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Last additions - Korok's Creations
yelling3.gifYelling Back615 viewsi'm trying to get reinvolved in the Legends Alliance forums, so a new avatar was in order. this pic is the product of a very simple edit: instead of link just smiling into Ezlo's wrath, he's yelling back. It's so small as to be negligable, except that it completely changes the meaning of the pic.

edit= i decided it was worth animating after all. animated entirely in Imageready, which was a learning expirience. it would have been easier to do it in flash, but i need to familiarize myself with imageready. this actually took three tries to get it right, with just using imageready, and 5 uploads. bleh.
10 commentsKoroks RockOct 12, 2005
4sOnline.jpg4 Swords Online BG592 viewsSo, during my lunch i doodled a bit, very bored-like, and came up with a few little 4s in capital Os. I've been thinking for sometime about reincarnating the Zelda Online idea as a Cube Legends gamemode, and the sketches seemed to jump out at me "4 Swords Online!!"

So i took the sketches, went over to a comp with a scanner, and dropped the images into photoshop. twenty minutes later, with a little help from a CD of Zelda Media (something i recommend all fanartists make), I had a half-decent background.

So ja, just a little something to ease my appalling lack of fanart. Simple, easy on me, and maybe a bt of fun for yall to think about. Who knows, maybe it'll be worth it for me to code a zelda gamemode into CL (which started out as a zelda game, btw)
9 commentsKoroks RockSep 28, 2005
BHchallenge.gifBH's challenge512 viewswell, BH challenged us to color his outline of the Gilded Sword, and two people have already done so. So I thought to myself "With competition like this, what's the best way to compete? work outside the rules!" so rather than coloring the sword like BH asked us to, i modelled it in Q2Modeller, my 3d modeller of choice. the sword is extremely rough-hewn, because each and every vertex and triangle was done by hand. if i get some positive reception, i'll up the vertex count and skin it.8 commentsKoroks RockSep 06, 2005
blueemblem.jpgHyrule Emblem Texture422 viewsWow, i made this ages ago for Cube Legends (my game MOD) and just realized i hadn't uploaded it here. it's just a simple little texture for CTF maps to use, in order to help players know what side of the map they're on. It was loosely based off some of the 4SA official art, along with a stone texture i had already made.

Nothing fancy, just practical.
6 commentsKoroks RockAug 29, 2005
z1map~0.swf833 viewsAh, at last i can upload again. It's good to be able to do that once more. Especially considering this is a second upload of this file :)

This static flash is simply a render of the overworld of Zelda 1, textured by me. I did get substantial help putting the map itsef together from simplified screenies, but the texturing in flash was all me. I'm considering doing the same kind of thing i did for OoT, but i'm not sure if it's worth the effort.
5 commentsKoroks RockAug 26, 2005
oot_sum.swfSumation of OoT888 viewsOnce again, this is a hyperspeed rendition of what happens thoughout OoT. I listed (most of) the items in the upper left corner as you get them, with a number of exceptions, mostly due to my inner lazyness. I also posted where/what's going on in the lower left corner, which helps clear stuff up a bit, and the trading game in the upper right.

I decided to use FireGS's Tal Tal Mtn song (from because it's a good song for this. Also, it's already an MP3, which means i don't have to rerecord it myself :)

Finally, i decided not to cut>animate the adult bosses because it took so much effort to animate the young link bosses and i wanted to stay under 1 megabyte.

This will be my last production until perhaps September: I'm going to staff at a backpacking camp for the rest of July, and then August is going to be pure h*ll for me, what with school starting again and having to catch up on other projects. I'll be back and commenting about August the 2nd, but not posting new stuff.
6 commentsKoroks RockJul 13, 2005
harshcomic.gifThe Harsh Comic1142 viewsHistory Time!
Way back in the day, before the Fall of the old Zeldalegends (ooh, how mythical sounding), there were wars. Terrible wars between the Fan Artists and the Spammers, fighting for the sanctity of the Gallery. They were know as the Spam Wars.

Leading the forces of good (the origianal Artists) were heros such as Imazeldagirl, Ganondorf, Hacker Z, IronKnuckle, Dan Heron, Obsessed_Zelda_Freak, and myself, just to name a few.

