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01 - The Songs of the Forest2.mp3
01 - The Songs of the Forest2.mp3The Rhythm of the Forest814 viewsYES!!!! I have gone through Heaven and Heck in order to bring this song to you!!! If u want me to, sometime i can tell you all the crap that happened to me, but it would take up too much room on this... lol... This is a compilation of all the forest song, (kokiri forest, Saria's song, and the Deku Tree's theme) i composed the song pretty much, cuz kokiri forest's theme was actually in a different key, but it needed to sound good with both of the other songs... so i magically made it all work out... Oh ya! This file is REALLY poor quality! get used to it! I am beaten! I can't spend another minute fixing this song... and around 2:20 in the song, it trips out cuz my studio kept tripping out during the recording (which made it EXTREMELY difficult to record) I'm sorry alot of it sounds like crap, if you want me to email u the higher quality version, just let me know... 37 commentsdude_thats_evil
01 - Track 1.mp3
01 - Track 1.mp3Gerudo's Tripp'n Remix714 viewsI have no good ideas for a title right now... (please give me some ideas). Ok heres the breakdown... umm... first off, i need to explain the fact that this is NOTHING but a rough draft... I just wanted to mess around with the song, and as always, i apologize for the countless errors... What this is for, is; i am wondering if you like the sound of it so far. (BE HONEST!!! I CRITIQUE YOUR STUFF HONESTLY, SO I'D LIKE YOU TO DO THE SAME TO ME) now about the song... i made the beat by myself, (dudeofrandomness actually didn't do any of it...) Please let me know what you think!34 commentsdude_thats_evil
01 selena.mp3
01 selena.mp3The Triumphant Hero515 viewsOk... i made this song in literally 2 hours... and i also wrote this song... (ya notice the fact that it doesn't sound like any zelda songs u are familiar with *lol*) first off, this is (again) a rough draft (sadly) i would like to get in to more orchestra stuff... btw, i suck at playing cymbals... i need a little more practice... but this song is meant for any of the (future) zelda games... my guess is that it would be the ending/closing song of the game (the song that plays during the credits) ya and thats just about it.... let me know what u think!17 commentsdude_thats_evil
01 Track 1.mp3
01 Track 1.mp3The Beat of the Dragon760 viewsHere we are again... this is the new improved (i hope) dragon roost isle theme... oh yeah *gives credit to Koji Kondo for coolness of song* and ya... this version has louder drums and louder marimba's, it also has bells added into it. I am keeping the other version so i can see what type of music (on average) people like more... so MAKE SURE U GIVE ME YOUR COMMENTS AND IDEA'S!!! !NOTE! : remember... please tell me if don't like something... for example, if you don't like the drums, tell me! The only way i can perfect my songs is to know what you like, and dislike!43 commentsdude_thats_evil
01_Track_1.mp3The Hike For Ikana Castle494 viewsGuess what?!? I'm still living, thats right! anyway, ya.... yea for Majora's Mask! my first song from it, i actually mocked this up in about 2 hours and i kinda like it... its really similar to the original, but i still really like it. Its short and to the point! anyway, ya i hope ya'll like it cuz u should... ah... ya anyway, i'm gonna go now...16 commentsdude_thats_evil
02 Track 2.mp3
02 Track 2.mp3The Dragon's Rage641 viewsOk here's the thing! the drums in my last version were REDICULOUSLY overpowering! so i fixed it up and am putting out this... I know most of you won't be able to tell the difference, but i think this one is the best of all of them, so sorry i keep uploading the same song, its a learning process right now!24 commentsdude_thats_evil
041teamwork.jpgTeamwork266 viewsTechnically I drew this last year, and uploaded it on Deviantart without ever putting it here. I forgot, my apologies!

