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Search results - "black,"
133 - Black Knight.png
133 - Black Knight.png722 views1 commentsdavogones
1994627.jpgJourney of the Lost Memories-Doujin154 viewsI don't like how the drawings came out. I'm re-drawing it right now, the only I'm keeping is the tower, the Prince and Princess kissing and the sleep Princess. The faces are suppose to be blacked out cause I don't want to sit here think of some eye and all that for them. I might re-scan this and just ink this and that's all.

"Stories are told of Princess's being held prisoner in their own castles; some were put to sleep by a witch or a wizard and needed a Prince to break the spell. This one isn't a story, for this. Is real!"

OC's, Storyline, style © by: Me
Zelda, Link, Orge Deity, Epona, Midna, and Ganondorf © by: Nintendo
Zelda © by: Shigeru Miyamoto
6 commentsAmy122
7th Sage.jpg
7th Sage.jpgWisdom726 viewsThis pic has prolly taken about 6 months to finally be finished cuz' it just sat around, I like it on the black, cuz' it makes the colors vibrant.7 commentsSusie Q
ack.PNGO.o232 viewsA scene from The Shining? WhAt? And Shadow's being the crazy dude? Again, WhAt!?
Shadow (c) nintendo
The Shining (c) Stephen King
art (c) hauu13
12 commentshauu13
aloneintherain.PNGAlone in the Rain382 viewsThis is a pic of Green, he was running and then tripped into some mud ('cause it's raining) and he's sat up looking ahead of him. What's he seen you ask? Well...even I don't know..

I haven't digitalized this 'cause then it keeps it's black and white sad look. The mud marks are the slightly dark areas on Green. He's got tears at his eyes 'cause he's been crying. Why you ask? Well, I know but I'm not telling X3 Yeah, I copied a pose form the manga, but it's a hard pose for me to draw. I did draw the rain but I added the rain effect in PSP, I think it looks better this way. =3

Green (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
3 commentsKeitii
Aquamentus.jpgAquamentus505 viewsfelt in the mood for more dragon art ^-^

this one is not so good >< I did it on class so it's only with black pen XD

looove this boss ^-^ they should bring him back, it would be great if he apeared in the Twiligth Princes
11 commentsDust_Bunny
BlackKnight.gif1081 viewsIron Knuckle
BlackKnight2.gif652 viewsIron Knuckle
Black_Tower.gif656 views
book.PNGZelda with a book172 viewsMost unimaginative title ever, but it sums up the drawing. I wonder what Zelda's reading? It looks to be the thickness of a Stephen King book. It's all black and white, and colorless...
Zelda (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
8 commentshauu13
celiawouldlaugh.jpgJust a little stupid laugh for you..maybe228 views Thank you Zeldadreams for making the Linebeck for me (that I crapily traced over with black). Yeah, It'll be kinda funny if you've played the "Phantom Houglass" game. So...yeah. I hope you think it's funny because it's supposed to be.

5 commentsKifan12
cookie.jpgI want cookies740 viewsI haven't uploaded anything in a long time.. XP.. this is a pretty old picture.. it's really popular on DA though.. I'm not sure why.. ^__^;; hehe. I coloured it with crayola coloured pencils and inked it with a black ball point pen. 8 commentsChibi-Rinku
Dark_Link.JPGDark Link298 viewsI cheated to make this one. All I had to do was press the 'black/white' command on paint and it just turned out this way. All I did after that was color his eyes red.1 commentsjiminycricketX
Dark_Link_Dark_Zelda_and_Vaati_by_Princess_of_Twilight.pngDark Link X Dark Zelda...and Vaati1151 viewsHi everyone! I have't gotten around to posting anything really since I've had a lot of homework recently. T^T Anyways requests are getting done, but taking a little longer. Sorry to whoever has one. >< I'll try my hardest to get them done!

