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01 selena.mp3
01 selena.mp3The Triumphant Hero515 viewsOk... i made this song in literally 2 hours... and i also wrote this song... (ya notice the fact that it doesn't sound like any zelda songs u are familiar with *lol*) first off, this is (again) a rough draft (sadly) i would like to get in to more orchestra stuff... btw, i suck at playing cymbals... i need a little more practice... but this song is meant for any of the (future) zelda games... my guess is that it would be the ending/closing song of the game (the song that plays during the credits) ya and thats just about it.... let me know what u think!17 commentsdude_thats_evil
01 Track 1.mp3
01 Track 1.mp3The Beat of the Dragon758 viewsHere we are again... this is the new improved (i hope) dragon roost isle theme... oh yeah *gives credit to Koji Kondo for coolness of song* and ya... this version has louder drums and louder marimba's, it also has bells added into it. I am keeping the other version so i can see what type of music (on average) people like more... so MAKE SURE U GIVE ME YOUR COMMENTS AND IDEA'S!!! !NOTE! : remember... please tell me if don't like something... for example, if you don't like the drums, tell me! The only way i can perfect my songs is to know what you like, and dislike!43 commentsdude_thats_evil
16 sept copy.jpg
16 sept copy.jpg16 de Septiembre!1705 viewsXD September 16 is Mexico's Independence Day, I still can't understand why people in other countries make such big deal of May 5 (I can't understand how they can put that day above sept 16). But this day, we celebrate day and night, all around the country, and what you see Dizi, Aliku and Link wearing is pretty much of what you see during those parties XD
I don't know why people think we dress like mariachis or cowboys or that we live in desert or stuff like that, it's just silly XD Myself, I have never got anywhere near to a mariachi, they piss me off, I have never seen a cowboy, or a desert for that matterXD

Our Smexy Dizi, donning a Tricolor top and a matraca (her hair down because she looks smexier). Aliku (yes, she can change the color of her skin), is wearing a Naco's shirt X3 And Link wearing an old soccer shirt, Mexico's, of course X3 on the front the face of the Sun calendar. And in the bg, the eagle devouring the snake, our coat of arms
I hope you like it because I put a lot of heart on it
26 commentsdan heron
3goddesses.JPGgolden goddesses160 viewsThe way that the 3 golden gods are going to look like in my fan-fic. A bit of info on the 3 sisters. The battle ax Din is holding is to show her great power, and it's also for cutting down hordes of other worldly beasts. Din is usually has a good control of her feelings, but when she's angry she could kill anything. Farore is a mute so she communicates through thought speech, and is a master at bending peoples minds to her will. Nayru, although it might not look like it, is a master swordsman, and can beat anyone at a swearing contest. By age Din is the oldest, Farore is the middle child, and Nayru is the youngest.
Nayru, Din, and Farore (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
The smudge in the upper right please ignore it. It's where I messed up and didn't have an eraser.
3 commentshauu13
Allos_head_template.jpgAllos' head196 viewsThis is the head of Allos from "Dimension Hopping". Allos comes from a dimension where animals are the equivalent of people. That helmet of his can shoot optic force blasts from the visor covering his eyes.

Allos' body template is on that of a dinosaur known as Allosaurus: who was T-rex before T-rex was T-rex.

If anyone wants to draw the rest of his body, read my fic and tell me. Capiche?
1 commentsNiko the ninja
Amy_s_Request.pngAmy122's Request198 viewsSORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! I had 3 projects due for like 3 different classes, and that took up a lot of my freetime. So I apologize! Anyways, I hope you can forgive me and I hope you like it! ^^ Please Comment!^^
Edit: I just looked at some of my pics and a lot of them are 1s or 0s what the h*** is up with that?! I don't want to sound conceited or anything but I work really hard on my pics and seeing them get zeros breaks my heart. =( I don't think its nice to just frollic around the gallery and click zeros for people (yes I said PEOPLE it's not just my art its a lot of peoples whose art I think is really good!) So now I'm both extremely sad as well as angered! ;_;
Akako (C) Amy122
Zelda (C) Nintendo
Art (C) Me!
7 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Angua.jpgAngua346 viewsThis is Angua, a character in my fic. Believe it or not, she is the princess of Ecassa, a country right next to Hyrule, and she's Vaati's girlfriend. She is extremely popular, and wouldn't be caught dead in a pink dress and a tiara. She is nice to a lot of people, has dated a lot of guys, and has a ton of friends, like Shadow Link and Bird Head Link (aka Minish Link). You don't want to make her mad, though. She may look innocent, but if you do something to make her mad, she'll set a bunch of cats on you. That would hurt. Lots. Ow.

