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Search results - "sun"
16 sept copy.jpg
16 sept copy.jpg16 de Septiembre!1710 viewsXD September 16 is Mexico's Independence Day, I still can't understand why people in other countries make such big deal of May 5 (I can't understand how they can put that day above sept 16). But this day, we celebrate day and night, all around the country, and what you see Dizi, Aliku and Link wearing is pretty much of what you see during those parties XD
I don't know why people think we dress like mariachis or cowboys or that we live in desert or stuff like that, it's just silly XD Myself, I have never got anywhere near to a mariachi, they piss me off, I have never seen a cowboy, or a desert for that matterXD

Our Smexy Dizi, donning a Tricolor top and a matraca (her hair down because she looks smexier). Aliku (yes, she can change the color of her skin), is wearing a Naco's shirt X3 And Link wearing an old soccer shirt, Mexico's, of course X3 on the front the face of the Sun calendar. And in the bg, the eagle devouring the snake, our coat of arms
I hope you like it because I put a lot of heart on it
26 commentsdan heron
4Swords_Red_Caramelldansen.pngCaramelldansen602 views Once you hear this song get's stuck in your head....(So don't even listen to it if you can't stand little, cute voices!) So I just decided to draw Red Caramelldansen for no real reason. XD Probably because he's the cutest out of all the Links and the song is sung by a cute little voice. X3 The background (as simple as it seems) was hard to do, since my computer was acting stupid! >< Anyways, I hope you all like it!

Red © Akira Himekawa

Art © Princess of Twilight

"Caramelldansen" © Caramell
12 commentsPrincess of Twilight
AGorgeousSunset.jpg624 viewsFrom
aliku vs link copy.jpg
aliku vs link copy.jpgAh, this is love ^^1298 viewsthis is an scene from my fanfic, here we can see the first time Aliku and Link met. These two are gonna be a couple later, unfortunately, first they want to kill each other.
Aliku, because she was hired to kill him.
Link, because if Aliku dies, Zelda will live (it has to do with Zelda's prophetic dreams, where Aliku always kills her).

These claws Link is using are his Balam's claws, they were inspired by illustrations in the Sun calendar of the Aztecs.
Aliku usually uses twin tantos but here she's using a kunai to defend herself. Link really is aiming to kill her o.O
16 commentsdan heron
Art35.jpgLink cool132 viewsLet the sunshine
Let the sunshine in
The sunshine in
A little link with the TWW style
5 commentsangel of light
biggoron.JPGGoron Sunrise360 views1 commentsThat Guy
chariot.jpgThe Chariot588 viewsThis is the forth card I have done for the Majora's Mask tarot card set. The chariot is meant to be a triumphal car, so I figured that Link would be perfect, and what other horse could be pulling the car but Epona? The wheels are slightly noticeable -_-; I hope you can see the chariot form... It also shows the moon and sun symbols that are meant to be in this card, and also, it's meant to have two horses, but since Link has only one... well, you get it. The legend reads "Sensha" (tank, military vehicle) Thanks for for the font.8 commentsMalu CLBS
chickrevised.pngGerudo Sunset685 viewsI had actually made this a while ago, but i was waiting for magalinks permission to post it, then all of a sudden i notice the amazing new gerudo pic that she had made, which puts this in the gutter.
5 commentsdude_thats_evil
Cortink.jpgLady of the Forest194 viewsLineart of another character I thought up during my Easter weekend. Her name is Lya Rosethorn, as her last name implies she has passion for roses and she is ordered to guard the power of the Sunlight in Baslong Forest.

Lya Rosethorn © Divine_Link
3 commentsDivine_Link
creation_of_hyrule_part_1.swfThe Creation of Hyrule570 viewsTHIS IS NOT THE FULL THING!!!!!
I wouldn't even recommend watching this at all. The full version is almost 4MB, so it
didn't fit on this site. NEW SITE: (there's a link below) to see it
(be patient, it's a big file), then come back and comment (please comment!).
Note that I made that site just for this file, there's nothing else on it. If it doesn't
work, that's because too many people have seen it and I've exceeded the data
transfer limit.
Now go, watch it,
and then finish reading this description (if you want to). Go. Now.

I realize that the lightning didn't work out like it should have. I think I'm going to add
sounds, including thunder, to it. eventually.
Also, I know it's
jerky, especially when the camera jerks before the sun moves. And the rest is just too
But overall, I think this is my masterpiece (which, you could argue, isn't saying much....)
and I'm really happy with how it came out.
I used Terragen (obviously), Irfanview for renaming and JPEGing, MX Flash 8 for converting
it to Flash, and... that's it. BTW, KR, the code didn't work.
6 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
Dancing_Shadows_by_dan_heron.jpgDancing shadows683 viewsAnother old piccu, this time of our lovely Calis. If you remember, all these bandages covering her body are shadows that they control at their will, used mostly when there is no light to create new shadows.