I found this pic in the bottom of my drawing pile and it was already drawn so I just had to ink it, color it, and get it up here.^^ It's a pic of Dark Link, Dark Zelda, (they look happy together as far as evil people go lol )and a very angry and very little Vaati. XD I tried to stick with a consistent color scheme of red, black, white, and purple because I thought it looks nice that way.^^ I hope you all like it!^^

Dark Link, Dark Zelda, and Vaati (C) Nintendo
Art (C) Princess of Twilight
5 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Dartmandude.jpgDart Man Dude Guy Ninja621 viewsThis coloring/edit, has been brought to you by Sora. I thought this pic looked awesome, so i wanted to see it in color. I put a ton of effort into it (for once). I have been working on this project for quite some time now. I hope you enjoy it. If anybody has any black and white (pencil) drawings/sketches, that you'd like me to edit, just email them to me. THANKYOU!!! CHEESE5 commentsdude_thats_evil
DSCF0123_edited.JPGAnother pretty picture167 viewsMuahaha, YAY FOR CROPPING!

Anyway, this is another 'I paused at a random time and this is what I got.'

By the way, the black at the bottom?That was not me...that was my camera.Yay for using my camera's stupidness to my atvantage!
DSCF0150_edited.JPGI have no clue.183 views'Tis I,DarkZelda! Aka Peachy...I RETURN, PEOPLES!

So anyway, I thought this screenshot was quite pretty. If only I could get all of the little orange-yellow ribbon...thingy...
Oh well.It's still cool.
And guess what?NO BLACK EDGES!

I have discovered the wonders of cropping!!
FF-LinkA.jpgFinal Fantasy Link (Original rough)183 viewsI have a habit of drawing charcters in different styles to see if thier design would still work. Most of S. Miyamoto characters (Link, Mario, etc.) look great in the style of Osamu Tezuka (Astro Boy, Black Jack). So with this one I tried the style of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (Toshiyuki Itahana). I also uploaded the final of this but it's unfinished (too lazy)1 commentsDogmanSP
fs_logo.jpg851 viewsThe "Four Swords" logo on black background.
GREAT.JPGBad Guys233 viewsThis one would have taken forever for me to color so I just left it black and white.1 commentsMiss Fearsome Pirate
happy.PNGHappy313 viewsA doodle that came out good that I drew on the back of my folder =D His big cute eyes and the black outline make it cartoony X3

Green (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
1 commentsKeitii
harshcomic.gifThe Harsh Comic1135 viewsHistory Time!
Way back in the day, before the Fall of the old Zeldalegends (ooh, how mythical sounding), there were wars. Terrible wars between the Fan Artists and the Spammers, fighting for the sanctity of the Gallery. They were know as the Spam Wars.

Leading the forces of good (the origianal Artists) were heros such as Imazeldagirl, Ganondorf, Hacker Z, IronKnuckle, Dan Heron, Obsessed_Zelda_Freak, and myself, just to name a few.

Leading the forces of 3vi|_ were spammers such as black_link and his many personas- white_link, red_link, green_link, gray_link, rainbow_link, etc. They sought to poison the gallery by posting unaltered official art and making irrelevant comments. No one was safe.

In an effort to fight the 3vi|_, Hacker Z and I began a campaign where we not only refuted the spammers with our commets, but also with our art. This particular picture is a compilation by me of several brave pics by HZ. I post this pic today in the aftermath of Rhyksha, to remind spammers what waits in the Depths of the Gallery.
25 commentsKoroks Rock
Heros.jpgThe Hero of Time and the Hero of Winds334 viewsMany Heros, One big enemy...The most recent drawing of the Legends of Zelda series of black and white drawings. Maybe more will come.Ludovic
hylain.jpgHylain Guard503 viewsOk, I havent posted in a long time, but just to show that I am still working on zelda design, Here is a hylain guard. Nothing out of the ordinary went in to drawing this, but it did take quite awhile to get the armor to look right, and to look in a way that he wouldnt be too restricted to movement. I tried to keep the roman-esque feel of the hylians from oot, but also added thier own little style of armor. I decided silver armor and black cloth would look really cool, and the triforce symbol on the chest plate could be bronze, or gold. Hope you like it, comment any changes that should be made.7 commentsBraxis
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