Leading the forces of 3vi|_ were spammers such as black_link and his many personas- white_link, red_link, green_link, gray_link, rainbow_link, etc. They sought to poison the gallery by posting unaltered official art and making irrelevant comments. No one was safe.

In an effort to fight the 3vi|_, Hacker Z and I began a campaign where we not only refuted the spammers with our commets, but also with our art. This particular picture is a compilation by me of several brave pics by HZ. I post this pic today in the aftermath of Rhyksha, to remind spammers what waits in the Depths of the Gallery.
25 commentsKoroks RockJul 06, 2005
dance~0.swf920 viewsif someone wants to sing it for me i'd be glad to add in your voice, but i decided my voice (bass) is not fitted for such a song (go listen to some russians hear to see what i sound like).

Also, if anyone has any dance suggestions i'll take them, but for now this sums up the animation pretty well. As always though, it's a work in progress :)
12 commentsKoroks RockJul 06, 2005
collage2~0.jpgTP Contest Collage1051 viewsSo this is my second attemp, i followed some advice graciously given to me by the other fanarters, thank you- collages are not my speciality but i'm willing to give it a shot. This time around the pic is much busier, with it's base material pulled from more sources. Still essentially the same pic though, I'm too lazy to completely redo it :)19 commentsKoroks RockJun 01, 2005
split_wallpaper2.jpgSplit Nature (redone)673 viewsthis is a redo of the previous wallpaper i did. as i explained on that one (though few seemed to listen), i deliberately have everything to one side. DELIBERATELY. For this one I've had to extrapolate the bg and also the wolf's neck quite a bit, which leads to the repeated patterns you see. sorry about that, but it's kinda unavoidable. i did remove the Hylian Crest and the text, to unclutter it, but i think that by changing the spliting line i recluttered it. oh well.

note that while this is not a perfect use of Rule of Thirds, \it's close enough for this purpose. think of it as Rule of Three Fifths.
7 commentsKoroks RockMay 29, 2005
split_wallpaper.jpgSplit Natures (wallpaper)837 viewsThis is a relatively straightforward edit to existing artwork that you can find on Nintendo Power magazines (or so i'm told. i dunno, i got it from zeldalegends). the tricky bit was trying to change the pic's proportions without distorting the subjects. i tried at some length to displace the bottom and top to the sides, but once i did so i realized that it didn't work out as a background.

so i scrapped it and went for the rule-of-thirds appoach you see here, twisting the existing side material backwards so as to give the user some space to put their desktop icons. i also tried to apply the sexy new logo, but i really didn't work colorwise. so i just stuck the name over to the right, mirroring the now-classic Unreal Tournament backgrounds.

So the root subject is not mine, i don't take credit for it, but getting it to work as a background was my effort.
14 commentsKoroks RockMay 29, 2005
hotness.jpgTwilight Princess Background904 viewsAnyone else think the new screenies are hot? specifically this one? i do.

Simple pic, all i did was crop the original a bit, expand the canvas, make two lines, and blend in the new logo. i did a little bit of color adjustment and added in a gradient so the two elements would go together better, but overall this is a very small change from the original.

good god i'm excited about this game.
27 commentsKoroks RockMay 17, 2005
collage2.jpgChallenge Background1316 viewsOK, here's my entry in the little Z'05 challenge. Any advice or comments are very welcome, I doubt this is the final version.

Made entirely in photoshop during my Independant Study.
32 commentsKoroks RockMay 04, 2005
inevit1.jpgInevitability DeMotivator1246 viewsI don't know how many of you know about DeMotivators ( ), but they're a fun bunch of posters which i happen to be a big fan of. After viewing some of the new Z'05 screens, the idea came to me to mix some of my reactions to the pics with the basic concepts of the DeMotivators. Here we see Link facing the Inevitable.

It happens to be 800x600, so it can be used for a background or small printout. Made in photoshop, during my Independant Study of graphic design, very quickly and easily.
12 commentsKoroks RockApr 27, 2005
hand.jpgRough (smoothed) Draft for Gauntlet.600 viewsEver notice how ganon and link have rather similar gauntlets? i'm supposed to be making some stuff in my Independant study with 3DMax, so i figured i'd make one of their gauntlets. I'm not sure whose I'm making, but at this point it doesn't matter. Obviously, this model is still in the works, so if anyone wants to give me some advice, i'm open to it at, as well as here in the gallery. Made in 3DMax, image touched up in photoshop.15 commentsKoroks RockApr 22, 2005
islands_bg.jpgZunari's Homeland1215 viewsI'm just taking a break from modelling for now, and am playing around with a program called terragen. It's chief use is making skyboxes, but it can also be useful for artistic wallpapers like this.

