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Most viewed - Linkcofied
Link.jpgLink550 viewsWell, here it is, my design of Link. Im not sure which game this link could fit into, so lets just say he is my own link, from my own game, that I designed, and ill never release. So there. With that said, here are some things id like to share about the design:

Well, first of all, There is the overall look. Hes adult, mature, and definitely made to kick some moblin butt. Some major things added would be the steel armor on the shins, gauntlets, and chest plate and shoulder gaurds. The chainmail makes up for the lack of true armor, and keeps him flexible. Also you can see little pouches here and there at his belt, and even some slash and stratches on his tunic, one of which has been quickly repaired.

Here are some things I would like to point out in detail. First of all, his sword, which is a original design. I don’t have much reason as to why I drew it the way I did, it just kind of came out of my pencil. The same goes with the sheath. As you can see, I made sure they would fit into each other nicely.

Next would be his pack and bomb bag. I always thought since link is a great traveler, and has so much stuff, he would need a pack. So I gave him one. In it he would keep the things that he doesn’t need at the ready all the time, such as potions, jars, cloths, and various other items. The bomb bag is much different then the one seen in the games, and has its inspiration from a mail pouch. Easily accessible, but always at the ready. See my goron weapons design for more on the bombs.

The bow and arrow. Nothing so special here, just put a lot of detail into this stuff to make it unique.

And finally the hookshot. I spent a long time designing this. First of all, its strapped to links gaunlent, which was just a idea that I liked. Now here is how it works. Link points the hookshot at the intended target then presses the inner button on the handle. It releases the spring, which shoots the hook. As the hook hits the target and goes into it, the sensitive tip triggers the hooks that come out from the side of the main blade. They keep the hookshot in place. Then link pulls on the other lever on the handle, which triggers a spring on the opposite side, pulling him closer to the extended blade. When he reaches his destination, he simply slides the button on the side of the blade stem that disables the extra hooks, retrieves the blade, and there ya go.

Well that’s it. I love comments, so tell me what you think and what changes or additions can be made. Thanks…
10 commentsBraxis
sleeping_link.jpgSleeping Link548 viewsI wanted to draw a picture of Link alseep, and I think it turned out quite well. ^^16 commentscerasly
chufromvio.PNGChu from Vio542 viewsShadow get's a little chu from Vio ^w^ Nyaaa! <3 Shadow's hair and clothes colours should be better now since I got them from a higher quality scan that ZeldaLegends put up. Love the yaoi-ness people! X3

Vio and Shadow (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!
3 commentsKeitii
fantasy_oni_link_by_red_fan-d4w22o5.pngFantasy Styled Oni Link542 viewsWell at least my fantasy style.

Don't know what to say about this except that he was grocery shopping and noticed something...

<//v//< hnngh...

And yes, that is my deviantart file. I was just too lazy to remove the watermark... Plus I like to watermark things I made, which in this case is the clothing.
link.jpgLink & Kitty539 viewsJust a TP-Link and a little cat :)5 commentsRooro
Linkfox.JPGKeaton Mask538 viewsMy little sister was playing Majora's Mask and I thought it would be cool if the Keaton mask was a transformation mask. So here's Keaton Link. Went a little crazy with the highlights. You can still see the binding of my sketchbook over on the left. Pah.7 commentsChibi-Kokiri
linksaria01.jpgSaria and Link535 viewsLink suddently stops and says, you stay here...
-I want to go with you! I can fight... well, a little.
-No... It`s just that one fairy is annoyng enough.
6 commentsAltaire
Link_rest.jpgTaking a breather532 viewsLong time since i drew link, and after playing PH (and completing it twice) i thought it was about time that i did some fanart of at least one of Links incarnations.

This Links a sorta mixture... thing. He's just prettymuch a hybrid of OOT/MM Link, and WW/PH link. (don't ask why he's looking so happy... i have no idea, lmao)

I'm sorry about the mountains... suckiness. They're really hard to do, so i just drew random squiggles and blended them.
anyways, hope you like.
4 commentsLinkmaster
DarklinkVSlink2.gifDark Link VS Link 2531 viewsthe long awaited sequel is here..better click on it just to make it look better..its great will there be more?????
and who is this blue link, is he a spirt of the soon to be dead or is he something else??
stay tuned..
13 commentsFyrborn
link-and-kafei-coloured-ver.jpgLink and Kafei looking for the mask of the sun (coloured version)530 views5 commentsLinkgirl
linkawcrap.jpgDark Link530 viewsThis is HZ's pic, that i decided to edit. So here's to HZ, 4 drawing this randomly awesome pic. When I saw the hair in the original, and then instantly knew that i had to color it. So i got to work, and it took 4 ever, but finally its here 4 you. You'd better like it!!!28 commentsdude_thats_evil
cloud-link.jpgcloud-link527 viewshz/bth made this sketch and his photoshop crashed or something so I took the liberty of coloring it (That's ok, right?) I took quite awhile to color it, then at the last second applied a crazy effect to it, and it turned into this, which I thought was cool. It looks like an etching in stone that was stained the proper colors or something. He's supposed to be in the zora-tunic but the last-second edit makes it VERY dark. And the eye turned out kinda strange...not the perfectest job but I thought we needed something different than my usual stuff.13 commentsdudeofrandomness
001introduction.PNGIntroduction523 viewsPic number 1 for the 100 Theme Challenge on DeviantArt.

