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Search results - "R.I.P."
006break.pngBreak500 viewsNo. 6 of the 100 Theme Challenge.

If Green ever looses his friends this is what he'll feel like. Torn, broken, ripped in half, or many pieces.

Green (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
2 commentsKeitii
01 - The Songs of the Forest2.mp3
01 - The Songs of the Forest2.mp3The Rhythm of the Forest814 viewsYES!!!! I have gone through Heaven and Heck in order to bring this song to you!!! If u want me to, sometime i can tell you all the crap that happened to me, but it would take up too much room on this... lol... This is a compilation of all the forest song, (kokiri forest, Saria's song, and the Deku Tree's theme) i composed the song pretty much, cuz kokiri forest's theme was actually in a different key, but it needed to sound good with both of the other songs... so i magically made it all work out... Oh ya! This file is REALLY poor quality! get used to it! I am beaten! I can't spend another minute fixing this song... and around 2:20 in the song, it trips out cuz my studio kept tripping out during the recording (which made it EXTREMELY difficult to record) I'm sorry alot of it sounds like crap, if you want me to email u the higher quality version, just let me know... 37 commentsdude_thats_evil
01 - Track 1.mp3
01 - Track 1.mp3Gerudo's Tripp'n Remix713 viewsI have no good ideas for a title right now... (please give me some ideas). Ok heres the breakdown... umm... first off, i need to explain the fact that this is NOTHING but a rough draft... I just wanted to mess around with the song, and as always, i apologize for the countless errors... What this is for, is; i am wondering if you like the sound of it so far. (BE HONEST!!! I CRITIQUE YOUR STUFF HONESTLY, SO I'D LIKE YOU TO DO THE SAME TO ME) now about the song... i made the beat by myself, (dudeofrandomness actually didn't do any of it...) Please let me know what you think!34 commentsdude_thats_evil
19.JPGLoZ or Eternal Life...362 viewsThis is a strip from my webcomic 'Milo and John.'
See more of my comic at the below link:
5 commentsjiminycricketX
aloneintherain.PNGAlone in the Rain382 viewsThis is a pic of Green, he was running and then tripped into some mud ('cause it's raining) and he's sat up looking ahead of him. What's he seen you ask? Well...even I don't know..

I haven't digitalized this 'cause then it keeps it's black and white sad look. The mud marks are the slightly dark areas on Green. He's got tears at his eyes 'cause he's been crying. Why you ask? Well, I know but I'm not telling X3 Yeah, I copied a pose form the manga, but it's a hard pose for me to draw. I did draw the rain but I added the rain effect in PSP, I think it looks better this way. =3

Green (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
3 commentsKeitii
Anything for Homers!.PNG
Anything for Homers!.PNGDark Link from FSA.379 viewsI was thinking about FSA today, and I pondered about
how Dark Link always made me pay, with the flaming stick
and the color changing, I really wanted the Link's to give him a hanging!!!
If you read the description holla!
11 commentsZgamer(HVCR)
creation_of_hyrule_part_1.swfThe Creation of Hyrule570 viewsTHIS IS NOT THE FULL THING!!!!!
I wouldn't even recommend watching this at all. The full version is almost 4MB, so it
didn't fit on this site. NEW SITE: (there's a link below) to see it
(be patient, it's a big file), then come back and comment (please comment!).
Note that I made that site just for this file, there's nothing else on it. If it doesn't
work, that's because too many people have seen it and I've exceeded the data
transfer limit.
Now go, watch it,
and then finish reading this description (if you want to). Go. Now.