BTW, she sees evil spirits.
9 commentsvaati_girl
A_modern_Minish_by_dan_heron.jpgA modern Minish662 viewsFor my Saria "anthro" I had only a few choices since the Legend of Zelda isn't exactly creative when it comes to forest related monsters. The main choices were Dabas, Deku spruts and… I think that's all. The rest of the plant monsters are too abstract to give them a human form.

That's why lovely Saria got to be a Minish ^^ yeh, I know this little race lives everywhere, but they originally came from the Forest, and are always hiding from people, just like the Kokiris. Besides, they are so friggin' cute you want to hug them X3 Just like Saria!
I know only forest Minish have feathers like tails, but what the heck, a feather tail is cute ^^

Oh, and Minish have those really big eyes that are very shiny. That's why she looks a bit weird.
Oh2: she's a bit older here ^-^;
Oh3: she's human sized
2 commentsdan heron
baka_na.gifChristmas265 viewshaha, isnt funny!....again Red and Link!...i know its stupid!!

Red- Hey I'm Santa Claus!
Green-Another fool....
well if you could read it in japanese i think it would be more fun!, but there's people that cannot read japanese, well i hope it'll make you laugh!
6 commentsfiorella
BHchallenge.gifBH's challenge511 viewswell, BH challenged us to color his outline of the Gilded Sword, and two people have already done so. So I thought to myself "With competition like this, what's the best way to compete? work outside the rules!" so rather than coloring the sword like BH asked us to, i modelled it in Q2Modeller, my 3d modeller of choice. the sword is extremely rough-hewn, because each and every vertex and triangle was done by hand. if i get some positive reception, i'll up the vertex count and skin it.8 commentsKoroks Rock
chufromvio.PNGChu from Vio542 viewsShadow get's a little chu from Vio ^w^ Nyaaa! <3 Shadow's hair and clothes colours should be better now since I got them from a higher quality scan that ZeldaLegends put up. Love the yaoi-ness people! X3

Vio and Shadow (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!
3 commentsKeitii
couple.jpgA Lovebird and a Hylian326 viewsThese are my two newest OCs. Actually, no. Laurica (the girl) is actually rather old, but I only drew her once. The Rito, who still needs a name (any suggestions? Something musical please :D) is super new. These two happy people are married, hence the twin tattoos. Those were done on their wedding day, and I need to draw a picture of that...

Screwing around with a new coloring style. Instead of smudging the shaded parts, I added ab 18 pixen guassian blur (WAY to many pixels IMO, so I guess I've learned something) No lighting because this picture took long enough with just the flat color and shading.
6 commentsChibi-Kokiri
creation_of_hyrule_part_1.swfThe Creation of Hyrule567 viewsTHIS IS NOT THE FULL THING!!!!!
I wouldn't even recommend watching this at all. The full version is almost 4MB, so it
didn't fit on this site. NEW SITE: (there's a link below) to see it
(be patient, it's a big file), then come back and comment (please comment!).
Note that I made that site just for this file, there's nothing else on it. If it doesn't
work, that's because too many people have seen it and I've exceeded the data
transfer limit.
Now go, watch it,
and then finish reading this description (if you want to). Go. Now.

I realize that the lightning didn't work out like it should have. I think I'm going to add
sounds, including thunder, to it. eventually.
Also, I know it's
jerky, especially when the camera jerks before the sun moves. And the rest is just too
But overall, I think this is my masterpiece (which, you could argue, isn't saying much....)
and I'm really happy with how it came out.
I used Terragen (obviously), Irfanview for renaming and JPEGing, MX Flash 8 for converting
it to Flash, and... that's it. BTW, KR, the code didn't work.
6 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
dark.PNGDark Zelda122 viewsShe looks like the Grudge in the middle pic, I swear it wasn't on purpose. A little background info on my interpretations of the "Dark" characters; They'realbinos that dye their hair, and are able to become part of the darkness and reappear in another patch of darkness like what the pic in the middle shows. They have long, sharp fangs, some of which are venomous. And almost every "light" person has a "dark" counterpart that acts in the same manner toward other "darks" as the "light" people. (For example, Dak Zelda and Dark Vio would be attracted to one another, and Dark Blue and Dark Link/Green would hate each other.) That's it.
Dark Zelda (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
5 commentshauu13
Darkness_by__Princess_of_Twilight.pngDarkness523 views It's the evil people! Ganondorf (my stlye-since I couldn't draw th TP ones hair right on this angle ><), Dark Zelda who looks too cute to be evil, and the Dark Link from my fic, (which means he's one of the Link's who went evil, it's a secret!) Anyways I tried to use my Prismas again, I'm pretty satisfied, hop you like it everyone! n.n

