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Search results - "Riuminku"
darkhuntress.jpgDark Huntress279 viewsYea, I finally got it drawn and uploaded! *does happy dance*

Her name is Katrina, and she's a dark huntress. She is Lezaford's (look for him in Lalibo_X's gallery) partner, and his opposite. While he wields light magic, she has mastery over dark magick. (Important note: her magic is NOT like Riuminku's- that's something different entirely.) She uses primarily a bow and arrows, which she can (and occasionally does) imbue with dark magick. She also has a long thin blade that she uses as backup when she runs out of arrows. Her past is something of a mystery, not even Lezaford knows it completely. What is known is that... well, you'll have to read the fanfic! no way am I giving you spoilers!^^

And *gasp* OMG a B/G!! (albeit a simple one). It's the sign of the nethergods of Arrün, and it's there for a reason. You'll see.
1 commentsaquawolf
riuminku2.jpgRiuminku (totally redone)199 viewsSinse the other pic I did of Riuminku (OC) sucked incredibly, I decided to totally redo her, and I think I'm pretty satisfied with the results. Still the same person, though- mischievous, teasing, outgoing, loyal. As I've said before, she's a Vershka, a race with the ability to control shadows to do a wide range of things, though they don't use the full extent of their power. The full explanation is in my fic, I've already got [that part of] it written, waiting to be uploaded.^^
And I got me some prismacolor pencils over Christmas, so a color version will probably follow... quite shortly.
4 commentsaquawolf
Riuminku_color.jpgRiuminku (colored)259 viewsW00t, color! ...ahem.
I thought the Vershka would be dressed primarily in brown, as this would be the easiest color to make (no green plants in their land, hence no berries and stuff to dye their clothes), and also because, being the more timid-ish race that they are (they're not cowardly, but they have reasons to want to be hidden from strangers), these sorts of colors would allow them to blend in with their surroundings, as theirs is a very brown and withered land. The 'scarf' around her shoulders can be pulled up to partly hide her face, too.

And I have to say, my Prismacolor pencils and colorless blender work miracles, I swear.^^
2 commentsaquawolf
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