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Most viewed - Linkcofied
kat.jpgHappy Halloweenies!502 viewsSo yes. Its meee! I'm Link :D I made that myself and my mom took this picture of me earlier tonight before I went trick-or-treating. I drew the triforce on my hand, just for added authenticity. Tights are uncomfortable, and that's just from a female perspective. Poor Linky, lol.18 commentsChibi-Kokiri
006break.pngBreak500 viewsNo. 6 of the 100 Theme Challenge.

If Green ever looses his friends this is what he'll feel like. Torn, broken, ripped in half, or many pieces.

Green (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
2 commentsKeitii
sketchlink.jpgTP Link in color500 viewsSo the highlight isn't perfect, but its a step above what I usually do. This is a colored version of Michelle K's masterpiece found here.
I also borrowed the crest from a pic put up by Susie Q, though the only thing left of it that I used was probably from the official art anyways. I worked hard on the stupid eye, to make it look good. I even went and looked in a mirror to see what my own eye looked like just to do it better. And I couldn't think of anything cool for the BG so I just used a watery-lookin effect. Wow, I haven't uploaded for a long time.
8 commentsdudeofrandomness
The Eye of the Storm.jpg
The Eye of the Storm.jpgLink and a green eye500 viewsThat pic of Link was drawn by HZ... (bathroom hacker 4 you newbies) so lets all give a round of applause to him... *claps until hands are bleeding* well that was fun... anyhoo umm i really don't know where i got that eye (i did do the random green stuff in the eye) so sorry if the owner sees it and finds that i never gave credit to them so... here's random credit to whomever wants it. Enjoy14 commentsdude_thats_evil
reds_dream.PNGReds' Dream495 viewsFor Blue to be his prince, aaaw..
Yes, I know Red's wearing a dress, I know what I've drawn. Let him wear what he feels like, k?
Fear my bad backgrounds =w= Rawr.
Yeah, I tried for that romaticy feel effect thingy, that I think I just about pulled off.

Red and Blue (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
3 commentsKeitii
imsorry.PNGI'm sorry..491 viewsWOWZAHS! One of my bestest backgrounds I've made ever! =D Love it!

I done the muddy grass, the way he sliped on the mud, the rain in the background and the sky, and I like the way I've done the rain falling on him. I also made it dark 'cause it's like a dark day/afternoon/evening in the pic. I also like the muddy, tears and damage effects I done to Shadow.

Shadow has wings 'cause my fandom mind wants him to here and he's just got shot in the neck which made him plummet and slide on the muddy, wet ground. He was trying to save Vio but he's obviosly dropped him from being shot and he's crying and sorry and all that.

;-; This is like the most depressing pic I've ever done. The darkness, the rain, the tears. TwT I'm so proud of myself!

Shadow Link (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and rip your eyes out!!
4 commentsKeitii
linkhorse.jpgLink falling off Epona491 views...yes I know Epona's too big. Yes I know her anatomy's not correct. I drew this one quite a while ago, September I think. I only drew it because my little brother said "There's a kid at my class who thinks he can draw better than you," And I can't resist a challenge of course, so I whipped this up real quick and guess what? I can draw better than that kid XD9 commentsChibi-Kokiri
linknite.JPGWindy Moon489 views4 commentsThat Guy
Revival.JPGThe Old Stuff489 viewsThese are my very first attempts at fan art. I found them while going through some old sketchbooks. I put my favorites into this little pack and would like to show them. I think they are good considering they were made right after I beat OOT, and i beat it soon after it was realeased, so these are old. The first is called "Link vs Ganon" as can be seen, which depicts the epic final battle. The Second is "Revival" which was my view on how ganondorf revived volvagia with the trifore of power. And the third is simply "Redead". Enjoy...4 commentsBraxis
sketchlink2.jpgLink.. non chibi style489 viewsA Doodle XD; I was playing around in open canvas and came up with this.. XD.. I kinda like it ^__^; didn't expect it to look like this~

-Time: 20 something mins
5 commentsChibi-Rinku
runwithme.PNGRun with Me488 views =D Vio x Shadow-ness. Yay! <3

Just a yaoi piccy thingy. Vio's leading Shadow as they're running together. Love the yaoi-ness <3

Vio and Shadow (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat you soul!
1 commentsKeitii
GoldAndSilverLinks (2).jpg
GoldAndSilverLinks (2).jpgOf Gold and of Silver485 viewsI handcopied this one from my LOZ:FFA game manual. It is not traced. I thought that the gold and silver was a nice touch.4 commentsSkyDragon
viothebutterfly.PNGVio the Butterfly485 viewsI thought up this cool little thingy in my mind. Where there's like an Animal Festival in Hyrule, and it's a day where everyone dresses up as their favourite animals! =3 I might do a short fan-fic or manga for it or something.

