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Search results - "Stand"
16 sept copy.jpg
16 sept copy.jpg16 de Septiembre!1714 viewsXD September 16 is Mexico's Independence Day, I still can't understand why people in other countries make such big deal of May 5 (I can't understand how they can put that day above sept 16). But this day, we celebrate day and night, all around the country, and what you see Dizi, Aliku and Link wearing is pretty much of what you see during those parties XD
I don't know why people think we dress like mariachis or cowboys or that we live in desert or stuff like that, it's just silly XD Myself, I have never got anywhere near to a mariachi, they piss me off, I have never seen a cowboy, or a desert for that matterXD

Our Smexy Dizi, donning a Tricolor top and a matraca (her hair down because she looks smexier). Aliku (yes, she can change the color of her skin), is wearing a Naco's shirt X3 And Link wearing an old soccer shirt, Mexico's, of course X3 on the front the face of the Sun calendar. And in the bg, the eagle devouring the snake, our coat of arms
I hope you like it because I put a lot of heart on it
26 commentsdan heron
200X Sword.png
200X Sword.pngTribute to Ricky (200X Sword)429 viewsThis sword is a tribute to the most awesome Wind Waker style artist Ricky! It's his Link 200X Sword. I didn't have that much place to put cool detail into it because it's such a simple sword. So I'll understand if you don't like it as much as my others, but it's the thought that counts. YOU ROCK RICKY!!!! PS- I had to uploud and delete this a few times because I spelled my name worng and every time I tried to fix it it didn't work, sorry.10 commentsbounty hunter
4Swords_Red_Caramelldansen.pngCaramelldansen602 views Once you hear this song get's stuck in your head....(So don't even listen to it if you can't stand little, cute voices!) So I just decided to draw Red Caramelldansen for no real reason. XD Probably because he's the cutest out of all the Links and the song is sung by a cute little voice. X3 The background (as simple as it seems) was hard to do, since my computer was acting stupid! >< Anyways, I hope you all like it!

Red © Akira Himekawa

Art © Princess of Twilight

"Caramelldansen" © Caramell
12 commentsPrincess of Twilight
BasiliskStanding.gif585 views
clocktown.jpg2321 viewsLink standing around in Clock Town.
Daydreamer_(sketch).JPGDaydreamer (Sketch)215 viewsThis sketch is another of my many marin pictures. I was bored and wanted to try to draw someone in an actual pose, unlike all the standing on a white backdrop pictures I usually draw, so I drew Marin lying against a sand dune, gazing at the stars. I plan on making a colored version of this eventually.1 commentsjiminycricketX
dl.jpgDark Link341 viewsAin't he kawaii? I doodled this in class and colored it when I got home. Its sort of like my last upload, but a little different. I'm thinking about doing a series of pictures with all my OCs chibi'd like this. I chose a lot of subdued colors for this, because I really wanted the eyes to stand out.5 commentsChibi-Kokiri
fruitstand.jpgFruit Stand276 viewsNot sure why I forgot to upload this... Anyway, I got this idea for the picture when I was playing Twilight Princess. In the castle town is a market where flowers, fruits, bread, etc were sold. Unfortunately, the game kept giving you excuses for Link not to pick up those random items. Apparently, all that bling Link's carrying is only good for buying supplies that he'll need for fighting.4 commentscyen
Ganson Dragmire.JPG
Ganson Dragmire.JPGGanson Dragmire376 viewsGanson Dragmire, one of the main characters of my fanfics. You need to read the stories to understand who he is. Colored in with colored pencil.3 commentsArt1st4786
GORON stage-5.JPG
GORON stage-5.JPGGoron412 viewsThis is my interpretation of a Goron. I didnt like how cartoony they were designed in OOt and thought it would be cool to look at them at a different angle. The most notable difference is the feel, which have become more troll and durtle like, because a creature carrying a huge load over rocky terrain isnt going to have soft toes under him. I also changed the hands, giving them three large fingers with hingernails that are part of the actual bone of the had. I did this because it would make grabbing rock and moving rock a lot easier and quicker. Also, a species that is reknown for its steelwork most likely wouldnt be walking around naked, so he has some basic tribal robes as well. Over all hes big, buff, kinda scaley, and makes you understand why link wasnt to keen on recieving a Goron hug.4 commentsBraxis
horse_girl.jpgHorse Girl from Twighlight Princess390 viewsIn the newest screenshots there is one with a girl standing next to the horse (Epona?). I wanted to draw her. ^^2 commentscerasly
koff.PNGKoff=...bad? 298 viewsI'm alive!!!
I admit this is a weird drawing, and half of you probably won't get what's going on. It's pretty much that the girls think Green has a deadly virus from The Stand (a book) just because he coughed... And yeah, not much else....
Green, Zelda, Aryll (c) nintendo
Th Stand, Superflu/Captain Trips (c) Stephen King
art (c) hauu13
7 commentshauu13
koshamu sketch copy.jpg
koshamu sketch copy.jpgKoshamu rough sketch951 viewsThis boy is a half Hylian, half Ayike. He's removing a blindfold of his eyes even though it makes no difference, he's blind from birth.
Boyfriend of Carid, body guard of Zelda, "big brother" of Hikagi and nemesis of Link. Yup, he can't stand his pressence.
Even though Kosh is blind he's more than capable to beat the crap out of Link any day, although, he also gets his fare share of beatings.
4 commentsdan heron
Likehepromised.jpgLike he promised492 viewsYou remember when Saria said to Link as he was leaving the forest 'promise you'll visit' well i dont think anyone else ever did a pic like this and i thought that it was a nice thought of Saria being really happy when he did visit. She is standing near the know it all bros house, recognise the hole where you go to get the Kokiri sword. Picture Link entering through the entrance hole thing (oh and at this point, just to add to the cuteness, Link doesnt see her yet and i picture some Kokiri's shouting 'Links come back!') I know im going into a lot of unneccesasary detail but...(look i actually did a background!) i like this pic, i though it was cute =^^= what do you all think?9 commentsRachel
link sword.JPG
link sword.JPGLink184 viewsLink standing, posing with his sword.ladykatey
LinkStandsOnTheWarpPad.jpg337 viewsFrom
links_final_stand_(color).jpglINK'S FINAL STAND177 viewsthis is link after fighting ganon and fighting his gaurds. he's all hurt kjrules
link_math.jpgMath235 viewsyep Link trying to understand math...2 commentsfiorella
link_zelda_epona.PNGLink and Zelda's Stand.6871 viewsZelda and Link riding on top of Epona at the end battle against Ganondorf In Twilight Princess.