Anyway, I could think of anything for this topic. I thought of a story introduction where Shadow would be writing the beginning of a story or something, then I thought of Links as chibis 'cause that's introducing themselves as kids, then I thought of this Green introducing himself =w=

OK, I hope the rest are easier to think of =w=

Green (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
4 commentsKeitii
Darkness_by__Princess_of_Twilight.pngDarkness523 views It's the evil people! Ganondorf (my stlye-since I couldn't draw th TP ones hair right on this angle ><), Dark Zelda who looks too cute to be evil, and the Dark Link from my fic, (which means he's one of the Link's who went evil, it's a secret!) Anyways I tried to use my Prismas again, I'm pretty satisfied, hop you like it everyone! n.n

Ganondorf, Dark Link, and Dark Zelda (C) Nintendo
Art (C) Princess of Twilight
And Kifan I'm sorry it took so long to respond, I made my request under your Sleeping Zelda picture.^^
14 commentsPrincess of Twilight
zelda_dark_triforce_1_copia.jpgZelda: The Dark Triforce pic 1521 viewsJust a fan story bye me.2 commentsZilkenian
Comic.jpgThe Secret Code!!519 viewsReads right-to-left, first page then second. Zelda would be so cool with guns.2 comments[cuccoattackforce]
Link Dragon.jpg
Link Dragon.jpgHoly Beast -- Hero of Time515 viewspart of a fan fic I'm working on, we can say this is Link's animal shape

guess the leggs are too long ^^U but otherwise it's the best dragon I've done in my life XD

nah I'm not so good >< this is the best I can make, the ultimate proof I'm not good at all ^^U
16 commentsDust_Bunny
LoZ2_Spell.jpgZelda 2 AoL Spell Spell515 viewsSpell Spell! Pizza Pizza! (Okay, that was a wee bit corny...)

Anyway, Link's used it to turn some tough monsters into wimpy Bots!

Sprites, screenshots, and official art were used as references. See "Zelda 2 AoL Shield Spell" for why the name of the Spell isn't in the artwork itself.
3 commentsDBoyWheeler
Sunsetlinknavi.jpgTwilight in Hyrule Field512 viewsKid Link and Navi, in Hyrule Field. Yes, I know in game he'd be torn apart by Stalchildren, but it looked cool anyway.

I'm thinking of making this a wallpaper.
20 commentsSnowsilver
pleaseforgiveme.PNGPlease Forgive Me..511 views Shadow Link begging for forgiveness in the dark realm..or something. He's gotten beaten to the ground with tears running down his face. It's like Ganondorf is looking down, about to kill him.

Shadow Link (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!
6 commentsKeitii
christmaszelda2.jpgHappy Holidays!510 viewsHappy Holidays and Merry Christmas from Chibi Rinku! XD

drawn on Photoshop CS~
3 commentsChibi-Rinku
parallels.jpgParallels509 viewsLink and Zelda decided to dress up as (what many seem to consider) their videogame parallels!

This was supposed to be for Halloween, but I'm lazy and slow. So they're going to an anime convention. >__>;;;
6 comments[cuccoattackforce]
HadesRox-RQ-Midna_on_Wolf_Link-by-_PrincessofTwilight72.pngMidna and Wolf Link507 viewsThis was originally a request pic for someone on DA, but I wanted to submit it here for you guys too!^^ I love how Midna looks, she's adorable. X3 Wolf Link...could use a little work, but overally I'm pleased with this picture and I hope you guys like it too!

Next pic....Modern Zelda Characters, Shadow and Vio! (yes I'm bored)

Things used: Mechanical Pencil, Pigment Pens, Manga markers, manga eraser, Prismas, and Paint Shop Pro ^^

Midna & Wolf Link (C) Nintendo

Art (C) Princess of Twilight
12 commentsPrincess of Twilight
scan0006.jpgMerry Christmas or something like that.503 viewsThis is a Christmas card/drawing for my bestest friend. If you don't get it, you're either really young or insanely ignorant.4 commentsChibi-Kokiri
852 files on 36 page(s) 10