzzle and make it all fit without any of the regular items touching. Ya it took a long time. please comment on it!36 commentsdude_thats_evil
Link.JPGLink223 viewsYep, I drew this during my Science and English 1 class since I was really bored. Sorry it's on line paper folks. ^_^;; And I decided to place wings on Link since he is like an angel saving lots of people and lands.

Link is (c) to the Zelda corp.
4 commentsSage of Ice
merryxmas4swords.jpgMerry X-Mas folks169 viewsThe 4 swords people wish you a merry Christmas! Green's had a little too much eggnog and he's being all tipsy. Vio's wearing a Santa-ish outfit, and is staring at Green or the spilled eggnog on the floor. Shadow's wearing reindeer antlers, and he's stopped reading to stare at Vio. Red and Blue are trying to get the star on top of the Christmas tree, but I think Blue's about to drop Red. Vaati and Mohan, one of my original characters, are under mistletoe kissing.
Green, Red, Blue, Shadow, Vio, and Vaati (c) nintendo
Mohan (c) hauu13
art (c) hauu13
3 commentshauu13
Nayruop.jpgNayru721 viewsThis is Nayru...obviously..see!
True to my word ive coloured lots of new pics! whoo hoo the other two goddesses will be put up here as soon as people comment on this one.
Well what do you think?
13 commentsRachel
ruto.jpgI'm not Persephone753 viewsIf you were wondering what happened to Ruto, well, here’s your answer.
The Zora Princess really had a bad time after she broke up with Kasui, not only with her heart, but with her duties as a princess. Lots of political crap, attempts of murder, and more shit happened to her.
Nahual was part of the Pristine Army’s experiments to create weapons out of Toerre’s fauna. Made after a wolfos, he is in extreme loyal and obviously strong. He was made to be a killing machine, but he is in extreme pacifist.
The title was inspired by Tori Amos’s song, “Pandora’s Aquarium”. There is a line that says “I’m not asking you to believe in me, boy I think you’re confused, I’m not Persephone”. It relates to what Ruto tells to Nahual after he tries to leave for the first time. With her heart on her hands, she begs him to not leave, because in Hyrule he will be accepted. He doesn’t believe her. Then she says that she isn’t asking him to believe in her, just to give her a chance to prove it to him.
2 commentsdan heron
Sacred Realm.jpg
Sacred Realm.jpgSacred Realm653 viewsThis is the three goddesses in the saced realm. Once again lots of bright, seizure-inducing colors! YAY!7 commentsSusie Q
snowy hills.JPG
snowy hills.JPGsnowy hills290 viewsVIEW THIS FULL-SIZE!!!! it looks way better.
ok, this is based off of two things: los's article thingy about the clouds, and the new screenshot of the snow. I've been restraining myself with difficulty from sticking snow in every one of my pictures, because snow makes stuff look good. and now, i have a reason to put it in! yay!!!
you may notice i did the bluish tint. in the screen, it was more of streaks than dots, but i can't do that, so oh well.
i know that hyrule field is a field, but i think it would be awesome to ride epona up and down little hills, like these.
this was simple to make, but i like how it came out. it looks... big.
5 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
therageofdarkness.PNGThe Rage of Darkness381 viewsThis'll happen sometime in my fan-fic. Shadow has lots of rage building up inside him 'cause something happened ¬w¬ And I not saying what yet, Nyeah! He's gonna go beat up the thing who did that thing.
I'm glad how the darkness came out all around him. It's meant to be like when someone is powering up sort-of feel.

Shadow (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!
1 commentsKeitii
tpyay.PNGTP Random Event155 viewsThis actually happened to me lots of time.Red_Fan
volvagia.pngSpirit of Fire192 viewsA Wind Waker-y Volvagia. He was lots of fun to design.2 commentsavroillusion
zelda_gown.jpgZelda at Night563 viewsOkay, lots of people have been debating about the white line thing. That was fully intentional. However, I drew this a while back, when I didn't know how to make white space transparent. But, now I know. ^^ I do it like this:

1. scan in a drawing.
2. in photoshop, select all and copy.
3. create a new layer, and fill it in black.
4. switch to quick mask mode, and paste into the black layer.
5. switch back to normal mode, and press delete.

All finished!

If I had wanted a cleaner line I could have stroked the outline of the drawing. Ah well. Practice makes perfect, right?

I don't particularly like Zelda, but I do like drawing her. Hopefully she'll be cooler in TP and actually do some of her own fighting... and I hope there's some kind of Malon-esque character in it too!
9 commentscerasly
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