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Search results - "Trail"
Beth-the_blue_poe_sister_.jpgLink_Rules_All's Beth pic (Colored)157 views I always wanted to color a poe, and I got the chance to thanks to LRA"s genorositiy, for letting me color his pic of Beth. I got to mess around with a new software trail version of Paint Shop Pro. I get the real thing on Saturday cuz that's my B-Day! X3 I hope you like it LRA!!!! Thanks so much!!! Please comment.
Beth (c) Nintendo
Art (c) Link_Rules_All
6 commentsPrincess of Twilight
deathmountaintrail.jpg1249 viewslord-of-shadow
deathmountaintrailadult.jpg1120 viewslord-of-shadow
e3_2004_low.movE3 2004 Trailer14427 viewsDownload29 commentsKhuffie
e3_zelda_tp_480.movE3 2005 Trailer5453 viewsDownload7 commentsKhuffie
gdc_2005_high.movGDC 2005 Trailer - Hi Rez7217 viewsDownload
1 commentsKhuffie
hyrule castle.JPG
hyrule castle.JPGhyrule castle312 viewsthis is hyrule castle. really. it truly is.
ok fine. when i made this i had Hogwarts in mind (please tell me you know what Hogwarts is). so i guess you could argue that it's not a genuine zelda picture. but it reminded me of hyrule castle in TP. have you noticed that in the first scene of the first trailer you can see it on the horizon? i only just noticed that for the first time recently.
also, this does look like how i hope hyrule will be. lakes and mountains in addition to a big fat field in the middle.
oh yeah, i almost forgot. that castle was made by hand with paint. yes. and it looks really stupid without the blurring i did.
please comment.
9 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
legendofzfinal.jpgLegend of Zelda332 viewsI realize these creatures are not exactly from the game, but in my defense, I saw some flying monsters in the new trailer...:)
freehand color pencil
5 commentsGirlink
Light_Link.png"Light Link"357 views This was drawn like 2 years ago. He was a character I came up with when I was like 7... (P.S. I was not seven when I drew this!)He's the form that Link could take when he used his Triforce of Courage... So um..that's pretty much all I can say. I drew this pic, and touched it up in PSP Trail Version. I hope you all like it! Please comment. (^.^)
Art (c) Princess of Twilight
14 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Link 2005.JPG
Link 2005.JPGWalking through the Forest251 viewsI made this picture just after the first E3 trailer came out for the latest Legend of Zelda game. I made this with oil pastels.3 commentsArt1st4786
Link.jpgThe New Face of Courage261 viewsAlright, while there's only been a short trailer for this (that I know of) the upcoming Game Cube Zelda Link just looked so cool that I couldn't help but try my hand at him. I know it could use some more detail, but at least is was fun to draw.4 commentsBlackHawkA100
linksFinished.jpgChallenge collage672 viewsThere you have it, my collage. If you can't see what it says, I gave the Z'05 game the subtitle 'Hyrulian Revolution' but after all was said and done I realized that it should technically be 'Hylian,' but whatever. I think it turned out quite well. Work done in Fireworks, pics from trailer snaps, and the Zelda logo from an OoT wallpaper.21 commentsdudeofrandomness
Midna.jpgMidna? Dan's midna X31224 viewsI'm sure all of you know who Midna is, well, since every original character of Nintendo has gotten a new look for my fic now I show you Midna!
Yup, she no longer is that little and cute demon we see in TP trailers, now she's a Veerial and she still has her scarf/hand thing, minus helmet. Helmet too hard for teh Dan to draw T^T As you can guess for the drawing, she isn't much of a fighter herself, but a magic user.
Depending of what we see in TP is the way I'm gonna shape her bg for my fanfic. Oh, and she's just above the 4 ft tall, she's very tiny ^^

Veerial: After millenia and millenia of wars in the Dark Realm, a great overlord commanded all the demon races to merge into one and make peace. That new demon race was called Veerial, in honor of the great demon who brought them together.
16 commentsdan heron
moon_vs_sun.jpgMoon vs. Sun916 viewsMe trying to use new trailer pics again. (I really like that wolf by the moon pic, and I'll probably use it like 10 more times) Due to the random appearence of the wolf in the Z'05 trailer, I decided that link had the power of the moon or whatever, so yeah. And he's fighting that lava guy (who turned out horrid, at least his face did) with the sun behind him. Yeah.19 commentsdudeofrandomness
sunset.gifTwilight Princess Sunset469 viewsthis is an animation of 40 pictures like the one i did before. for anyone who didn't see the other one, this is the sun in the trailers for tp setting. yes, i know it's huge. both the sun and the filesize. And it still goes faster than I wanted it to. and the lighting of the clouds changes sorta abruptly, but that's terragen's fault, not mine26 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
the calm before....JPG
the calm before....JPGThe Calm Before...294 viewsanyone who's seen the trailers of twilight princess has noticed that the weather sorta varies a bit. there are a lot of storms, and i've noticed cloud shadows, which gave me the idea for this. i also got some inspiration from the incredibly green light that was outside my window while doing this. so, here is some (somewhat) realistic weather i hope to see--tell me if it's overdone, especially the greenness. and yes, it's snowy. for one thing, i'd like to see snow in tp, and for another, the lighting just didn't show up on grass.8 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
tpdodongo0002.jpgTwilight Princess Lizard Warrior312 viewsWell, I noticed that on the trailer for the new game that there are some lizard-type warriors...So, I cant help but think that maybe the Dodongos grew up a little along with the rest of the game. They look pretty mean, so I figured Id quit with the nice cute characters, and draw up some bloodthirsty ones. Oh, and dont even ask me how long it took to do all those freakin scales...heehee (pencil sketch, prismacolors)11 commentsGirlink
twilight realm 4.jpg
twilight realm 4.jpgWeirdness aka the twilight realm303 viewsso, when i was just messing around with making moon-lit lakes, i encountered a glitch. i'm not sure which one it was. so i built on it.
i took full advantage of the glitches in terragen for this pic. it came out weird. it's like those weird portals in the 3rd trailer. weird. so it's like, the twilight realm in the demented, sleep-deprived mind of me.
it's also symbolic in some ways. it could be night, or it could be day, or maybe.... twilight? .......ok fine, that's the only symbolism. unless you count the mist looking like the 3rd bowser's attack in mario 64.......
7 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
wolf_link.jpgWolf Link605 viewsThis was just a short thought of mine. I had seen the E3 trailer for the game and the idea that Link should be transformed into a wolf appealed to me straight away.
I don't even know if I should think of this to be really good or not, since I did it in quite a rush over three days (only little time on the respective days). The background isn't as detailed as I would have liked, but all in all I guess I have managed to get the effect that I wanted.
The picture truly is a mixed media one. Most of it is colour pencils, some of it water colours and some of it gouache. And then there's this part where the shade has been made with Photoshop... which actually doesn't make it a completely legitimate traditional art piece. But never mind. For means of style everthing goes, I think...
25 commentssythiar
WoodlandFortress1024-2.jpgThe Kokiri Fortress140 views"In days long past, the children of the forest known as the Kokiri were numerous. Here it was that they amassed to fight for the ancient lords of the wood."

This piece was inspired by a location called the "Kokiri Fortress" in a version of the strategic message board game "Hyrulean War" in the zelda forum at
3 commentsPsytronic
20 files on 1 page(s)