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Search results - "Present"
101_0580.JPG#1Zeldafan103 views*Note* Hauu13, i'm sorry your pic isn't up yet-I've been lazy- Please don't hate me T-T. I SWEAR it'll be up tomorrow, (18th) if not, then u have permission to hate me.
Well about this pic; it's a photo of me and PT's Mii artisan. The mii that represents us is supposed to be a midna. This pic is old because now we're in 19th! ^-^
*woot woot*
here's an entry # 4 our mii's
594071708075 <- this will take you to a Wolf Midna [just go 2 search entry #]
7 commentsZelda: Princess of Hyrule
1415615.jpegMerry Christmas593 viewsJust a little present for his princess <310 commentsRooro
8.PNGSymbol of the Silver Gods140 viewsThe symbol that represents Zenia and her brothers. It has no name yet, so I'm open to suggestions (Nothing with 'force' in it though). Yeah...
art, Symbol thing (c) hauu13
7 commentshauu13
Akako.jpgAkako277 viewsI got done with this, I think...Either Christmas Eve or the day before. The dress came from Alyssia who did this with Akako for Christmas. Anyway, even tho I didn't get a lot of presents, I will say this, this year was the BEST Christmas ever! It acutally snowed on Christmas day, we here in NC, actually had a White Christmas, and I think the last one was, 100 and some years ago.

Sorry it's up so late. The side it suppose to be saying Merry Christmas, but dad's stupid Scanner cut it out.

Akako © by Me
7 commentsAmy122
birthdaylinkweb.jpgHappy Birthday Amy-san!412 viewsHere is a little present for Amy122...(I wrapped it myself...*grin*) haha Happy Birthday!!! Hope you are having a good one! (pencil sketch, ink, photoshop)
8 commentsGirlink
Chest_Present.gif427 views
happyholidays.pngHappy Holidays594 viewsWahey! It's done! 'Tis teh Five Links representing different holidays!

Red's got Christmas since he's like the little kid who loves presents and all the good cheer. Plus he's in Red

Blue is Valentines day because he's the guy who keeps trying to get all the hot chicks, but I don't think this is gonna draw them any closer though (Will draw Red closer though, heheh.. ¬w¬)

Vio is teh Easter Bunny! Mainly a filler really. But I bet deep down inside he must love that costume!

Green is St Patricks day. I couldn't think of any others but he's this since it's a green day.

Shadow is Halloween since he's the evilest and scary-est. Obvious really o.o

Enjoy Children! Merry Christmas! Happy Easter! Happy Halloween! Happy St Patricks Day|! Happy Valentines Day!

All characters above (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!!
2 commentsKeitii
Itzpapalotl_by_dan_heron.jpgItzpapalotl483 viewsItzpapalotl is the name of an Aztec goddess, the literall translation would be something like "Clawed Butterfly" or "Obsidian Butterfly", making reference to the beauty of knowledge and the strenght of death. She was a fearsome goddess with painting over her face depicting a skull, who ruled over the paradise world of Tomoanchan. In Aztec Mythology, is the highest paradise in the heavens; in the Aztec creation myth, it is here that the gods created the present race of humans after Quetzalcoatl and his Nahual had gathered the bones and ashes from the previous race.
Itzpapalotl, or Papa as Ari keeps calling her, is the goddess of death in my Legend of Zelda fic. As many of you know, instead of making deities and spirits for my fic, I'm using Aztec ideas. Papa is one of them.
Now, you may think that death is horrible and macabre or stuff. Well, for most Mexicans, that's a pretty laughable thought. We learn to live and be happy with death since we are little children. That's why the fearsome is a random girl
1 commentsdan heron
Lokomo_Sword.PNGLokomo Sword179 viewsWell, I'm back once again, IDK for how long, I'm going to try do to a manga of Okada. But I haven't gotten anywhere other than her face and half of her arms. Other than that, my 24th birthday was Wednesday which seriously sucked, I've had better b-days when I was growing up. I think my best b-day was my 17th, my friends gave me b-day presents. Anyway, I wasn't about to color the blade green, or yellow, I have never seen a blade that was green or yellow. And it looks like it doesn't have any kind of desgins other than those triangle marks but I think that's just apart of the shading. I'm going to make the Hilt a little longer. After this I'm going to work on Phantom Ganon's sword, those stupid Dark Nuts sword from WW, then Ganon's swords from WW since that's been on my list for IDK how long...

