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Most viewed - Linkcofied
zoralinkiscuute.JPGZora Link....duh221 views Jusr cute old Zora Link :). I almost gave him a belly button, then I realized he.....wasn't human. Hope you like it...3 commentsKifan12
Link_in_action.jpgLink and the Fire temple boss220 viewsI just finshed this. I didn't have enough room to draw Volviaga, though. This is my first time drawing Link in action, so I hope you think it's good!HyruleZelda
link_nastolatek.jpgLoZ OoT:enjoying nice weather220 viewsugh... another creepy background but it's better than nothing
and the sky is nice
so adult Link and Navi are taking lil break from saving the world
Link_the_hedgehog.jpgLink the hedgehog220 viewsThis is what I think Link would look like if he was "Sonic-ified." I'm a big fan of the blue blur and that's what inspired me.

You'll notice I didn't use colored pencils. This artwork was colored in via watercolor
3 commentsNiko the ninja
twin_triforce2.jpgTwin Triforce220 viewstwin Links in both the green and the blue tunics...Hyrule Chicken
Link.jpgLink219 viewsHey! It's Prettydreamerell again! I hope youv'e played twilght princess because mostly all of mine are going to be twilight princess! So this is Link. So stick around for more of my drawings! Prettydreamerell3 commentsPrettydreamerell
Link__s_Awakening_by_Yuese.pngLink's Awakening219 views... ... ... ... ...
I am The Wind Fish ...
Long has been my slumber ...
In my dreams ...
An egg appeard and was surround by an island, with people, animals, an entire world !
... ... ... ... ...
But, verily, it be the nature of dreams to end !
When I dost awaken, Koholint will be gone ...
Only the memory of this dream land will exist in the waking world ...
Someday, thou may recall this island ...
That memory must be the real dream world ...
... ... ... ...
Come, Link ...
Let us awaken ...
Play the eight instruments !
Play the song of awakening !!

(PS it's not my music all credit use to Reila123)

I love Link's Awakening !!!
11 commentsangel of light
Link_copy2.jpgBattle218 viewsOh! I do have a Zelda picture I haven't submitted yet. This is really awful... Sorry D:

2 commentseponagirl
link_happy.PNGHappy Link216 viewsThis is a handwritten picture from the Ocarina of Time manga, which took me a while to draw.
2 commentsRed_Fan
Wolf_Link.JPGWolf Link216 viewsHi again! Okay, this is from my game idea, LoZ: Link's New Adventure; and I had no idea of what happens in Twilight Princess. I made a Trap World (Which looks exactly like the Mirror World), and anybody who goes into the world is transformed into a wolf.
I just realized something: I SHADED this picture. Le gasp.
Link and Twilight Princess is (c) to Nintendo
Trap World and Mirror World is (c) to me
Art is (c) to me
Claim or steal and I'll send Butterfly after you!
4 commentsVaati_Lover
3--Boss_Ironknuckle_of_Island_Palace.pngZelda 2 AoL: Island Palace Guardian Boss Ironknuckle213 viewsThe Boss Ironknuckle, aka Rebonack, who protects the Island Palace.

Get ready for one hell of a jousting match!

Official art was the reference for his design. But the shade of blue was from his in-game sprite.
Before_being_sealed.pngFierce Deity213 viewsThat'll be the last one for today. :) The portrait was drawn and painted in Photoshop CS2. ^^ It's still my favourite even though it's not the most recent; yet there are many details off, proportion-wise at least. :/ Well, enjoy <36 commentsWaann
grannysoup.pnggranny's soup213 viewsSparkly!7 commentsesuri
linknsaria.jpgLink and Saria212 viewsOne of my first Zelda fanarts. This was done in 2004... Saria's one of my favorite characters from OoT. I'm actually not so keen about the official art of kid Link so I ended up drawing him and Saria in a style closer to my usual style.1 commentscyen
Chu_Chews_color_copy.pngChu Chews!211 viewsAccording to my brother, if the Zelda universe had candy, it'd be this. Chu Chews, the chewy chu-jelly candy! I'm guessing they're something like gummi balls or whatever. He says they could be more like bubble gum... I prefer the gummi ball idea, though.

So, yeah, as you can see, it's WW style Like in a psudo-promo poster type thing.

And now I want some candy... dang.
8 commentsthepbjninja
linkinred.jpgLink in Red211 viewsYet another oldie from around 2004. Despite some weirdness with the background and the pose, I still like this pic even today. Link looks awesome in red, and that's why I drew this. :D1 commentscyen
ordongoat.jpgLink and Ordon Goat211 viewsYeah, very exciting title... I just wanted to draw Link and Ordon goat and practice shading fur. Those goats are so cute. 5 commentscyen
Twilight-link-like.jpgLink211 viewsOur new-old hero. I mixed different games x_x Kill me.
Why, oh why cant I draw feet?
Again, no background. I had no patience left :D
Early darklink.jpg
Early darklink.jpgEarly darklink210 viewsI drew this when I was coming up with my darklink poem,.you can kind of see it through the paper on the backside,.
just never felt like posting it till now.still havn't posted that poem yet,.
3 commentsFyrborn
kawa_#322;02.jpgLoZ_OoT_adult_saga_ep25209 viewsa screenshoot of my deskop;)cahir-the-witcher
link.jpgYou and Me209 viewsTwo old friends: Volvagia and Link3 commentsBlackfang
link_sketch.JPGlink sketch209 viewsa little sketch of link that i made during church XD yea i was bored.... link looks crosseyed.......oh well, it's a pretty good picture i think. yeah 1 commentspyrofish
Sketchy Link face.gif
Sketchy Link face.gifSketchy Link Face209 viewsThis is a sketchy drawing of link's head. MSpaint of course.
It blinks! I did that because it was too boring as it was. So it blinks. Often.
3 commentsMysticWarriorTai
Easter1.jpgHappy Easter 2009208 viewsHeh, I drew this for my little sister for Easter. I'd thought I share it with you guys! Aww poor WW Link is scared of the bunny's creepy big eyes! O_O lol You may me see in the piece.

Zelda, Link © Nintendo
Artwork © Divine_Link
3 commentsDivine_Link
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