Ganondorf, Dark Link, and Dark Zelda (C) Nintendo
Art (C) Princess of Twilight
And Kifan I'm sorry it took so long to respond, I made my request under your Sleeping Zelda picture.^^
14 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Dark_Link.JPGDark Link334 viewsOk, first off, wow, I haven't seen this place since I was maybe...15? THREE YEARS! *gasp* I've changed a lot, and so has my art. this is the latest vertion of Dark Link from my story LoZ: Child of Darkness. He's sadistic, a masochist, and likes to mess with people's minds. In other fords: Pure Evil. He and his group, the Shadow Kin, are opposing evil force to Ganondorf, and wants to break his ties to Link by gaining enough power to break the bonds that keep their two destinies intertwined. Just a nice pencil work thing. Toko about three days. Enjoy.1 commentsLinkFan
Dark_Link_Dark_Zelda_and_Vaati_by_Princess_of_Twilight.pngDark Link X Dark Zelda...and Vaati1151 viewsHi everyone! I have't gotten around to posting anything really since I've had a lot of homework recently. T^T Anyways requests are getting done, but taking a little longer. Sorry to whoever has one. >< I'll try my hardest to get them done!

I found this pic in the bottom of my drawing pile and it was already drawn so I just had to ink it, color it, and get it up here.^^ It's a pic of Dark Link, Dark Zelda, (they look happy together as far as evil people go lol )and a very angry and very little Vaati. XD I tried to stick with a consistent color scheme of red, black, white, and purple because I thought it looks nice that way.^^ I hope you all like it!^^

Dark Link, Dark Zelda, and Vaati (C) Nintendo
Art (C) Princess of Twilight
5 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Deku_Flower.JPGWherever The Wind May Take Us...407 viewsHey, the Deku people are cute, and I was bored one day, and... voila. Those crazy Dekus...4 commentsElphaba Boy
demon_god.jpgOriginal characters, with wings!265 viewsSeveral of my original characters. We have the Demon Queen (Telphinia), Vaati's girlfriend (Mohan), the Goddess of Light (Zenia), and an unnamed demon warrior. These girls appear in chapter 1 or 2 of my fan fic. But before I can post it I have to have a name for the unnamed demon. I'm going to have a little contest: give me a name for her and if I use the name you give me you get a request! I'd like it if you gave me a first and last name for her, but just a first name is fine to.
All people in the drawing (c) hauu13
15 commentshauu13
DSCF0150_edited.JPGI have no clue.184 views'Tis I,DarkZelda! Aka Peachy...I RETURN, PEOPLES!

So anyway, I thought this screenshot was quite pretty. If only I could get all of the little orange-yellow ribbon...thingy...
Oh well.It's still cool.
And guess what?NO BLACK EDGES!

I have discovered the wonders of cropping!!
Eth.jpgPrincess Ethina139 viewsHey ZL. It is I Divine_Link. I had no choice to create this account because I couldn't recover my password and I tried to reach the administrators and no reply at all. If there's a way to retreive a user's password please tell me. Really, really appreciate it.

Now onto my concept of my new character; Princess Ethina (Eth-thee-na) of the North has a gift to see to those can't see, many people seek her advice and voice of reason to decide. In the town of Drastar, the locals treat her very special and men tend to give her silk ribbons due to her passion for ribbons. During the quiet nights Ethina goes out and watch the stars for hours.

Princess Ethina © R.M.
5 commentsCaranthir Felagund
explaination.swfWhy Zelda and Link always CoExist1649 viewsSoundless
270 KB
Flash 6

This is a short, small flash I've made using Minish and OoT official art (and a screenshot from the GCN movie) in an effort to humorously explain why there's always a Link around when there's a Zelda.

Note that I'm trying to set a basis for how to introduce flash, so people can know if they need to dampen their volume, or be ready for a long wait, or even have a compatable browser.
21 commentsKoroks Rock
Explorar0021.jpg"gasps" Ari >3919 viewswell, just a lil doodle I did during my class of Costs and Graphic Production.
This is what I want for Ari's final design. Longer hair, this outfit for her every day life, and small breasts. She wants bigger breasts, because people calls her boy and then she has to beat their poor arses X)

Just pen, no pencil, nor idea of what I was doing until halfway, then I started shading X)
15 commentsdan heron
Fuyukaze.JPGFuyu no Kaze244 viewsFuyu no Kaze means Winterwind in Japanese. However, some just call her Fuyukaze, or Kaze when in normal Keaton form or Fuyu in normal human form.

People often mistake her for a male Keaton when she's in her normal Keaton form. And she's one of the rare silver Keatons who isn't like all of the other ones. She turns into her human form around males and lures them to their death by talking them into getting closer to her. However, when Link runs into her he almost gets killed but stops her and they fight. She loses to him and since that happened, her soul now belongs to Link since she's one of the rare Keatons.
5 commentsSage of Ice
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