-Pen and Photoshop CS2.

This was originally uploaded on my DeviantArt.
4 commentssonicholas
majora copy.jpg
majora copy.jpgMajora, a bit of madness1413 viewsMajora is a little girl of pale and fair skin, beautiful blue eyes and a pristine hair that matches the color of snow. Everything about her says innocence, goodness and purity... that of course until she put her mask on!!
This Majora is a little girl whom was born in the tribe of Luna, whom worshiped the goddess of Nightmares. Raised to be a perfect assasin since she could stand on her two feet Majora wanted a normal life more than any other thing. That wish was fulfilled when Link came to her tribe with the corpse of the goddess of Nightmares.

Chaos, destruction and madness are her tools of trade! Once she wears the mask she can be anything she wants to be, I mean, with the power of a deity there's little you can't do. Without the mask she's simply a 6 year old with big eyes and a childish smile ^^

Btw, this Majora is with the "good" guys, meaning Link and the rest of the group. She sees in Maple to a big sister and she loves her with all her heart even if sometimes they can't stand at the other.
20 commentsdan heron
me_bum_popped.jpg"Oh no. Me bum popped."487 viewsThis is a scene in my fanfic. Vaati just poked the rear end of a voodoo doll of Marche (the dude with the large, hideous cowlick), and his butt popped. Confetti blasts out at Link Y., who just happened to be standing right behind him. Skye, fire_wolfa's character (FW let me put her in there), and Vaati laughed like mad.

If you have played Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, or you know someone who has played it, then you know who Marche is.
If you've seen the game's official art, then you have probably noticed that Marche has a gigantic @$$. Vaati has revealed why in my fanfic using only a pin and a voodoo doll (it's full of air and confetti).

Why is Vaati doing this? In my fanfic, Marche is the bloody jerk who deserves it. The Japanese text on the top says, "Oh no. Me bum popped." And Link Y. is PO'd.

Vaati (c) Nintendo
Marche (c) me forgets...TT_TT
Skye (c) fire_wolfa
Age of the Wizard, art, and Link Y. (c) vaati_girl (moi)
5 commentsvaati_girl
Minaya.JPGMinaya209 viewsI'm starting a LoZ fanfic and this characters name is an inside joke so if you say it you'll understand.

Anyways, many people mistake Minaya for a Gerudo by the way she looks at times. But I don't know yet how Link meets her, so I'm open for any ideas XD
1 commentsSage of Ice
noirlink2.jpgNoir Link158 viewsA drawing I did in the style of a film I recently saw, Sin City. I understand that it may not be to everyone's taste and maybe looks a little incomplete but I quite like it like this.3 commentsAnno
oldman1.jpgMD2 Old Man604 viewsRemember the somewhat random old men scattered throughout Zelda 1? And have continued to appear everywhere since? This is his newest rendition. it's a very simple model that will stand on a text trigger, creating the illusion of an NPC (Non Player Character).4 commentsKoroks Rock
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