The idea was to make a group of islands that would resemble Zunari's (the shop guy in WW) homeland, which is supposed to be all cold and snowy. Originally I had it much, much more snowy, but I decided it wasn't very visually engaging, so I severely turned down the snow and added plenty of rock and a little grass. In retrospect I wish I had kept more of the snow. Oh well.

I don't even want to know how many quadrilaterals this had, it took my computer 11 minutes to render.
28 commentsKoroks RockFeb 03, 2005
oldman2.jpgIngame Old Man802 viewsHere's that old man (see previous picture) which i made, in the engine.4 commentsKoroks RockJan 26, 2005
oldman1.jpgMD2 Old Man604 viewsRemember the somewhat random old men scattered throughout Zelda 1? And have continued to appear everywhere since? This is his newest rendition. it's a very simple model that will stand on a text trigger, creating the illusion of an NPC (Non Player Character).4 commentsKoroks RockJan 26, 2005
dekunut.jpgMD2 Deku Nuts550 viewsThe logical ammo for the slingshot was deku nuts, and here they are. Three simple spheres facing together. The skin is a rather low quality scan from my OoT guide, twisted appropriately (i'm afraid it's rather unconvincing ingame). And the stats are:

Number of Vertices: 78
Number of Skin Vertices: 78
Number of Faces: 144
Number of Frames: 1
Average Size of Triangles: 352

Build Time: 35 min, quick scan for skin
3 commentsKoroks RockJan 20, 2005
bullets.jpgMD2 Magic Pot484 viewsThe magic pot was a fun little way of creating ammo for the Flame rod. Stats:

Number of Vertices: 56
Number of Skin Vertices: 115
Number of Faces: 116
Number of Frames: 1
Average Size of Triangles: 264

Build Time: 40 min, plus brief skinning
4 commentsKoroks RockJan 20, 2005
bomb.jpgMD2 Bomb513 viewsThis is the new bomb ammo for the Bomb Launcher in LoZ:Cube. It enjoys a somewhat higher polycount than your everyday ammo, because it's a sphere, which requires more vertices. Unfortuneately the skin sux. Stats:

Number of Vertices: 55
Number of Skin Vertices: 57
Number of Faces: 106
Number of Frames: 1
Average Size of Triangles: 260

Build Time: 1 hour, plus lengthy skin work
7 commentsKoroks RockJan 20, 2005
quiver.jpgMD2 Quiver554 views(sorry about the heigth of this pic)

This is a modded screenshot of the new ammunition model for the bow. It's pretty low-poly because ammo tends to be prevalent across levels, which means that it will be appearing a lot. hence, to keep it from swamping low end machines, I've been force to make it extremely simple. Some stats:

Number of Vertices: 35
Number of Skin Vertices: 35
Number of Faces: 56
Number of Frames: 1
Average Size of Triangles: 180

Build Time: 30 minutes, plus a few skin revisons
5 commentsKoroks RockJan 20, 2005
redead_dungeon.jpgRedead's Dungeon780 viewsThis wing of the Tut is quite dark, and houses a fe Redeas and other such creatures. Hence the left side of the pic is altogether too dark to be much good, but that's the way things are. I'm looking up here, so we're getting the rising view of the ReDead, and the chains I have hung from the ceiling as eye candy. if you look to the right you can see an alcove in the wall which is revealed only at the end of the level.4 commentsKoroks RockJan 13, 2005
stalfos_bridge.jpgStalfos' Bridge688 viewsThis is also from my Tut, this particular area demonstrating jumppads with a little "encouragement" from two Stalfos. the only excuse I could come up with for having a jumppad was to have a chasm you must cross, but the brige was broken (see the middle of the pic, over the blask chasm).

i'm afraid that the Stalfos is barely in the pic, but they weren't my goal, so it's OK. I was hoping to get a bit more of them though.
5 commentsKoroks RockJan 13, 2005
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