Anyhow, I was a big fan of this one screenshot of Midna and Link looking chummy, and it kind of reminded me how they were a team - moreso than any other sidekick (in my opinion). Midna's hat is a nightmare. That is all.
5 commentsSnowsilver
05-al-calm.jpgCalm Ocarina2396 viewsSources: Scanned and Edited by Melora. I believe I found it in the Booklet (US) Sorry for the blobs on his face, he was covered by another image, this was the best I could do without redrawing the bad areas. If anyone knows of where I can get, or has, a better image of this (and maybe a full image) please let me know! (click my name below for my most current email) If you know the source, but don't have it, a cover picture will help me locate a copy for scanning.Melora
100 views.jpg
100 views.jpg100 views212 viewsAlright, alright, i know this is weird, how could i already have 100 views? Well, i was on this site before and my name somehow got deleted so im bringin all my pics back an this was for 100 views on the snot kid pic1 commentsKia
10000hitssmall.PNG10,000 Hits397 viewsThis is a pic I did for getting over 10,000 pageviews on my DevArt account =3
I love the way this pic came out, 'cause it's the Links in a different media from me. X3
They're holiding flags of the different digits and Blue's also holding up a comma sign XD

Green, Blue, Red, Shadow and Vio (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
16 sept copy.jpg
16 sept copy.jpg16 de Septiembre!1710 viewsXD September 16 is Mexico's Independence Day, I still can't understand why people in other countries make such big deal of May 5 (I can't understand how they can put that day above sept 16). But this day, we celebrate day and night, all around the country, and what you see Dizi, Aliku and Link wearing is pretty much of what you see during those parties XD
I don't know why people think we dress like mariachis or cowboys or that we live in desert or stuff like that, it's just silly XD Myself, I have never got anywhere near to a mariachi, they piss me off, I have never seen a cowboy, or a desert for that matterXD

Our Smexy Dizi, donning a Tricolor top and a matraca (her hair down because she looks smexier). Aliku (yes, she can change the color of her skin), is wearing a Naco's shirt X3 And Link wearing an old soccer shirt, Mexico's, of course X3 on the front the face of the Sun calendar. And in the bg, the eagle devouring the snake, our coat of arms
I hope you like it because I put a lot of heart on it
26 commentsdan heron
16147560a9444949330o.jpgLady Beulah164 viewsHey ZL! It's been long time I've been here. Well I've started my fanfic and fanart since I have numerous amounts of free time on my hands. So this Lady Beulah, haven't decided where to put her in my fanfic, this piece actually was came out of boredom one night. What do you think?4 commentsDivine_Link
16147560a9564149127o.jpgLeona Lewis sketch259 viewsI'm a big fan of Leona Lewis ever since I saw her during X-Factor, her voice is simply amazing and I love almost all of her songs. Especially Footprints in the Sand which gives an idea for my next fanart. =) Oh, I know I was only suppost to post Zelda fanart, this is practice doing the hair and it came out good. ^_^1 commentsDivine_Link
19.JPGLoZ or Eternal Life...362 viewsThis is a strip from my webcomic 'Milo and John.'
See more of my comic at the below link:
5 commentsjiminycricketX
1995670.jpgJourney of the Lost Memories-Doujin Page 1209 viewsThis is the newer verison and the better one, I had to use ref on the sleeping princess to Magalink's Sleeping Zelda, and the comic style as in the "Windows" I used ref to Serenitythefreakinfairy on DA. In the second panel that "ball" is suppose to be the spell the young wizard is enchanting. His hand is what I think what would look like if I was looking at him in person and if he was holding the book... Some of my writing got cut off so I had to type it out. Stupid Scanner. >>

"Stories are told of Princess's being held prisoner in their own castles; some were put to sleep by a witch or wizard and needed a Prince to break the spell. This one isn't a story, for this. Is real!"

Also it will read right to left just like tha Jap manga. I do hope everything will look better once I get past all of the Narator talking so the Characters will be able to speak. And I might draw a picture of Akako's mother who's never mentioned in the Fan fic =)

OC's, Storyline, style © by: Me
Zelda, Link, Orge Deity, Epona, Midna, and Ganondorf © by: Nintendo
Zelda © by: Shigeru Miyamoto
14 commentsAmy122
2.jpgHappiness in sadness425 viewsUh-Oh, Lorica's sad...but she has a smile on her face? Something super hormonal must be happening here. And, being the good husband he is, Symphann comforts her..

