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ack.PNGO.o232 viewsA scene from The Shining? WhAt? And Shadow's being the crazy dude? Again, WhAt!?
Shadow (c) nintendo
The Shining (c) Stephen King
art (c) hauu13
12 commentshauu13
Akako.jpgAkako277 viewsI got done with this, I think...Either Christmas Eve or the day before. The dress came from Alyssia who did this with Akako for Christmas. Anyway, even tho I didn't get a lot of presents, I will say this, this year was the BEST Christmas ever! It acutally snowed on Christmas day, we here in NC, actually had a White Christmas, and I think the last one was, 100 and some years ago.

Sorry it's up so late. The side it suppose to be saying Merry Christmas, but dad's stupid Scanner cut it out.

Akako © by Me
7 commentsAmy122
aloneintherain.PNGAlone in the Rain382 viewsThis is a pic of Green, he was running and then tripped into some mud ('cause it's raining) and he's sat up looking ahead of him. What's he seen you ask? Well...even I don't know..

I haven't digitalized this 'cause then it keeps it's black and white sad look. The mud marks are the slightly dark areas on Green. He's got tears at his eyes 'cause he's been crying. Why you ask? Well, I know but I'm not telling X3 Yeah, I copied a pose form the manga, but it's a hard pose for me to draw. I did draw the rain but I added the rain effect in PSP, I think it looks better this way. =3

Green (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
3 commentsKeitii
assy.jpgMy winged knight749 viewsOh, I’m sure you wondered who was paired Assy with X3 Some of you guessed that it was Gorgias, former prince of Werran.
Yes, PRINCE, meaning a boy X) First boy-boy pairing! Yippee! “throws confetti to the hordes of fangirls”
Gor is the little one on the left, he’s a Griffin. The Goddesses of the Hyrul have races that work like guardians for each one of them. Din uses the Red Lions and the Griffin. Asmodeus is a Deva.
Their relationship started very slow, but they quickly learned that the other was what they needed.
Things between them went smoothly until Werran was taken over by the White Cross and the Pristine Army. Gorgias asked the Quetzals to help him recover the country, and they did it. However, that didn’t change anything in the royal family. Gorgias was still an outcast. At least his mother accepted the fact that her son wanted to be her daughter, and even took a liking Assy.
2 commentsdan heron
becomingpossessed.PNGBecoming Possessed417 views Here's Vio getting possessed by the Wind Waker. It floats to his head and injects itself into his forehead. He hears voices and his eyes suddenly turn white, and he's possessed. Man, I should really continure my fan-fic before I let out too many spoilers via picture form o.o Anyway, enjoy. There's only the top of his body because I drew this at the bottom of the paper X3

Vio (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!
3 commentsKeitii
bluevsvio.PNGBlue vs Vio476 viewsW00t! LoZ:4S+ fanart! ^__^

This'll happen sometime in my fan-fic, which you should all read by the way, where Blue has a short duel with Vio, 'cause he's become possessed! I won't say by who or what. If you full view then you'll see Vio has white eyes instead of blue. That's how Blue figures out he's possessed by something or someone.

Blue and Vio (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat you soul!!
5 commentsKeitii
book.PNGZelda with a book172 viewsMost unimaginative title ever, but it sums up the drawing. I wonder what Zelda's reading? It looks to be the thickness of a Stephen King book. It's all black and white, and colorless...
Zelda (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
8 commentshauu13
BottlePicolyteWhite.gif799 views2 commentsIron Knuckle
Dark_Link.JPGDark Link299 viewsI cheated to make this one. All I had to do was press the 'black/white' command on paint and it just turned out this way. All I did after that was color his eyes red.1 commentsjiminycricketX
Dark_Link_Dark_Zelda_and_Vaati_by_Princess_of_Twilight.pngDark Link X Dark Zelda...and Vaati1151 viewsHi everyone! I have't gotten around to posting anything really since I've had a lot of homework recently. T^T Anyways requests are getting done, but taking a little longer. Sorry to whoever has one. >< I'll try my hardest to get them done!

I found this pic in the bottom of my drawing pile and it was already drawn so I just had to ink it, color it, and get it up here.^^ It's a pic of Dark Link, Dark Zelda, (they look happy together as far as evil people go lol )and a very angry and very little Vaati. XD I tried to stick with a consistent color scheme of red, black, white, and purple because I thought it looks nice that way.^^ I hope you all like it!^^