I realize that the lightning didn't work out like it should have. I think I'm going to add
sounds, including thunder, to it. eventually.
Also, I know it's
jerky, especially when the camera jerks before the sun moves. And the rest is just too
But overall, I think this is my masterpiece (which, you could argue, isn't saying much....)
and I'm really happy with how it came out.
I used Terragen (obviously), Irfanview for renaming and JPEGing, MX Flash 8 for converting
it to Flash, and... that's it. BTW, KR, the code didn't work.
6 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
death mountain stereo2.jpg
death mountain stereo2.jpg3D Death Mountain233 viewsok, i shrunk this, at least it fits on the screen now, but it's still sorta big. it won't fit on your screen unless your resolution is 1024x768. so here is the description copied and pasted from the first, for those who didn't see it:
I think these are called stereoscopic images... so, like the other one, cross your eyes so the two images overlap. look at the middle picture. it's 3D. kinda like... whatsitcalled... magic eye? yeah.... but cross your eyes, not relax them. yes, it's sorta big, so it might be hard. if you have trouble, back up a bit from the screen. i'm thinking 2-3 feet.
12 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
Death_valley.jpgDeath mountains306 viewsMore like Death Valley.
Ok, I'll make this quick. It all started a few months ago when i saw my old death valley pics (the ones that looked like the volcano in Mario 64; they've been deleted now for being bmps), and noticed that someone (RICKY, maybe?) kept suggesting that i add a "glow" to them. I had just learned how to do that, so i started changing some stuff, and after a few hours had something like this. About a month later i came back, made some changes, and went back to school. a couple weeks after that, i wrote a few scripts, and my comp worked on rendering a movie of this for 4-5 days (really). it was 26 MB, i got it down to 6MB, but my trial period for flash ended (KR: Help!!!). anyway, i took one of about 450 frames, converted it to jpeg, stuck it as my wallpaper, and uploaded it.
Yeah, it's Death Valley. That's lava in the bottom. I've gotten better at mist and sunbeams, as you should notice. enjoy. and, of course, COMMENT!!!!
7 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
Descendientes.jpgDescendants of the Wise Men4239 viewsThis is how I imagine the descendants of the wise men, you know, the maidens Link has to rescue in lttp. Mainly I took the pose from a pic of Ranma,
Hope you like it!
57 commentsMagalink
eye_of_truth.jpgThe Eye of Truth124 viewsIf anyone out there reads my fic, I know the description of what happens when they use the lens of truth is a bit vague, so this is something i drew to show what happens, the red and blue in the center is the person's eye to help clarify things1 commentsblackphoenix365
ganondorfdarklinkskullkidys7.pngThe Enemy361 viewsGanondorf, Dark link and Skull Kid.... it needs a description ? xD4 commentsGanondorf shadow
Goron weapons.jpg
Goron weapons.jpgGoron Weapons598 viewsHear are a few goron weapons as I see them. They are all based around the concept that they would be used to hack, bash, and do a lot of damage( and in the hammer and pic-ax's case, work) with.

The Spiked Club- This is a simple weapon used to bash in helms, armor, and other various things.

The Sword- The goron race is known for there steel work. However, the Goron knife found in the game is more of a hylain weapon, made to be used by a strong hylain warrior. Sword made for themselves however, would be much different. Being so strong, the Goron would make a heavy thick sword, not so much elegant as it is powerful. Because of a gorons physique, I thought it better to make it a one handed sword.

Hammer- Of course the gorons will have a hammer in their inventory. The megaton hammer, being one of the strongest weapons in the game, became a base for this hammer. This one looks like it has some bells and whistles on it, but it certainly looks like it would get the job done.

Bomb- The most well known weapon of the gorons, Bombs are made from the harvested bomb flowers that grow on death mountain. One question thats always bothered me, is how do they work? Here is my theroy. Bombflowers contain two powerful substances in them. When mixed the reaction is explosive. One substance is right under the shell, one is in a membrane in the middle, which is connected to the root. In a young state, unharvest bombflowers that are picked immaturely calapse their membrane and mix instantaniously, becoming a instant bomb and explode shortly after being picked. A harvested bomb have a harder shell, and are picked when ripe. They can be carried for a long time, and when needed, must be bashed against a hard object to colapse the membrance and begain the reaction which will finish a few seconds later with a bang.

