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ideastart.jpgPhaze 1 of awesomness1135 viewsI'm planning a huge scene off of this pic with tons of effects I have no idea how to do. The lighting was really hard because later I'm having a light from above and I had to remove the light from the right. I used a technique called "light painting" in photoshop, it was pretty sweet how it actually worked. The Link pic originally came from this IGN pic of link doing a backflip.18 commentsdudeofrandomness
scary_poe.jpgScary Poe1129 viewsMy take on a Poe, more scary.18 commentsShady Gambino
Din.pngThe Goddess of Power1127 viewsthis time its Din!

yay red! wait... its more pinkish... o_o;
23 commentsbrigette
harshcomic.gifThe Harsh Comic1127 viewsHistory Time!
Way back in the day, before the Fall of the old Zeldalegends (ooh, how mythical sounding), there were wars. Terrible wars between the Fan Artists and the Spammers, fighting for the sanctity of the Gallery. They were know as the Spam Wars.

Leading the forces of good (the origianal Artists) were heros such as Imazeldagirl, Ganondorf, Hacker Z, IronKnuckle, Dan Heron, Obsessed_Zelda_Freak, and myself, just to name a few.

Leading the forces of 3vi|_ were spammers such as black_link and his many personas- white_link, red_link, green_link, gray_link, rainbow_link, etc. They sought to poison the gallery by posting unaltered official art and making irrelevant comments. No one was safe.

In an effort to fight the 3vi|_, Hacker Z and I began a campaign where we not only refuted the spammers with our commets, but also with our art. This particular picture is a compilation by me of several brave pics by HZ. I post this pic today in the aftermath of Rhyksha, to remind spammers what waits in the Depths of the Gallery.
25 commentsKoroks Rock
weeblminish.swfMinish Links meets Weebl1127 viewsSoundless
17 KB
Flash 6

I started to upload the old jpeg version of this little loop when it occured to me that i could make the same picture, at higher resolution, and moving, if i did the job in flash. Hence, I took the old motionless picture and rerendered it in flash, which cut it's size down to 17 KB, contrary to it's previous 160+ KB. That's the power of flash.

The loop is pretty self-explainitory, for those who know about Weebl and Bob. For those unfortuneate souls who do not, go to i think, that may be an incorrect URL.

8 commentsKoroks Rock
ZeldaPoster copy.jpg
ZeldaPoster copy.jpgThis is in my series of Zelda movie posters1123 viewsThis is a Zelda-centric poster for the series which stars my favorite actress, the beloved Natalie Portman.23 commentsHero_of_Light
linkjuggle.jpgHey Sheik!1122 viewsThis little idea was born when I had the image of link showing off to Sheik. Bear in mind that I'm a sheik=girl follower, but even if sheik was a fellow guy, this would make sense. Teenagers love to show off, even when the risks are unthinkable. It's supposed to be set in Death Mtn. Crater, sorry the semblance is so bad.13 commentsKoroks Rock
linkvsgannon.jpgLink Vs. Gannon1114 viewsLink fighting Gannon. Character based work, pencil and Photoshop. Once of my earlier works. 9 commentsShady Gambino
majora sketch.jpg
majora sketch.jpgMajora rough sketch1112 viewsAh, Majora, another Ayike (Ayikes have small and round ears). Such innocent look hides the fact she's in control of the corpse of the Goddess of the nightmares.
She can transform her body into a vicious creature, just like the Wrath in MM
4 commentsdan heron
sh.jpgSheikah warrior colored1109 views...again....=P14 commentsMelilot
kado sketch.jpg
kado sketch.jpgKado rough sketch1100 viewsKado, Link's dark side, and now loving and annoying brother X3
Kado is pure sugar and a bit of insanity. He's a mestizo of Hylian, Gerudo, Sheika and Ayike.
He uses a huge sword that changes its shape at his will. Very dangerous but very sweet ^^
6 commentsdan heron
EBMMoCh9.png1097 viewsCover for chapter 9 of my fan fiction.

Oh..if your going to say anything about how bad Darunia looks..I suggest you press the back button or just..well..DON'T say anything at all about him.

Darunia,Link,Zelda © Nintendo
Reeses © Maria Mc.
Razz © Micheal G.
9 commentsMariaGemini
AoLmoon.JPGQuiet Walk1095 viewsThis is inspired by the title screen of AoL12 commentsThat Guy
them_enemies_sneak_behind_you_by_red_fan-d4pnokv.jpgThem enemies sneak behind you!1094 viewsSomething I did for a project in school.