Dark Link, Dark Zelda, and Vaati (C) Nintendo
Art (C) Princess of Twilight
5 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Dartmandude.jpgDart Man Dude Guy Ninja625 viewsThis coloring/edit, has been brought to you by Sora. I thought this pic looked awesome, so i wanted to see it in color. I put a ton of effort into it (for once). I have been working on this project for quite some time now. I hope you enjoy it. If anybody has any black and white (pencil) drawings/sketches, that you'd like me to edit, just email them to me. THANKYOU!!! CHEESE5 commentsdude_thats_evil
Daydreamer_(sketch).JPGDaydreamer (Sketch)215 viewsThis sketch is another of my many marin pictures. I was bored and wanted to try to draw someone in an actual pose, unlike all the standing on a white backdrop pictures I usually draw, so I drew Marin lying against a sand dune, gazing at the stars. I plan on making a colored version of this eventually.1 commentsjiminycricketX
dekulink.jpg1868 viewsLarger version of above image on white background.
Fan_Girl_Attack_XDDD.jpgFan Girl Attack Quickie227 viewsA quick drawing that I just whipped up...Based on a doodle I drew I on the whiteboard during Anime Club one time...Yes, thats me glomping Link...I debated for a moment on adding a background, then decided against it...
I also find it noteworthy that if I ever made Flash movies, I'd most likely use a style similar to this.
GerudoWhite.png743 viewsIron Knuckle
Goddess_Whitesword.pngGoddess Whitesword238 viewsSame base/model from Goddess Longsword, just different coloring.

Goddess Whitesword/Fi © by: Nintendo
Zelda Skyward Sword © by: Shigeru Miyamoto
goron ruby.gif
goron ruby.gifGoron Ruby387 viewsI decided to do a background this time, instead of just white. dude_thats_evil did some editing on the background for me (like taking out the ocarina of time--yes, that's why link's partially underwater. he's part-way underwater.)11 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
GREAT.JPGBad Guys235 viewsThis one would have taken forever for me to color so I just left it black and white.1 commentsMiss Fearsome Pirate
harshcomic.gifThe Harsh Comic1141 viewsHistory Time!
Way back in the day, before the Fall of the old Zeldalegends (ooh, how mythical sounding), there were wars. Terrible wars between the Fan Artists and the Spammers, fighting for the sanctity of the Gallery. They were know as the Spam Wars.

Leading the forces of good (the origianal Artists) were heros such as Imazeldagirl, Ganondorf, Hacker Z, IronKnuckle, Dan Heron, Obsessed_Zelda_Freak, and myself, just to name a few.

Leading the forces of 3vi|_ were spammers such as black_link and his many personas- white_link, red_link, green_link, gray_link, rainbow_link, etc. They sought to poison the gallery by posting unaltered official art and making irrelevant comments. No one was safe.

In an effort to fight the 3vi|_, Hacker Z and I began a campaign where we not only refuted the spammers with our commets, but also with our art. This particular picture is a compilation by me of several brave pics by HZ. I post this pic today in the aftermath of Rhyksha, to remind spammers what waits in the Depths of the Gallery.
25 commentsKoroks Rock
Heros.jpgThe Hero of Time and the Hero of Winds334 viewsMany Heros, One big enemy...The most recent drawing of the Legends of Zelda series of black and white drawings. Maybe more will come.Ludovic
Iken.jpgThe blind Keaton165 viewsYup, you read the title right. This is Iken, the blind Keaton. Iken was born blind and was never been able to see anything and had to use his other senses to get around. However, this big time trouble maker, made a very bad deal with a Hell demon Goddess, and was given a third eye, but, he's only able to see black, white and gray. He was banned from his own home and began to travel around... Of how he meets the other will be kept a secret. ^^Sage of Ice
Inu and Link.jpg
Inu and Link.jpgLink and Inuyasha1203 viewsOh! I remember this, I did this on september the last year, so I´ll upload it n_n, by the way i have the most of my draws in the next site, also there is a pic of myself so if you want to visit... I´ll be very glad that you can n_n.21 commentsSnow White
kasui.jpgWild Happiness635 viewsYeh, I know some people is gonna hate me, but Kasui and Ruto break up in the fic.
Fortunately, they find love again, so don’t be sad for them.
Kasui (the guy) is a Zora and Laetita, is a Ghoma. After he and Ruto broke up, Kasui became very bitter and even more violent than he already was. His hate for the Pristine Army reached the extreme and Link and Koshamu had to stop it more than once from doing something stupid.
He started to develop feelings for Laetita, unfortunately, the girl was part of the White Cross ranks. The Tecolotls aren’t exactly Crosses, they are more like hired arms to fight the Quetzals.
Laetita had a really hard time trying to cope with her feelings and her duties, and she and Kasui fought many times for the control of the Holy Spirits of the Nahuals, Balams and Alebrijes. Kasui always beat her. Still, he never could bring himself to finish her off.
After some time, they decided that their love was worth defying some rules
Title comes from Laetita name, latin for Happiness
dan heron
kiichi.jpgColored Kiichi pop-art sort of thing277 viewsI think I uploaded the black and white pencil shaded thing of this. I screwed around with the un-pencil shaded one which no one but me has ever seen, and it became this. Hooray! I have him a shadow and he has no lines but the big outline. Pretty pretty :D 2 commentsChibi-Kokiri
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