Pic-Ax- Now, this would be more of a work tool, but most weapons in medieval battles were work weapons, so I added this baby in there. It could certainly do some damage, and it was fun to draw.

Chain Foil- Need a place cleared of enemies fast and easy, take out this thing. This is made to utterly pulverize anything it hits.

Shield- The gorons are a hardy race, but even they need protection from pole arms, and strong swords, So I gave them a shield that can be worn as a gauntlent on a free arm, that bashes away a attack and opens up room for a counter-strike.

Well thats it. If Anyone has any suggestions for other weapons for the goron race please comment. Ill put up a warrior outfit for the gorons soon, to go with these weapons. Expect Zoran weapons soon too.
8 commentsBraxis
GripRing.gif418 viewsIron Knuckle
Howl_by_Woodland_Mel.jpgHowl247 viewsThis was NOT finished. There is no chain because I stopped working on it. Find info and a description for this here: commentsMelora
I want some bread!.PNG
I want some bread!.PNGVisit my website! LINK COMMANDS YOU!340 viewsIf you're reading the description, please tell me.
Keyword: "n00bs don't read it"
4 commentsZgamer(HVCR)
illsupportyou.PNGI'll Support You471 views<3 Blue x Red piccy here ^-^ Red ran to Blue but tripped as he hugged him but Blue held him up to his feet. Aaw, sweet Red. =w=, Blue will support him in everything he does.

Blue and Red (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!
2 commentsKeitii
imsorry.PNGI'm sorry..491 viewsWOWZAHS! One of my bestest backgrounds I've made ever! =D Love it!

I done the muddy grass, the way he sliped on the mud, the rain in the background and the sky, and I like the way I've done the rain falling on him. I also made it dark 'cause it's like a dark day/afternoon/evening in the pic. I also like the muddy, tears and damage effects I done to Shadow.

Shadow has wings 'cause my fandom mind wants him to here and he's just got shot in the neck which made him plummet and slide on the muddy, wet ground. He was trying to save Vio but he's obviosly dropped him from being shot and he's crying and sorry and all that.

;-; This is like the most depressing pic I've ever done. The darkness, the rain, the tears. TwT I'm so proud of myself!

Shadow Link (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and rip your eyes out!!
4 commentsKeitii
Island of the ancients theme.jpg
Island of the ancients theme.jpg'Island of the ancients' logo192 viewsAs you can see, this is Scarface. The same T-rex you saw battle that Dodongo.

THIS is what happened to a spinosaurus that messed with him. Arm ripped off, Sail snapped off, and jaw (including tongue) snapped right in two.

Kinda makes you think twice about JP3, huh?

Ol' Scarface is the king of this island.
Niko the ninja
island_1024x768.jpgIsland1109 viewsFrom a published book of 4 koma (that's like short comic strip manga) Link, Marin, and Zelda- Paper by Melora. If you use this elsewhere on the web, please give credit and leave the information and credit on the paper intact. -ThanksMelora
island_1280x1024.jpgIsland449 viewsFrom a published book of 4 koma (that's like short comic strip manga) Link, Marin, and Zelda- Paper by Melora. If you use this elsewhere on the web, please give credit and leave the information and credit on the paper intact. -ThanksMelora
island_800x600.jpgIsland356 viewsFrom a published book of 4 koma (that's like short comic strip manga) Link, Marin, and Zelda- Paper by Melora. If you use this elsewhere on the web, please give credit and leave the information and credit on the paper intact. -ThanksMelora
I_will_have_you____by_Woodland_Mel.jpgI will have you...356 viewsFind info and a description for this here: commentsMelora
kairae.PNGKairae351 viewsThis is the evil character in my friend, Sezza-Chan's, Four Swords fanfic. He seems kinda mysterious so far and he knows Shadow too. =o

I drew how I imagined him from his description from the chapter he appears in. I hope he looks remotely what Sezza-Chan thinks ^_^;

Kairae (c) Sezza-Chan
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
56 files on 3 page(s) 1