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Search results - "See,"
005rot.pngRot422 viewsThis is young Blue. See, he was an orphan. Found the orphanage closed down when he was the only one left. So his only choice for shelter is in the deep, dark alley ways. He feels like he's just rotting away, just being ignored from everyone..

Blue (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
5 commentsKeitii
007heaven.PNGHeaven355 viewsFor the 100 pic challenge on DA.

This is from when I had a Four Swords dream about a manga sequal. This was one of the pictures I saw, where Shadow seems to be reaching up for heaven, as he is dead. This dream I had will eventually be made into a fan-fic XP

I kinda copied his facial expression and hand positions from the manga too, but mirrored XP

Shadow (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
2 commentsKeitii
01 Track 1.mp3
01 Track 1.mp3The Beat of the Dragon760 viewsHere we are again... this is the new improved (i hope) dragon roost isle theme... oh yeah *gives credit to Koji Kondo for coolness of song* and ya... this version has louder drums and louder marimba's, it also has bells added into it. I am keeping the other version so i can see what type of music (on average) people like more... so MAKE SURE U GIVE ME YOUR COMMENTS AND IDEA'S!!! !NOTE! : remember... please tell me if don't like something... for example, if you don't like the drums, tell me! The only way i can perfect my songs is to know what you like, and dislike!43 commentsdude_thats_evil
16 sept copy.jpg
16 sept copy.jpg16 de Septiembre!1710 viewsXD September 16 is Mexico's Independence Day, I still can't understand why people in other countries make such big deal of May 5 (I can't understand how they can put that day above sept 16). But this day, we celebrate day and night, all around the country, and what you see Dizi, Aliku and Link wearing is pretty much of what you see during those parties XD
I don't know why people think we dress like mariachis or cowboys or that we live in desert or stuff like that, it's just silly XD Myself, I have never got anywhere near to a mariachi, they piss me off, I have never seen a cowboy, or a desert for that matterXD

Our Smexy Dizi, donning a Tricolor top and a matraca (her hair down because she looks smexier). Aliku (yes, she can change the color of her skin), is wearing a Naco's shirt X3 And Link wearing an old soccer shirt, Mexico's, of course X3 on the front the face of the Sun calendar. And in the bg, the eagle devouring the snake, our coat of arms
I hope you like it because I put a lot of heart on it
26 commentsdan heron
19.JPGLoZ or Eternal Life...362 viewsThis is a strip from my webcomic 'Milo and John.'
See more of my comic at the below link:
5 commentsjiminycricketX
4sOnline.jpg4 Swords Online BG592 viewsSo, during my lunch i doodled a bit, very bored-like, and came up with a few little 4s in capital Os. I've been thinking for sometime about reincarnating the Zelda Online idea as a Cube Legends gamemode, and the sketches seemed to jump out at me "4 Swords Online!!"

So i took the sketches, went over to a comp with a scanner, and dropped the images into photoshop. twenty minutes later, with a little help from a CD of Zelda Media (something i recommend all fanartists make), I had a half-decent background.

So ja, just a little something to ease my appalling lack of fanart. Simple, easy on me, and maybe a bt of fun for yall to think about. Who knows, maybe it'll be worth it for me to code a zelda gamemode into CL (which started out as a zelda game, btw)
9 commentsKoroks Rock
4swords.pngSeventh Maiden359 viewsThis here's Princess Zelda from Four Swords. She's got a pretty interesting design, it's too bad I don't see much of her.7 commentsavroillusion
4Swords_Red_Caramelldansen.pngCaramelldansen602 views Once you hear this song get's stuck in your head....(So don't even listen to it if you can't stand little, cute voices!) So I just decided to draw Red Caramelldansen for no real reason. XD Probably because he's the cutest out of all the Links and the song is sung by a cute little voice. X3 The background (as simple as it seems) was hard to do, since my computer was acting stupid! >< Anyways, I hope you all like it!

Red © Akira Himekawa

Art © Princess of Twilight

"Caramelldansen" © Caramell
12 commentsPrincess of Twilight
5.PNGZenia137 viewsI was bored, and felt like drawing Zen. It looks like she's begging someone or she's really downhearted... You can see a bit of her tattoo, which I still need to provide a full drawing of someday. Yes...
Zenia, art (c) hauu13
3 commentshauu13
5352.jpgSaria - Forest Sage119 viewsDrawn on oekaki which I've yet to master... I wanted her blurry so she would be like a memory, but it didn't work out, as you can see. 1 commentsFreda
akako2.jpgAmy122's Princess Akako136 views Here's Princess Akako! I really wanted to make a picture of her, and I'm sorry it's dark. I tried brightening it up, but then it looked really bad. Yeah, hope you don't hate it, and tell me if there's something seriously wrong with it (other than the fact that you can barely see it).4 commentsKifan12
AkakoandDeity.jpgKissing330 viewsHA! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S BOSS UPLOADER! BOOYA!! >}
*sees everyone look at her werid* Umm.....*straches the back of her neck* hehehehe nice day is it? ^^;; *sees them pointing toward the picture* oh...
OH, um...well this is the one that I have been working on for quite sometime. Um, sorry that Akako's hair isn't long like it should be...I wanted Deity's had to be shown...Anyway this is Akako's night dress. She would apparently sleep in this dress at night in her Caslte. And as for Deity? IDK why he's kissing her while she's in her night dress...YOU ladies can figure that out ;)

Akako © by: Me
Fierce Deity Link © by: Shigeru Miyamoto
Zelda © by: Nintendo
8 commentsAmy122
aliku vs link copy.jpg
aliku vs link copy.jpgAh, this is love ^^1298 viewsthis is an scene from my fanfic, here we can see the first time Aliku and Link met. These two are gonna be a couple later, unfortunately, first they want to kill each other.
Aliku, because she was hired to kill him.
Link, because if Aliku dies, Zelda will live (it has to do with Zelda's prophetic dreams, where Aliku always kills her).

