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Top rated - Korok's Creations
BHchallenge.gifBH's challenge512 viewswell, BH challenged us to color his outline of the Gilded Sword, and two people have already done so. So I thought to myself "With competition like this, what's the best way to compete? work outside the rules!" so rather than coloring the sword like BH asked us to, i modelled it in Q2Modeller, my 3d modeller of choice. the sword is extremely rough-hewn, because each and every vertex and triangle was done by hand. if i get some positive reception, i'll up the vertex count and skin it.8 commentsKoroks Rock
(5 votes)
linkjuggle.jpgHey Sheik!1132 viewsThis little idea was born when I had the image of link showing off to Sheik. Bear in mind that I'm a sheik=girl follower, but even if sheik was a fellow guy, this would make sense. Teenagers love to show off, even when the risks are unthinkable. It's supposed to be set in Death Mtn. Crater, sorry the semblance is so bad.13 commentsKoroks Rock
(9 votes)
fallen_knight.jpgA Fallen Knight of Hyrule720 viewswhoops, just realized i didn't reskin the shield. Dangit.

Bleh. This is a screen from my game Mod, in a level called Dormant Menace (which is actually a revision of my first game map, ever). The idea is that there are bodies and pools of blood left around from a recent battle, and this is just one of many.

I couldn't tell you how many verts are onscreen, because this compiles about three different models. there are about 4 textures being used, three 256^2 and a 64^2.

it took me about an hour to reskin and remodel the knight (which is not originally mine, but i've done a bumload of work to it). the blood spats took me about 5 minutes. place would have been about two minutes too, except that i changed some inherent apects of how this stuff is called, so it extended that prcess to about twenty minutes.

So, not a terribly long job, but a productive one with results i'm pretty happy with. Remember that there are about twenty of these in the map, so it has to be low-poly enough to not slow down gameplay
9 commentsKoroks Rock
(8 votes)
inevit1.jpgInevitability DeMotivator1246 viewsI don't know how many of you know about DeMotivators ( ), but they're a fun bunch of posters which i happen to be a big fan of. After viewing some of the new Z'05 screens, the idea came to me to mix some of my reactions to the pics with the basic concepts of the DeMotivators. Here we see Link facing the Inevitable.

It happens to be 800x600, so it can be used for a background or small printout. Made in photoshop, during my Independant Study of graphic design, very quickly and easily.
12 commentsKoroks Rock
(10 votes)
collage2~0.jpgTP Contest Collage1051 viewsSo this is my second attemp, i followed some advice graciously given to me by the other fanarters, thank you- collages are not my speciality but i'm willing to give it a shot. This time around the pic is much busier, with it's base material pulled from more sources. Still essentially the same pic though, I'm too lazy to completely redo it :)19 commentsKoroks Rock
(16 votes)
zora.jpgPoor Tatl...1348 viewsI once drew this after having been pestered by Tatl one too many times. It's a fairly old pic, and rather in need of some touching up.22 commentsKoroks Rock
(6 votes)
icon-screen copy.jpg
icon-screen copy.jpgLoZ-Cube Logo (in production)690 viewsSo here's a screenshot of me working on the new icon/logo/thing for LoZ-Cube, my game (which will be made available to the public this weekend!)

This goes to show that there are all sorts of alternatives to the dreaded MS Paint, if you'll just go googling. This is doubly productive to boot.
7 commentsKoroks Rock
(4 votes)
gumball2.jpg"Gumball" Cover 2.0567 viewsWell, i managed to fix the gallery (w00t!) and so now i can show you the very nearly finished version of A Goron Stole My Gumball cover. This is directly based off of Feldon's sketch, and follows it closely, with a few small changes. Basically, i just added textures and shading. i used some non-commercial textures by two friends named DG and Sock, and then editted them appropriately. i use their stuff a lot, it saves me a huge amount of work. The moon is a picture of the moon i took a while ago, color adjusted for this pic.

Now, almost all that's left is to get the text colors right. Feldon, I need your input for this :) Input from anyone else would be great too, I'm sure there are lots of tweaks i can do.
3 commentsKoroks Rock
(2 votes)
4sOnline.jpg4 Swords Online BG592 viewsSo, during my lunch i doodled a bit, very bored-like, and came up with a few little 4s in capital Os. I've been thinking for sometime about reincarnating the Zelda Online idea as a Cube Legends gamemode, and the sketches seemed to jump out at me "4 Swords Online!!"

So i took the sketches, went over to a comp with a scanner, and dropped the images into photoshop. twenty minutes later, with a little help from a CD of Zelda Media (something i recommend all fanartists make), I had a half-decent background.

So ja, just a little something to ease my appalling lack of fanart. Simple, easy on me, and maybe a bt of fun for yall to think about. Who knows, maybe it'll be worth it for me to code a zelda gamemode into CL (which started out as a zelda game, btw)
9 commentsKoroks Rock
(8 votes)
stalfos_bridge.jpgStalfos' Bridge688 viewsThis is also from my Tut, this particular area demonstrating jumppads with a little "encouragement" from two Stalfos. the only excuse I could come up with for having a jumppad was to have a chasm you must cross, but the brige was broken (see the middle of the pic, over the blask chasm).

i'm afraid that the Stalfos is barely in the pic, but they weren't my goal, so it's OK. I was hoping to get a bit more of them though.
5 commentsKoroks Rock
(7 votes)
fish1.jpgye olde FishTank instruction manual, tablet 1536 viewsJa. based on Link's Awakening offical art, idea derived from conversation in the Legends Alliance forums. tried to make it so that the edits are easily visible, but don't stick out badly.