I'm pretty sure I failed on the shading somewhere.

Boy, I haven't posted a Legend of Zelda pic in a while.
Ilia.jpgIlia1090 viewsI havent seen a fanart of Ilia yet! so i made one. hope u like it!27 commentseponagirl
!!SIG!!!.gifLink vs. Ganondorf sig1087 viewsThis is Kind of like the battle against ganondorf in Ocarina of Time. I just couldn't find a sprite showed ganondorf using his cape so i made that wierd block. Plus their aren't any light arrows involved. So it is only like the battle against ganondorf in the power ball way. Except that he didn't charge the really powerful ball. Oh, well. It is just a power ball volley i guess.20 commentsMysticWarriorTai
link and malon colored.jpg
link and malon colored.jpgLink+Malon colored1087 viewsmade from all colored pencils. THIS WAS REQUESTED FROM Dark_Mistress_666!!! (from fanart central) This like is my third request that I had ever done. I don't get request that much, but if you like you can ask. I take awhile to finish requests pics though. So do it one at a time. Okay, I really screwed up this pic, sorry, my posture making is really bad. I need more practice. Something is wrong with it in sooo many ways... :(
16 commentsAllysa
Nayru.pngThe Goddess of Wisdom1087 viewsand finally... the third goddess, Nayru! XD

sorry for the crappiness... i sketched it in about 10 min ^^;

yay blue!! ^___^
21 commentsbrigette
hits copy.jpg
hits copy.jpg100 000 hits in DA1085 viewsCommemoration pic for my 100k in Deviant Art X3
A pc with lots of blood and gore and cute girls!!!
hee hee, well, if you have seen my stuff for a while, you know that all my female characters kick ass, bash skulls and blow the shit out of anybody who messes with them. I have many crazy girls who are, well crazy, and would paint the city red, but I decided to show you a more balanced team.
Hikagi, Carid and Aliku (yay, more Alikuness! ). Dont ever make them angry, unless you want a slow and painful death X3
Hikagi uses steel tonfas, and as you can see, she enjoys playing with them. Carid uses a kompei (not sure if I spelled it right ^-^; ) and, besides of her brute force, she has psychokinetic powers, that's why she's floating. Aliku, now with her tantos <3 she loves them to death ^^

Hikagi: Otay! Who's next! "giggle" <3
Carid: Hmmm, that's one of my best jobs.
Aliku: And for mah next trick, Ah'm gonna need teh help of you sir!"

Hikagi, Carid, Aliku, Harincos, Ayikes (c) ME!!!!!
8 commentsdan heron
zeldamovie11111.swflink vs dark link pt11082 views ok my first "real" flash movie. still getting used to this >.<. i dont know how to stop sounds so the damn wind sound kept going and canceled out some other sounds..8 commentsbathroomhacker
fgdfgdfgdfg small complete.JPG
fgdfgdfgdfg small complete.JPGFanfiction Keeping The Faith chapter 8 comic1081 viewsthis is from my fanfiction keeping the faith chapter 8. its not posted yet, dont worry it has no spoilers, it only has a short scenery on the story. Ill post it soon. its a preview. sorry that the dialogue is gay and that it not colored of shaded. Follow the numbered panels....if oyu want to see it more cleary just click the know.......14 commentsAllysa
Tpfanartwiback.jpgLink and Midna1081 viewsMy first post-E3 Twilight Princess fanart.

I have discovered that Midna is harder to draw than she looks.
25 commentsSnowsilver
Prt8_4SGBA1.pngZBC- Part 8-Four Swords GBA1080 views Bosses Four Swords (GBA) game.
ALL designs and art here is © Maria McGuigan 2004.
Bosses for the Four Swords (GBA) game are © Nintendo.


HA! I figured out how to upload all of them at once without uploading them indiviually! [I can't spell that word! HOORAY!]
I finally found Minish Cap boss information. Thus..they have been added to the ZBC count.
-boogie- It only took me a few months to do!
5 commentsMariaGemini
sleepy.jpggetting....sleepy1079 viewsthe girl is an original character of mine. Her name is Ellekime (pronounced el-a-key-may). she is not related to link. she is a sheikah, im not sure whether or not she should be related to impa, maybe an aunt or something. i wish i could think of a fanfic where i can put her in it but i dont have the patience to write one. so you'll just see her in my drawings i guess, who knows, i just might one day find the courage to write a story! and the whole fairy thing, dont get confused i just decided to adda little fairy for the heck of it23 commentsMichelle K.
3354 files on 140 page(s) 7