The Numtians and the Devas pray each morning to their gods, letting their tikel sombrem to move freely, letting it take as much sun as they can. The tikel requires at least a degree of “will” to be effective.

Oh, and Calis IS NOT AN ANGEL!!
dan heron
Death_valley.jpgDeath mountains306 viewsMore like Death Valley.
Ok, I'll make this quick. It all started a few months ago when i saw my old death valley pics (the ones that looked like the volcano in Mario 64; they've been deleted now for being bmps), and noticed that someone (RICKY, maybe?) kept suggesting that i add a "glow" to them. I had just learned how to do that, so i started changing some stuff, and after a few hours had something like this. About a month later i came back, made some changes, and went back to school. a couple weeks after that, i wrote a few scripts, and my comp worked on rendering a movie of this for 4-5 days (really). it was 26 MB, i got it down to 6MB, but my trial period for flash ended (KR: Help!!!). anyway, i took one of about 450 frames, converted it to jpeg, stuck it as my wallpaper, and uploaded it.
Yeah, it's Death Valley. That's lava in the bottom. I've gotten better at mist and sunbeams, as you should notice. enjoy. and, of course, COMMENT!!!!
7 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
Essence3_Bright_Sun.gif489 views1 comments
ganonsunlight.jpgGanondorf369 viewsI kind of always imagined that at the end of OOT, when you run up those final stairs in the castle, that the battle will take place with sunlight streaming in through all those windows..Well, actually, Im just trying to distract you all from the fact that this is my VERY FIRST attempt at Photoshop (I havent even watched the tutorial yet)... so be kind, Im still learning....:) Man it is tough...6 commentsGirlink
Gerudowatchingcolour_copy.jpgSurveying the Sunset200 views9:00 on the 1st of January 2008. I was bored. My stepsister was on bebo, I was depressed as i had to get up at four the next morning, because i was going back to my mums (I had spent new year at my dads) and I was just doodling on a page, with no idea what to draw. I decided most randomly to draw a back view of some hair. then I drew the shoulders and soon enough i was drawing Nabooru (or at least I think its Nabooru :-? ).

I discovered the gradient tool and the lasso tool after reading a tutorial on
Notice the sunset out of the window? hehe...

I very pleased with this. I fell in love with the picture, which sadly was drawn in blue pen...
I'm pleased with the emotion it gives.... *sniffle*

Drawn in blue pen
Coloured in Photoshop Elements
5 commentsFaerieEpona
GorgeousSunset.jpg336 viewsFrom
hyrule castle.JPG
hyrule castle.JPGhyrule castle312 viewsthis is hyrule castle. really. it truly is.
ok fine. when i made this i had Hogwarts in mind (please tell me you know what Hogwarts is). so i guess you could argue that it's not a genuine zelda picture. but it reminded me of hyrule castle in TP. have you noticed that in the first scene of the first trailer you can see it on the horizon? i only just noticed that for the first time recently.
also, this does look like how i hope hyrule will be. lakes and mountains in addition to a big fat field in the middle.
oh yeah, i almost forgot. that castle was made by hand with paint. yes. and it looks really stupid without the blurring i did.
please comment.
9 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
hyrule.swfhyrule (castle?) sunset445 viewswell, this is an animation of my hyrule castle pic. except there is no hyrule castle. and for
a good reason, too: the castle was put in by paint, and took about 10-20 minutes, and
doing that for 66 separate frames would be..... stupid.
once i completed this, i was about to upload it, and realized it went too fast. so, i made a new frame to stick in between every frame i had, and now it's slow. and now it looks good. I had a lot of problems making this. maybe a third of the pictures had the wrong ground covering, and i had to redo them. and then i hit some naming problems, which were the result of, and resulted in, renaming each frame 2-3 times, and converting each and every one to a jpeg. believe me, renaming 66 frames that many times is NOT FUN!!! but music helps. i spent a lot of that time listening to dte's "beat of the dragon," thanks a lot for making it, it saved my life.
ok, enough complaining. i personally like the sunlight on water and the sunbeams in the air. COMMENT!!
20 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
isle10.jpgKoholint Island171 viewsKoholint Island at sunset, the actual scale of the whole island is WAY off but it does look nice I think.5 commentsParaclete
Link resting.jpg
Link resting.jpgLink resting230 viewsHere is one of GL's older but still cool sketches of link by a tree,she said she had a strange likeness for this pic,.so I sported a colored one.

Link raises as the warmth of the sun touches his skin, navi flying by erges link to be on his way,another day in hyrule
4 commentsFyrborn
link-and-kafei-coloured-ver.jpgLink and Kafei looking for the mask of the sun (coloured version)530 views5 commentsLinkgirl
link-and-kafei.jpgLink and Kafei looking for the mask of sun280 views3 commentsLinkgirl
Link;sUncle1.gif643 viewsIron Knuckle
Link;sUncle2_1.gif331 viewsIron Knuckle
58 files on 3 page(s) 1