These claws Link is using are his Balam's claws, they were inspired by illustrations in the Sun calendar of the Aztecs.
Aliku usually uses twin tantos but here she's using a kunai to defend herself. Link really is aiming to kill her o.O
16 commentsdan heron
allLinksEver1.jpgLink through time898 viewsI grabbed an official art of Link from each Zelda game (thank you Nintendo, and Capcom for the 4 swords ones) and put them all together into this. Its supposed to be a wallpaper (1024 x 768) but I think its too busy for you to be able to see any of the icons over it. Feel free to suggest how I could make it a better wallpaper or a better picture in general, I want to do something more with this.15 commentsdudeofrandomness
aloneintherain.PNGAlone in the Rain382 viewsThis is a pic of Green, he was running and then tripped into some mud ('cause it's raining) and he's sat up looking ahead of him. What's he seen you ask? Well...even I don't know..

I haven't digitalized this 'cause then it keeps it's black and white sad look. The mud marks are the slightly dark areas on Green. He's got tears at his eyes 'cause he's been crying. Why you ask? Well, I know but I'm not telling X3 Yeah, I copied a pose form the manga, but it's a hard pose for me to draw. I did draw the rain but I added the rain effect in PSP, I think it looks better this way. =3

Green (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
3 commentsKeitii
Amped_up_pt._1.jpgNew and improved "Amped up pt. 1"202 viewsNewly worked on amped up versions of Gohma (Upper left), King Dodongo (Bottom), and Barinade (Upper right).

I decided to make King Dodongo more like a t-rex and I gave him a bit of a crocodile skin. I also gave him more crooked teeth.

Gohma here is more like a mantis/crab thing and has needle-like teeth. I wouldn't want to be impaled on THOSE CLAWS.

Barinade is like a cross between a sea anemone, a jellyfish, and a squid actually. As you can see, he has electricity flowing through his body.
Whaddaya think?
1 commentsNiko the ninja
Amped_up_pt._2.JPGAmped up pt. 2 (remodeled)165 viewsThis is a better version of my previous file.

I based Volvagia's head off Spinosaurus, a predatory dinosaur around the same size as T-rex.

Now you can see Bongo's snake tail's nose and the end of its forked tongue.
Niko the ninja
Amy_s_Request.pngAmy122's Request198 viewsSORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! I had 3 projects due for like 3 different classes, and that took up a lot of my freetime. So I apologize! Anyways, I hope you can forgive me and I hope you like it! ^^ Please Comment!^^
Edit: I just looked at some of my pics and a lot of them are 1s or 0s what the h*** is up with that?! I don't want to sound conceited or anything but I work really hard on my pics and seeing them get zeros breaks my heart. =( I don't think its nice to just frollic around the gallery and click zeros for people (yes I said PEOPLE it's not just my art its a lot of peoples whose art I think is really good!) So now I'm both extremely sad as well as angered! ;_;
Akako (C) Amy122
Zelda (C) Nintendo
Art (C) Me!
7 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Angua.jpgAngua346 viewsThis is Angua, a character in my fic. Believe it or not, she is the princess of Ecassa, a country right next to Hyrule, and she's Vaati's girlfriend. She is extremely popular, and wouldn't be caught dead in a pink dress and a tiara. She is nice to a lot of people, has dated a lot of guys, and has a ton of friends, like Shadow Link and Bird Head Link (aka Minish Link). You don't want to make her mad, though. She may look innocent, but if you do something to make her mad, she'll set a bunch of cats on you. That would hurt. Lots. Ow.

BTW, she sees evil spirits.
9 commentsvaati_girl
Animeclub-dudesindistress.jpgLink in distress351 viewsHeh heh... I'm a member of the Anime Club at my school, and we have art contests every now and then. The theme for this contest was Dudes in Distress. Unfortunetly, I had more time to work on this than I thought. I colored it with colored pencils, then found out that I had another week to work on it. I tried to improve it in Photoshop, but, well, as you can see... I ruined it...
However, the original one took second place in the contest! Yea!
3 commentsLinksLove
aquamentus.jpgAquamentus320 viewsBeen playing the original LOZ lately and noticed that the boss Aquamentus is lacking in creativity, so I made him better! I know that MariaGemini specifically does Hylianized versions of bosses and I want everyone to know that I'm not trying to copy her, I don't think I've even seen her version of Aquamentus.
I gave him weird legs on purpous, i wanted him to look a little unnatural.
2 commentsChibi-Kokiri
Armos.JPGThe Stone Warrior174 viewsGood ol' Armos Knight, personally I think it turned out kinda weird, I'm still experimenting with Windows Paint, seeing what I can pull off with it.2 commentsBlackHawkA100
aryllchuchucerdo.jpgAryll and chuchu347 viewsWhat is this? Aryll just made friends with a chuchu? nah, maybe she hasn't seen it and it's just about to jump on her.

Simple prismacolor, I`m yet to dominate them. Maybe some day. Hope you don`t mind the drawing style, it`s kinda what I do.
1 commentsAltaire
Baby_WolfLink.jpgBaby WolfLink191 viewsThis is a picture I drew of what WolfLink would look a baby! Do you like it?

P.S. Do you guys want to see more of Mimi?
4 commentsmyzeldamyrules
350 files on 15 page(s) 1