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Most viewed - Linkcofied
Hookshots_are_handy_for_girl_saving.jpgHook Shot's Are Good For...387 viewsChick saving... all the way. 2 commentsMudora
link.jpgThe hero of time387 viewsThe heroic adult-Link! Here I imagine him being around 20 years old.9 commentsedind
manskirt.JPGNOBODY!--Sketch387 viewsBuilding off my last upload. Link is angry at me calling his tunic a manskirt. He's angry with the rest of you, too.
I like this sketch a lot :3 Link's expression and pose turned out perfect, but the scanner picked up all these nonexistent smudges everywhere. I'm gonna ink it and color it probably. No, he's not giving you the finger! He's holding up his index finger, like he's making a point or something.

Ph33r my slutty bad handwriting :D
4 commentsChibi-Kokiri
Sumo_Link~2.pngSumo Link387 viewsMan... I love this game.

2 commentseponagirl
RPG.jpgRPG Link386 viewsA drawing of Link I made for an RPG that some friends from Triforce MUCK and I are working on. Hope you enjoy it!7 commentsKimya
shockedandconfused.PNGShocked and Confused386 viewsBecause he is. Tis a random moment to happen in my fan-fic, 'cause something happens ;P The top of his hair is cut off 'cause that's when the paper ended that I doodled this on XP

Shadow Link (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!

Love the Shadow-ness ~<3
linklala.jpgLink... is mad?385 viewsyeah. bored.. so I drew a picture on the oekaki. He looks pissed XD3 commentsChibi-Rinku
Sumo_Link~OH_MOMMA.jpgSumo Link384 viewsLong time no see!! I just remembered zelda legends. :P

3 commentseponagirl
tehevilness.PNGTeh Evilness384 viewsI doodled him in a cool pose. Twas good so I coloured. He looks more on the evil side in this pic, hence the title.

Shadow Link (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!
1 commentsKeitii
redposes.PNGRed Poses383 viewsJust a cute doodle I did =D The Japanese there translates to "Peace!" =D

Red (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
1 commentsKeitii
aloneintherain.PNGAlone in the Rain382 viewsThis is a pic of Green, he was running and then tripped into some mud ('cause it's raining) and he's sat up looking ahead of him. What's he seen you ask? Well...even I don't know..

I haven't digitalized this 'cause then it keeps it's black and white sad look. The mud marks are the slightly dark areas on Green. He's got tears at his eyes 'cause he's been crying. Why you ask? Well, I know but I'm not telling X3 Yeah, I copied a pose form the manga, but it's a hard pose for me to draw. I did draw the rain but I added the rain effect in PSP, I think it looks better this way. =3

Green (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
3 commentsKeitii
hurt.jpgHurt382 viewsA pretty old drawing that I thought you guys might enjoy. :) This is a pretty furious and hurt Link. Don't mess with the Hero of Time!6 commentsKimya
therageofdarkness.PNGThe Rage of Darkness381 viewsThis'll happen sometime in my fan-fic. Shadow has lots of rage building up inside him 'cause something happened ¬w¬ And I not saying what yet, Nyeah! He's gonna go beat up the thing who did that thing.
I'm glad how the darkness came out all around him. It's meant to be like when someone is powering up sort-of feel.

Shadow (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!
1 commentsKeitii
064Multitasking.jpgMultitasking380 viewsSome Majora's Mask fanart, also part of a '100 Theme' art challenge I'm taking part in. I've still got a long way to go, but I like how this one turned out.

Fun Fact: The Clock Tower in this picture is about 5 years old - I recycled it from an older picture.
1 commentsSnowsilver
ithadtobedone.PNGIt had to be done380 viewsXD Heheheh, drew this in a MSN conversation with my sister

Vio and Shadow (c) Akira Himekawa
Sailor Moon (c) Naoko Tekeuchi
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
3 commentsKeitii
just_married.jpgjust married380 viewsthis art was hand coppied this is a drawing made by crazyfreak she dose beautiful art work this piece was originaly had zelda in it but i changed it to malon i also showed crazyfreak she felt so honerd to have someonecopy the same art of hers1 commentslilredfox14
shadowthebat.PNGShadow the Bat380 viewsI thought up this cool little thingy in my mind. Where there's like an Animal Festival in Hyrule, and it's a day where everyone dresses up as their favourite animals! =3 I might do a short fan-fic or manga for it or something.

Shadow is a shady person. I chose BATS for him. They hand around in dark places and they can be black. They also have pointy teeth and Shadow has pointy teeth XD

Shadow (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
3 commentsKeitii
Lelda.pngLelda!377 viewsOkay. This is Link and Zelda's daughter...or at least how I think she will look. She's the princess of Hyrule and Zelda is queen and Link is king. She also has a brother named Zink.
As for the origin of their names, well let me explain. Me and my friends were reading an article about Twilight Princess in a gaming magizine, and 1 of my friends said the Legend of Lelda by mistake. Then another 1 of my friends blurted out "I am ZINK son of Link and zelda!" then my friend who said Lelda said. "I am Lelda daughter of Link and Zelda!" and that's the story of Lelda... I'd like to thank my friends 4 the creations of Lelda and Zink! Thank u so much guys! Enjoy!
10 commentsPrincess of Twilight
LoZ2--Moby.jpgZelda 2 AoL Moby377 viewsThe experience-stealing bird from Zelda 2: Adventure of Link.

I used a sprite as reference for this one.

Take it down before it steals some of your hard-earned EXP!
3 commentsDBoyWheeler
ChaosLink and Malon.jpg
ChaosLink and Malon.jpgChaosLink and Malon376 viewsSince I never got around to doing a pic for halloween,.I drew one that might be conciderd scary,.
Also GL kinduv wanted a pic of these two anywho.
ChaosLink formaly known as FrankinLink,.changed his name cause he was more evil then just a monster,.
just a short story Iv'e been writing,.too love involved for this site though,.
but thought the pic was good.
In the story ChaosLink was supposed to kill Malon but I changed it cause I like redheads..and in the story,Chaoslink is a clone of both me and Link,.so it makes sense.
7 commentsFyrborn
part2lmidwmark.jpgLink and Midna - "Twilight Run"375 viewsHere's my second go, fueled by my frustration at Nintendo for not giving us a release date. Three days to sketch, ink, and finish.

Midna looked slightly more comical in the sketch, but I'm not a huge fan of her right hand. It looks a little out of proportion.
2 commentsSnowsilver
Link and Forrest.jpg
Link and Forrest.jpgTwiligth Rider374 viewsumm... not sure of the name of the Twiligth Princess horse ^^U but I COMPLERLY MESSED UP POOR LINK!! >< I'm just no good at drawing people =(17 commentsDust_Bunny
waiting for hero to return-color.jpg
waiting for hero to return-color.jpgWaiting for her hero to return374 viewsI got strict orders to color for Girlink,and this is what has come to be..hahaha.
anyway, Thanks too GL for letting me post them too,because if you had wanted to post them it would be no probulm..hehe I added the almost forgotin tear.
I love my spriting skill with MSpaint.
Hope everyone bows to the SKILL that is GIRLINK!!
8 commentsFyrborn
napster.pngWTF! Not again!!373 viewsI can just see Zelda saying that whenever she gets napped in this game or that4 commentsachitka
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