<.< what? i'm not strange at all <.<
6 commentsKoroks Rock
(5 votes)
dancing.gifAoL Link Dancing485 viewsNot my prettiest animation (i hate the colors, even though I adjusted the some), but it conveys a mood that I wanted to show visually.3 commentsKoroks Rock
(4 votes)
nss_title_compressed.pngNagori, Saimon, and Senkyoku430 viewsSome title photshopping I've done as a thank-you for Achitka. The linework and context is her work, which I have applied my photoshoppy ways unto. An embarassingly small effort on my part, but i think it an appropriate way of thanking her.2 commentsKoroks Rock
(3 votes)
redead_dungeon.jpgRedead's Dungeon780 viewsThis wing of the Tut is quite dark, and houses a fe Redeas and other such creatures. Hence the left side of the pic is altogether too dark to be much good, but that's the way things are. I'm looking up here, so we're getting the rising view of the ReDead, and the chains I have hung from the ceiling as eye candy. if you look to the right you can see an alcove in the wall which is revealed only at the end of the level.4 commentsKoroks Rock
(2 votes)
dance~0.swf920 viewsif someone wants to sing it for me i'd be glad to add in your voice, but i decided my voice (bass) is not fitted for such a song (go listen to some russians hear to see what i sound like).

Also, if anyone has any dance suggestions i'll take them, but for now this sums up the animation pretty well. As always though, it's a work in progress :)
12 commentsKoroks Rock
(10 votes)
collage2.jpgChallenge Background1316 viewsOK, here's my entry in the little Z'05 challenge. Any advice or comments are very welcome, I doubt this is the final version.

Made entirely in photoshop during my Independant Study.
32 commentsKoroks Rock
(16 votes)
biggoron colored.jpg
biggoron colored.jpgBiggoron Pose620 viewsThis is a simple resketching of the classic OoT pose, just with the biggoron sword rather than the master & hylian combo. It was my first fan art pic ever, period, which is why the boots and such are so funky.9 commentsKoroks Rock
(9 votes)
explaination.swfWhy Zelda and Link always CoExist1653 viewsSoundless
270 KB
Flash 6

This is a short, small flash I've made using Minish and OoT official art (and a screenshot from the GCN movie) in an effort to humorously explain why there's always a Link around when there's a Zelda.

Note that I'm trying to set a basis for how to introduce flash, so people can know if they need to dampen their volume, or be ready for a long wait, or even have a compatable browser.
21 commentsKoroks Rock
(10 votes)
Noseplug.jpgThe Noseplug Incident901 viewsThis is a very old joke, one of my earliest pics. The idea was that Link, having been recently beaten up, has accidentally used Navi as a noseplug, because he's too bloodied to tell the difference.11 commentsKoroks Rock
(10 votes)
darunia.jpgDarunia's Confusion1462 viewsThis is another oldie, drawn from an abstract impression of what the Gorons say to child link as he first explores their city. The idea is, in a nutshell, that Ganon comes in full of self-righteousness and threats and ominous portents, to the utter confusion of Darunia, who thinks everything is going fine.

I had some fun with the background here, adding in my plethora of Goron expessions and the unique goron ? mark: it was mostly to make up for my poor goron drawing skills.
12 commentsKoroks Rock
(7 votes)
gerudosheild1.jpgQ2 Gerudo Sheild629 viewsDirectly modeled after the OoT sheild, this 3D model is virtually vertex per vertex to the original. The only real issue is that my lighting engine doesn't support reflections, so the 64 version is infinitely better ingame. Do'h!5 commentsKoroks Rock
(7 votes)
self pencil.jpg
self pencil.jpgA Different Gerudo King448 viewsI've always wanted to know what the other gerudo kings looked like. This is a postulation of mine, using just an ordinary pencil and plain white paper. Not even photoshop.

The reference for the pic was, bleh, me. I have a very Egyptian look to me (gee, wonder why...), and so what better way of designing something than using your own body parts? yes, i do have a beard patch, but no, the rest of my hair is not like that. i have very bushy wild hair that i did not feel like drawing. i tried to get the shadows under the eyes right but it kind of failed.

oh, and the background... kind of cropped up halfway through the sketching process, i got tired of following reality. but then i wnet back to shading, which erased a lot of the Egytian details. There were several shading things i didn't like, but my hand was getting shiny and cramped, so i stopped.
7 commentsKoroks Rock
(4 votes)
ZeldasTale.jpgDark Sages: Zelda's Tale555 viewsA simple edit of some OoT art, combined with Triforce text and a cloud render. Color adjustments to make it seem brooding but historical.

Made to appear at the beginning of Dark Sages: Zelda's Tale (a fanfic of mine).
3 commentsKoroks Rock
(2 votes)
harshcomic.gifThe Harsh Comic1142 viewsHistory Time!
Way back in the day, before the Fall of the old Zeldalegends (ooh, how mythical sounding), there were wars. Terrible wars between the Fan Artists and the Spammers, fighting for the sanctity of the Gallery. They were know as the Spam Wars.

Leading the forces of good (the origianal Artists) were heros such as Imazeldagirl, Ganondorf, Hacker Z, IronKnuckle, Dan Heron, Obsessed_Zelda_Freak, and myself, just to name a few.

Leading the forces of 3vi|_ were spammers such as black_link and his many personas- white_link, red_link, green_link, gray_link, rainbow_link, etc. They sought to poison the gallery by posting unaltered official art and making irrelevant comments. No one was safe.

In an effort to fight the 3vi|_, Hacker Z and I began a campaign where we not only refuted the spammers with our commets, but also with our art. This particular picture is a compilation by me of several brave pics by HZ. I post this pic today in the aftermath of Rhyksha, to remind spammers what waits in the Depths of the Gallery.
25 commentsKoroks Rock
(10 votes)
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