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Search results - "Suck"
01 Laughing Song.mp3
01 Laughing Song.mp3Ganondorf's Theme Song!1160 viewsYEA! rock on!... k... so this song was EXTREMELY basic... i really didn't do much to it, but i still think it sounds awesome... you'll notice the very last note SUCKS!!! i didn't realize that until i wrote the song to the CD... you'll also notice that there are countless mistakes... and i apologize for that, but right now i am in low supply of CD's so you'll have to wait before i can fix alot of it...16 commentsdude_thats_evil
01 selena.mp3
01 selena.mp3The Triumphant Hero515 viewsOk... i made this song in literally 2 hours... and i also wrote this song... (ya notice the fact that it doesn't sound like any zelda songs u are familiar with *lol*) first off, this is (again) a rough draft (sadly) i would like to get in to more orchestra stuff... btw, i suck at playing cymbals... i need a little more practice... but this song is meant for any of the (future) zelda games... my guess is that it would be the ending/closing song of the game (the song that plays during the credits) ya and thats just about it.... let me know what u think!17 commentsdude_thats_evil
Anything for Homers!.PNG
Anything for Homers!.PNGDark Link from FSA.379 viewsI was thinking about FSA today, and I pondered about
how Dark Link always made me pay, with the flaming stick
and the color changing, I really wanted the Link's to give him a hanging!!!
If you read the description holla!
11 commentsZgamer(HVCR)
BHgildedsword.jpgBounty Hunter's Gilded Sword Challenge286 viewsBounty Hunter drew this killer sword, and challenged everyone to color it. Even though I suck at photshop (this sword is my 2nd project), he did design an awesome sword for me last week, so I thought I'd try it. Hope you like it BH! (I couldnt find very many pics of it on the web, so it kind of turned out in my own colors..)...photoshop CS2....8 commentsGirlink
Copy_of_scan0003.jpgZelda104 viewsI had a great one but i messed it up so my scanner wouldnt read it so now heres a quick draw because it was before dinner i did this and there is one more i need to update today.HAZA!!!!!!!my drawing skills SUCK!!!3 commentszeldamovie?no!!!
Cremia&Romani.jpgCremia & Romani3155 viewsMeh, I know the background sucks, but I think it's better than nothing at all! Jaja!52 commentsMagalink
Darkpower.jpgGanon's Navi Sucking Vortex396 viewsthis is the vortex thingy ganon makes right before Link and him fight... this is the way i see it... oh wait no... thats what link would see from his eyes... ya thats it... (its wallpaper size) at least i think it is... if its not, its still works as a dang cool bg!12 commentsdude_thats_evil
Epona sketch.jpg
Epona sketch.jpgEpona Sketch413 viewsnot one of my best works ><

I don't like to brag but I'm a lot better at horses ^^U this pic's just UGLY and it SUCKZ!! ><

but it's just a sketch ^^U
9 commentsDust_Bunny
Evilocity.jpgEvilocity468 viewsAll of the BADDIES from WW... well most of them. umm... this was a really quick scrap together. It almost took me longer to open the files than it did to actually arrange, edit, etc. I'd like to come out with a final draft, but i will need your help to give me ideas, tell me i suck and that i should start over, or tell me that this is good enough to be the final draft... whichever is best for u9 commentsdude_thats_evil
Forsaken_Fortress.jpgFaces of Evil in the Forsaken Fortress324 viewsOuch. Unfortunately, I knew how to dray Link way better than Ganondorf. Sorry, but the Ganondorf sucks. Hope I can cut the Link and make the Ganondorf again some time.2 commentsLudovic
funkifullinkpuppyeyes copy.jpg
funkifullinkpuppyeyes copy.jpgpuppy eyes link179 viewsI did this on flash, then "perfected" it on adobe photoshop. Yeah... I know it sucks... One leg is WAY too small, and he looks demented! But gimme a break! This is the first time I've drawn Link on a Comp.6 commentsdestined_hylian
Gyden.PNGSprite of the bounty hunter.340 viewsHere is a sprite of him.3 commentsZgamer(HVCR)
impa.JPGImpa Sprint420 viewsThe legs suck and she is too low to the ground. I like the idea though...2 commentsThat Guy
leever.jpg1778 viewsLeever, a blood-sucking cactus.2 comments
LifeSucks-NoWii.jpgOutdated467 viewsI dedicate this to everyone who is dying to get a Wii but can't get one. It hurts, I know. ;__;
[and if you do have a Wii and are happily playing Twilight Princess, I'll give you a cookie if you don't gloat. :D ]

