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Most viewed - Linkcofied
link_riding_epona.jpgLink riding Epona268 viewsJust a quick drawing I did for my sister. 4 commentsslvrwlf05
LoZ2LizalfosByDBoy.jpgZelda 2 AoL Lizalfos268 viewsThe lizard warrior from Zelda 2 Adventure of Link. Gale/Geru in Japanese version, but I call him by the English name (whether or not it's official), Lizalfos.

I tried to use a mix of the official art and the sprites for this, but not sure how it turned out.
1 commentsDBoyWheeler
tetra.jpgTetra Hyrule268 viewsWell here she is. I fecked up the energy. It <b>was</b> suppose to her signature spell "Goddess Blast" but like I said I fecked it up. A few minor changes to her appearance cause I found old pics I had started and I liked the ideas I had put into them. Um and I <b>hate</b> the colouring. I so can't colour with pencils anymore! TT^TT

Princess Tetra Hyrule(c)me:icondragon-rkg:
TLoZ series(c)Nintendo

2 commentsDragon Warrior
041teamwork.jpgTeamwork266 viewsTechnically I drew this last year, and uploaded it on Deviantart without ever putting it here. I forgot, my apologies!

Anyhow, I was a big fan of this one screenshot of Midna and Link looking chummy, and it kind of reminded me how they were a team - moreso than any other sidekick (in my opinion). Midna's hat is a nightmare. That is all.
5 commentsSnowsilver
theadventureoflink cardset.jpg
theadventureoflink cardset.jpgLinkstuffitem Link2 cardset266 viewsI knew I still had these some one of my card binders.
these were trading/game cards that came from nintendo in1998..many other cards had mario and other charecters..each pack of about 9 also had a sticker card at random.
this is all ten the adventures of Link set of cards..there kind of played like you would a scratch ticket..I lost at most of them..
3 commentsFyrborn
Crimbo Link - color.jpg
Crimbo Link - color.jpgCrimbo Link - color265 viewsSame picture, only here I added a dash of color. No intricate shading techniques, just some color to brighten up the pic :)10 commentsCheebee
Link_or_1.pngLink with the magic armor265 viewsI love this armor ^^
12 commentsangel of light
LoZ TP drawing.jpg
LoZ TP drawing.jpgLink & Zelda264 viewsThis is a pict of Link and Zelda. I drew it by looking at some prodution art by nintendo. I've changed a few small details like the sword and the cape but its mostly the same.2 commentsJ-M
Zelda 2.JPG
Zelda 2.JPGZELDA, for Girlink264 viewshere is the second one, I have givin color...THANKS SO MUCH GL FOR LIKING THE COLOR!!
And I'm thrilled to post them for you.
THANKS ALOT,MASTER OF SKETCH...S#!T!! was that Frankenlink...GIT OVER HERE Frankenlink..
8 commentsFyrborn
Linkseaside_copy.pngSeaside Link263 viewsHe's just too cute not to draw - is that windwaker boyo

1 commentsachitka
Link___Epona_3_redone.JPGlink n epona263 viewsya ya..the sword's cut off...biig woopty-doo
that's an enemy on the bottom corner btw.. haha
6 commentsAtEteMiAGaRe
LoZ2--Magic_Jars.jpgZelda 2 AoL Magic Jar263 viewsThe two colors of Magic Jars from Zelda 2: Adventure of Link.

Blue one partially refills magic, red one refills magic fully.

I used sprites as a reference.
2 commentsDBoyWheeler
5--Gooma_of_Palace_on_the_Sea.pngZelda 2 AoL: Palace on the Sea Guardian Gooma262 viewsGooma (JP: Jaianto), Guardian of Palace on the Sea, from Zelda 2: Adventure of Link.

A mix of in game sprite, official art, and some artistic license were used here. Just be careful in this fight.
Link1.JPGLink262 viewsThis is a handwritten picture fom the Ocarina of Time manga. 1 commentsLink_Rulez
dark link and morpha.JPG
dark link and morpha.JPGDark link and morpha261 viewsThis didn't take me long so its pritty bad so meh...White_werewolf
Dark Link.JPG
Dark Link.JPGLink's Shadow261 viewsShadow/Dark Link. Thought it would be fun to do a picture of this cool guy, it didn't quite turn out as well as I had hoped, but you really can't ask much of Windows Paint, now can you?4 commentsBlackHawkA100
Link.jpgThe New Face of Courage261 viewsAlright, while there's only been a short trailer for this (that I know of) the upcoming Game Cube Zelda Link just looked so cool that I couldn't help but try my hand at him. I know it could use some more detail, but at least is was fun to draw.4 commentsBlackHawkA100
Link vs Ganon.jpg
Link vs Ganon.jpgLinkVSGanon260 viewsThis I took alot of time on to get his skin to look almost like a stone smoke color and,. since his head looked kind of demonic,..and he's basicaly all dark and black I thought I'd give a sweet demon colored head..and the swords,..heh thats a secret..Another tribute to GL's defeat of Ganon,..and Toot HOORAAYY!!
5 commentsFyrborn
Linkhorseback-2.jpgLink fighting on horseback260 viewsLink fighting on horsebackmikematei
Cute link and dark link.JPG
Cute link and dark link.JPGCute link and dark link259 viewsI have been drawing alot of serious pictures so i decided to do something cute ^.^3 commentsWhite_werewolf
lasthope.jpgHope and Courage259 viewsRound 2 gift for someone over at the Zelda Exchange. It was fun drawing headshot and full figure in one picture though doing the poses was quite challenging. As always larger version can be found at DA or my site.7 commentscyen
Link_back.pngWhat the !$# is that?259 viewsJust trying out a new tool - tones and stuff

It's Link, with no place left to go. I'm sure he'll be fine though. Once he figures out what the !@#$ that is.
3 commentsachitka
Marin.jpgMarin259 viewsjust Marin from Link's Awakening....drawn in my style of course.Hyrule Chicken
Merry Linkmas!!.jpg
Merry Linkmas!!.jpgMerry Linkmas!!!!259 viewsAfter a long day of drinking eggnog/martinies Link was a little bombed so he decided to give Ganon a present.. an active bombchu...
Have an explosive christmas!!! Zelda legenders!!!!!
we wish you a linky christmas we wish you a linky christmas and a exploded Ganon.
6 commentsFyrborn
852 files on 36 page(s) 23