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z1manual-11-12.jpg5247 views
05-poster.jpgGroup Poster5215 viewsSource: Scanned and Edited by Melora- From the Versus Books Guide (US)Melora
05-al-volvagia.jpgLink vs Volvagia5199 viewsSource: Scanned and Edited by Melora- From the Versus Books Guide (US) There's an even larger one further in that was posted by Lord of Shadow further in the gallery.Melora
920769_112304_screen002.jpg5126 viewsKhuffie
05-al-battlescene.jpgBattle Scene5124 viewsSource: Scanned and Edited by Melora- From the Versus Books Guide (US)Melora
gsg-daniela-windfish.jpgWind Fish5055 viewsSources: Scanned and contributed by Daniela, from the Official Link's Awakening German Player's Guide! Notes: The Wind Fish flying with some geese, done in a beautifully rendered style. -I love itMelora
z64-lost_woods(tropicrock).mid5043 viewsdavogones
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z4-silver-arrow.jpgSilver Arrow5009 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link's Awakening Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora. Notes: I had to think about where I wanted to place this image. Since it was from the LA guide, but was illustrating back story for the original Legend of Zelda, I decided on this section.Melora
onilink.jpg4990 viewsOni Link.
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