Quickie doodle in honor of the Wii release hype (and angst). Yesh, this will be outdated in a few months. Hooray!
6 comments[cuccoattackforce]
link and aryll 2.PNG
link and aryll 2.PNGHappy Siblings853 viewsfirst time drawing Aryll. its all from wind waker but realistically. it sucks!15 commentsAllysa
Link&Me.JPGLink & Me165 viewsI'll explain why it sucks.

1. I had a short pencil with an eraser that barely erased.

2. This was my first time drawing full bodies of a person (or people, in this case) and the position was quite difficult.

3. I don't have a scanner, so I had to take a picture of it with my digital camera.

Anyways... back off girls. Link's MINE.
5 commentsAddie
Link_rest.jpgTaking a breather532 viewsLong time since i drew link, and after playing PH (and completing it twice) i thought it was about time that i did some fanart of at least one of Links incarnations.

This Links a sorta mixture... thing. He's just prettymuch a hybrid of OOT/MM Link, and WW/PH link. (don't ask why he's looking so happy... i have no idea, lmao)

I'm sorry about the mountains... suckiness. They're really hard to do, so i just drew random squiggles and blended them.
anyways, hope you like.
4 commentsLinkmaster
Link_The_Business_Man_-_Sm.JPGLink The Business Man225 viewsThis was based off a pen sketch i drew like 3 years ago or so when i was 13 or younger prolly. Anyway, that one sucked but i loved the concept of it so i did a redraw.
And BTW the signature says WolvesKin cuz that's my deviantart account, not cuz i stole it from someone and was stupid enough to leave their signature, XD lol.
Anyway, hope ya like it.
Link___Zelda_5.JPGcolored267 viewswhoa i suck sooooo bad!! this one was thrown away about a week after it was drawn..good riddence!6 commentsAtEteMiAGaRe
Lokomo_Sword.PNGLokomo Sword179 viewsWell, I'm back once again, IDK for how long, I'm going to try do to a manga of Okada. But I haven't gotten anywhere other than her face and half of her arms. Other than that, my 24th birthday was Wednesday which seriously sucked, I've had better b-days when I was growing up. I think my best b-day was my 17th, my friends gave me b-day presents. Anyway, I wasn't about to color the blade green, or yellow, I have never seen a blade that was green or yellow. And it looks like it doesn't have any kind of desgins other than those triangle marks but I think that's just apart of the shading. I'm going to make the Hilt a little longer. After this I'm going to work on Phantom Ganon's sword, those stupid Dark Nuts sword from WW, then Ganon's swords from WW since that's been on my list for IDK how long...

Lokomo Sword © by: Nintendo
Zelda © by: Shigeru Miyamoto
9 commentsAmy122
LoZ2--Stalfos.jpgZelda 2 AoL Stalfos161 viewsThe Zelda 2: Adventure of Link version of Stalfos. Showing once again how I suck at drawing skeletons.

This one's in Parapa Palace (I used VGMaps as a reference here).

Both a sprite and the official art were reference for Stalfos.
LoZ2SkullWarriorByDBoy.jpgZelda 2 AoL Skull Warrior169 viewsThe Skull Warrior, alias Paratamu, from Zelda 2: Adventure of Link.

Here he is patrolling the Midoro (Swamp) Palace. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the Midoro Palace is the Skull Warrior's first debut.

Anyway, I used a sprite as the reference, and I once again show how much I suck at drawing skeletons.
magandmil.pngMaggie and Mila378 views...I'm a sucker for fancy dresses, ok? :P Man, does that background suck.1 commentsavroillusion
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