Vio is a calm and relaxed guy. And his fav colour is purple/violet (gasp-eth!!). I , in my Four Swords fandom mind, think that Vio likes various pretty things. My examples, he likes Sailor Moon and to dress up as them, he loves his Rubber Ducky with him in the shower, and his second favourite things are Purple Lilies. So, sticking to the flower idea, Vios' favourite animals are BUTTERFLIES! They're pretty, can be purple and they hang around on pretty flowers. Also, Vio must like to relax in a big bush of 'em X3

I kinda copied the pose and some of the costume design from a pic of Roll.EXE ( I found in my Nintendo Magazine. ^^;

Vio (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!
4 commentsKeitii
chibitplink2.jpgChibi TP Link483 viewsDrawn on oekaki 33 mins. I wanted to draw something cute, so I drew Twilight Princess Link chibi... XD6 commentsChibi-Rinku
Dirty_double_crosser.JPGLink, Zelda, and the spy483 viewsThis was easy too. I know most of you hate Ness. On this website, I used be known as PrincessZelda, but that was a long time ago. I forgot my password anyway, so I just got myself a new username! I hope some of you remember me, at least. Enjoy the snapshot!4 commentsHyruleZelda
Link with Epona #1.jpg
Link with Epona #1.jpgLink with Epona478 viewsI got this from the manga cuz it looked real nice, ya i have a habit of enlarging a picture twice as large when i draw it13 commentsAtEteMiAGaRe
seasons.jpgOracle Series478 viewsPlaying with coloured pencils, here is a drawing of Link from the Oracle series. :)7 commentsKimya
summershadow.pngSummer Shadow478 viewsThis is my contest entry pic for the Summer contest at the Shadow Link club on DeviantArt.

Shadow's just relaxing under the sun and perks up when he hears a "SPASH!" (that's what the japanese text says). Probably from Blue XD

Shadow Link (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!
4 commentsKeitii
DarkMarthaCOVERED copy.jpg
DarkMarthaCOVERED copy.jpgDark Martha475 viewsIt's martha! Yay! I love mermaids! (you have no idea)
So when I saw there was a mermaid in zelda, there was no way I was NOT going to draw her, (there are four other Martha pics I've drawn so far) Anyways the inspiration for this pic was a picture by an artist named Pamala Ramali on Elfwood. I was like Hmmnnn.... Dark mermaid.. That's a great idea! So yeah, here it is, The original version of this picture didn't have any "covering" on martha, but I edited that and now she's family friendly! well... almost.
8 commentsSusie Q
haharutoisabitchop.jpgWhy Link runs avoids Ruto...475 viewslol this is a comic style picture, just having a laugh at how i think Ruto would be as a wife! OLD2 commentsRachel
stillrunning.PNGStill Running475 viewsHere's a scene from my fan-fic. Where Red's running away from Chibi Ganons' cave and he sees Green and Blue running toward him in the distance. He waves the half a pirate charm (that Chibi Ganon had) in the air. He got stratched on the face and chin by Chibi Ganons' swords. Ouch.

Red (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
1 commentsKeitii
QueenGohma.swfBattle Against Queen Gohma471 viewsJust a little short skit i did based on the fight between Link and Queen Gohma.6 commentsGerkinman
ShieldBoard2.jpgShield Surfing470 viewsMight as well upload a few things ;P

2 commentseponagirl
vioandthewindwaker.PNGVio and the Wind Waker466 viewsHere's Vio, sitting on the balcony ledge when he's possessed by the Wind Waker in my fan-fic. Vio makes a good evil. B)

Vio (c) Akira Himekawa
Wind Waker (c) Nintendo
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
4 commentsKeitii
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