On a completely unrelated note--CK's gota bit of artist block, and one of the best ways (next to colorful fanart) to cure it is a new character. But, thanks to my artists block I'm feeling a little indecisive, and I need to know whether I should make this new character a girl or boy, and so I figured I'd have you guys vote :D
7 commentsChibi-Kokiri
2.PNGPrincess of Twilight's request: True Form Midna174 viewsHow many details did I get wrong, I wonder? Probably a lot. Like her hips are way too small compared to the rest of her body. Well anyways, hope you like it PT!
Midna (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
I do requests, that I do.
7 commentshauu13
200X Sword.png
200X Sword.pngTribute to Ricky (200X Sword)429 viewsThis sword is a tribute to the most awesome Wind Waker style artist Ricky! It's his Link 200X Sword. I didn't have that much place to put cool detail into it because it's such a simple sword. So I'll understand if you don't like it as much as my others, but it's the thought that counts. YOU ROCK RICKY!!!! PS- I had to uploud and delete this a few times because I spelled my name worng and every time I tried to fix it it didn't work, sorry.10 commentsbounty hunter
2links.jpgback to back955 viewsthese are the links i used in my 3 links image6 commentsfaerie
36.jpgPrecious Treasure298 viewsSymphann and his baby daughter, who finally has a name! It's Flette; lightly based on the word flute because I got myself a new flute today!
Symphann's right wing is messed up because I had to draw it with the computer, after I colored the whole thing I realized I forgot to draw it in, so I quick did with the mouse pad thing that a laptop has.
3goddesses.JPGgolden goddesses160 viewsThe way that the 3 golden gods are going to look like in my fan-fic. A bit of info on the 3 sisters. The battle ax Din is holding is to show her great power, and it's also for cutting down hordes of other worldly beasts. Din is usually has a good control of her feelings, but when she's angry she could kill anything. Farore is a mute so she communicates through thought speech, and is a master at bending peoples minds to her will. Nayru, although it might not look like it, is a master swordsman, and can beat anyone at a swearing contest. By age Din is the oldest, Farore is the middle child, and Nayru is the youngest.
Nayru, Din, and Farore (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
The smudge in the upper right please ignore it. It's where I messed up and didn't have an eraser.
3 commentshauu13
4sOnline.jpg4 Swords Online BG592 viewsSo, during my lunch i doodled a bit, very bored-like, and came up with a few little 4s in capital Os. I've been thinking for sometime about reincarnating the Zelda Online idea as a Cube Legends gamemode, and the sketches seemed to jump out at me "4 Swords Online!!"

So i took the sketches, went over to a comp with a scanner, and dropped the images into photoshop. twenty minutes later, with a little help from a CD of Zelda Media (something i recommend all fanartists make), I had a half-decent background.

So ja, just a little something to ease my appalling lack of fanart. Simple, easy on me, and maybe a bt of fun for yall to think about. Who knows, maybe it'll be worth it for me to code a zelda gamemode into CL (which started out as a zelda game, btw)
9 commentsKoroks Rock
4swords.JPG4Swords Links207 views Just a screenshot I captured from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. (I appologize for the poor quality, I took it with my old crappy camera. T-T ) Anyways, its of Toon Link (Green), and his alternative costumes (Red, Blue, and Vio). I thought it looked like Green was giving out orders to the other 3, and they were all listneing. Plus it's in the order of the formation that id used during gameplay. Enjoy!
SSBB (c) Nintendo
Screenshot caught by Princess of Twilight
P.S. I will take requests and try to get them done ASAP.
P.P.S. zeldamovie?no!!! you're Midna will be up tommorow (Sorry for the wait! -_- U)
P.P.P.S My fic the 5 Links has been updated for those of you, who are interested. ^-^
9 commentsPrincess of Twilight
4swords2.jpgFour Swords Adventures864 viewsyet another 1 year old picture x__x;; This is still one of my favorite works because I liked how it turned out. It's done on Adobe Photoshop 7. 16 commentsChibi-Rinku
1132 files on 48 page(s) 1