Lokomo Sword © by: Nintendo
Zelda © by: Shigeru Miyamoto
9 commentsAmy122
majton.jpgHanging around with the Dream king712 viewsMajora (the girl on the left) is supposed to be a Helmasaur, but I kinda didn’t put the mask there ^-^;;; Tonalli is the girl on the right, she’s a Scorpia (you can guess)
Majora is the holder of the power of the Moon Goddess, Majora. While Tonalli is the holder of the power of the Sun God, the Oni. Majora represents the Nightmare realm while the Oni is representative of the Dream realm.
Oh, and while it says the Dream king, Tonalli and Majora are both girls. Tonalli is just using the power of a male god but she's a girl X3
1 commentsdan heron
Merry Linkmas!!.jpg
Merry Linkmas!!.jpgMerry Linkmas!!!!259 viewsAfter a long day of drinking eggnog/martinies Link was a little bombed so he decided to give Ganon a present.. an active bombchu...
Have an explosive christmas!!! Zelda legenders!!!!!
we wish you a linky christmas we wish you a linky christmas and a exploded Ganon.
6 commentsFyrborn
myfanfic Impa.jpg
myfanfic Impa.jpgMy fanfics present day Impa182 viewsthis is Impa and how she is shown in my fanfic.
in the later future of Oot about 30 years she is married to Ganon after he returns 20 years before..that scar is from Ganon, he attacks her after feeling she has betraid her.leaving her with his son Gandorious.
7 commentsFyrborn
PencilOcah3.jpgRender of Princess Ocah200 viewsHey everyone. Thought I design full body figure of Princess Ocah. The ruffle ripples on her dress inspired me from Queen Rutela's dress like ripples on water and Ocah's looks like a rose. The symbols on her jewelry represents moonlight, they worship the moon because whenever the moon gets pulled into the Earth during the night and the tides come in further beyond the shore. it just me or her hands look big? lol

Princess Ocah © Me
10 commentsDivine_Link
picoinhouse.jpgHome sweet home (Minish Cap II)169 viewsAnother revamped sketch I found on my cluttered desktop.

Turns out the young Minish Pico is actually learning to become a sage and knows a great deal of spells as the storyline unfolds. The kid is also fascinated by Hyrulian lore, history and prophecy as shown by the stain glass windows. He looks up to Link which is funny given present circumstances. =3

Nintendo © 2006.
ptbday.PNGHappy B-Day Princess of Twilight!!133 viewsSorry it's late, plz to forgv? (Lolspeak I noes it.) Midna's giving you a present! Wonder what's inside, maybe it's a lolcat! Or a cheezburger! Or a lolcat and a partly eaten cheezburger! (The lolcats love the cheezburgers).
Midna (c) nintendo
lolcats (c)
art (c) hauu13
4 commentshauu13
screenshots_037.jpgCurse of the Pheonix213 viewsI took this screenshot 'cause it reminded me of a roleplaying plot I came up with. ^-^
See,the pokemon thingy is supposed to represent a pheonix...
I've got a roleplaying plot where an amry of pheonixes attack Hyrule. Kind of an Apocalypic thingy going on in that plot... it's a classic among my friends.
I don't know if you can see Zelda or not....

Gah, that horrible BLACK EDGE!! My hand is so SHAKY!! >_< Blech.
I've got another shot of this from a different angel, in case you wish to see. =3
snakefeather.PNGLink_Rules_Alls' Request-Battle of the Gods117 viewsThis was a request I did as a late birthday present for LRA. In it, three of his OCs, Dark God Naranu, Light God Naranu, and Salazar (the Basalisk/big snake), are fighting amongst themselves and Oni-Link (whom LRA calls Korosho). And Slazar is a demon, not a god. Yep. Hope you like it LRA!
Naranus, Salazar (c) LRA
Oni-Link (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
I'm open for requests!
7 commentshauu13
Vio_and_Yami.pngVio and Yami320 views Just a cute pic of Vio and Yami. Yami, (For those of you who don't know), is a character in my fic. She is a Sheikah princess. (She secretly likes Vio though) In this pic, Yami is holding a secret present for Vio, but she's too nervous to give it to him. (She looks smaller than Vio cuz shes behind him; and that Japanese Text next to Yami is her heartbeat.) Enjoy!
Vio (c) Akira Himekawa
Yami & Art (c) Princess of Twilight
5 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Xmas_Present__Marjojing_by_Red_Fan.pngXmas Present109 viewsThis was an Xmas present for a friend. Green looks mature on here....Red_Fan
yaaay-tablet-web.jpgPraise the Goddesses!446 viewsIn celebration of my birthday present. (Which was actually kind of a while ago....) Well no more mouse-spaz-attacks for me! And don't believe the lies, Photoshop Elements is good enough >.>

Then again, I'm a PS n00b. x___x
3 comments[cuccoattackforce]
ZeldaDC.jpgRito Dreamcatcher155 viewsHey ZL. It's been awhile I since uploaded fan art here and so I drew this concept entirely on Paint. Heh, it took me two days to finish with the mouse.

As you see I titled it "Rito Dreamcatcher" because of the Ritos; they look a lot like Native Americans and some tribes represent the eagle as their spirit of guidance. Like how Quill poured his wisdom to Link in The Wind Waker.

Fanart © RM
5 commentsCaranthir Felagund
21 files on 1 page(s)